Online shopping?
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The product search engine of the Middle East.

About is a super-fast product search engine which offers visitors a complete and intuitive interface with a visible searchbar. does not sell its own products and also places no advertising banners. The mission of is to offer all products and services in the market in the most relevant, transparent and agile way possible.

In other words, which product or service matches the search query the closest and where could this be ordered best. By bringing together supply and demand, we help the affiliated shops with their visibility and findability of their products. The consumers will be searching through the millions of products offered by using our super-fast product search engine.

How it works
A visitor of searches for a product by entering a query in the search box. Then an advanced algorithm will decide what products of the millions in the database are most relevant to be shown.

The visitor will click on one of the products shown and receive more information about the product, for example: description, price, delivery time, availability and so on. The visitor will click on the desired product/shop combination and will get redirected to their chosen shop. This is where the transaction will be completed!

Fast and simple setup

Also interested in getting more visitors and sales in an easy and quick way?
We always welcome new webshops.

Quick and easy setup
Placing your product range on the webshop is very simple. We offer plugins and apps for all major eCommerce platforms, which are effortless to install. Choose the plugin that applies to your platform or choose another import method if your platform is not (yet) supported by an API. This makes data connections very easy to install, so you can get started with your product data within a few minutes. If a plugin or app for your platform is not yet available and you can not provide a datafeed file, we can also build a custom crawler for you to import your product data.

Download Brochure

All the required information to start advertising on can be found in the brochure.
You are only a few steps away from being included in the UAE's biggest product search engine.

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