It was impossible to convince men to use anything more than a bar of soap a decade ago. It was considered “unmanly” for a man to take care of himself. Men’s grooming was supposed to be “tough and rugged”. Today, the trend is changing. More and more men are taking care of their appearance and hygiene.
The roots of men grooming can be traced back to the caveman days where hinged shells were used to pluck facial hairs. However, the trend didn’t become mainstream until very recently. The trend of men’s grooming started in the 1970s. Televisions made it more accessible for the general population to see celebrities. And, what people noticed was how male celebrities were grooming themselves using many cosmetic trends. Today, the average male takes much better care of his appearance than 30 years ago. We have compiled below the list of the most essential grooming tips and products that you need to try for a more dapper look.
Sometimes even a well-chiselled face needs some skincare. Probably because the face is the first thing someone looks at when they see you. Hence, it must be groomed not just for appearance but also for keeping acne and blackheads away. Although acne is not all too common among men, blackheads are. But the thing is, not everyone is careful enough to tame them. That doesn’t mean it is any difficult either. All you need is the right set of tools. We recommend you incorporating the best men’s face care routine that works for you to maintain fresh and radiant skin.
The reason why men are less prone to acne and environmental pollutants is that they have relatively tougher skin. While this is great news, the same can also mean that most skincare products are going to have less effect on their skin as well. That’s why men’s face wash and face mask work differently to that of women’s. Therefore, when you are shopping for men’s grooming products, specifically look for those that are formulated to work on male skin. This is true not only for face masks and face washes but also for all other skincare products out there.
When it comes to men’s grooming, they are more inclined and attentive towards their hair than any other aspect. Most men take good care of their hair or would like to. But still, there are few things that you might be missing. Because the way your hair looks can significantly impact your other facial features, you should be extra careful to keep your hair in the best way possible. Keep in mind that most people will assume your age based on how far back your hairline is. So, incorporate the top men’s hair products in your routine to see the magic happen!
While hair care products are an unavoidable part of men’s grooming, it is also vital not to overdo it. Also, make sure that the products you are buying are free of harsh chemicals. Products heavy in chemical content will damage your hair. Read the list of ingredients before you purchase. The more nourishing natural ingredients a product has, the better. Things like amino acids, hydrolysed wheat protein, and Vitamin E are good for strengthening hair. Another aspect to consider is to get the right combination of products. For example, conditioning your hair after using shampoo will help to retain some moisture in the hair and scalp.
Regardless of the type of men’s grooming product you use, or how good you are at styling your facial hair, visit a barber once in a while to make sure that everything is fine. Because it is not easy for you to see your face from all the angles, it is easy to miss some imperfections. By visiting a barber at least once in a few weeks can help clean the mess, just in case. It is hard to get a good finish at the nape of your neck without an extra pair of hands. It might not seem noticeable to you; but trust us, people will look at it and think you are not so keen on keeping yourself groomed.
Just because your body is not visible when clothed doesn’t mean you don’t need to groom it. The body needs proper care and grooming to keep it healthy and fresh. And depending on the part of the body, the hair needs trimming or shaving. Some people don’t mind having a bit of chest hair while absolutely despising back hair. Not surprisingly, back hair is the hardest hair to deal with, as it is not quite easy to reach there. But you can deal with it yourself without any help if you have the right tools. Here are the body care essentials to keep you smelling fresh every day.
Removing the hair itself is not that hard. But the tricky part is to get a smooth finish without leaving any patches. As different parts of the chest and body have varying contours; you need to have a bit of care to make sure that everything is at the right length. This is a little easier for chest hair where you can eyeball the finish. But to make sure that your back hair is nice and clean, you will need to touch and feel. It might take some time if you are on your own. Alternatively, you can set up a twin mirror arrangement to see your back.
Even those who are careful enough to take care of their faces often forget oral hygiene. It doesn’t matter how well you have dressed outside; bad breath can cause people to lose respect. The best part is that this is the easiest aspect of men’s grooming. You only have to spend five or ten minutes a day on this. All you need is a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, and dental floss. While a good old toothbrush will do just fine, you can use an electric toothbrush to get a smarter freshness. Spend a couple more minutes to floss afterwards. This will take care of any food that is lodged in between your teeth.
There you have it. This guide is the ultimate instruction manual for taking care of your health and grooming. By following these insider tips and tricks, you will be the best version of you. What’s more, you will always make a good impression on the crowd.