A good flashlight is an essential camping and trekking accessory. Even as a household aid, it holds great importance, if in case there is a blackout or emergency. With so many great options available today, you should own one.
Flashlights have been around for a very long period. Back in the days, they were used extensively when the sunset, or when the power supply wasn’t too secure or regular. Today, the product sees the light of the day only when it comes to treks, climbs, night parties etc. It has several excellent and many handy counterparts today. Hence, the traditional flashlight is as good as non-existent. But when it comes to storage, handling and other aspects, the good old flashlight is probably the best, most long-lasting, sturdy and inexpensive one you can get today. You can find it in various sizes, and different brands have come up with their features and additions to it.
The joy of camping is a dying one. With technology, gaming and sports & outdoor activities, heading out for camping and trekking is thought of as traditional and old-school now. However, for those who love it, there are certain supplies that you need to make it a joyful experience. The regular camping gear such as flashlights, bottles of clean water, some food, rope, sleeping bags or tents, lighter etc. are essential and perfect to give you the feeling of a beautiful camping experience. You can barbeque your food, have a bonfire, sing and enjoy with your group and it will surely be a fantastic experience.
As the name suggests, the LED flashlight comes with an LED light. This is brighter and better, as compared to the regular one. With its powerful beam, it can quickly lighten up the darkest of rooms. If you have a basement with limited or dim light, this one is probably the best option to keep at home too. The battery lasts long. You can also find a rechargeable option and buy as per your need. There are many options of the LED torch online, due to its popularity. It has a much longer life than other kinds, even if you use it regularly. Many people also prefer to carry one in their car.
The good old torch flashlight is the most basic options. They are very cheap and are battery-operated. They work well depending on the usage and emit yellow light. The flashlights have a small bulb in them. Over a period, you may have to change it or change the battery, whichever dies out first. It is a handy and inexpensive option. However, today there are many features and additions to this essential kind that has also made it better. If you are a regular camper or trekker, try getting something more durable so it does not disappoint you while on your trip. Check the online options before you purchase.
The military flashlight is commonly used by personnel of the army. Be it shooting in the dark or some form of training; this one is a constant with them. The light emitted by it is mighty and durable. It is massive, and lasts long, without wearing out. A lot of soldiers often work at night, so the flashlight is the best way for them to see their path. Along with the natural light, some options also have a laser on the same channel, to mark their targets. The side pocket of a military backpack is designed to hold a standard military torch with ease, to help the user move swiftly.
If you camp near water bodies or tend to go for a dip, or if your work calls for it, then the waterproof flashlight is the best option. This one has a structure and design that allows the flashlight to work well underwater too. A lot of military personnel again use them extensively. It does not give an evident vision under the water since the darkness affects the picture. However, it works more effectively than any natural light. You can use this on land and in water. Campers often go for this, in case it starts to rain or comes in contact with moisture etc. For home use too, it’s a great option.
While you may require buying a torch for different reasons, the type of requirement also influences the one you should buy . Today, we have so many different choices, that makes it very easy to pick the right one. Be it a waterproof one, tactical flashlight or a solar flashlight , they all have their pros and cons. Checking online and understanding about them is the best way to figure out the right flashlight for you.
It ' s not very difficult to find the perfect one as per your needs. There are hundreds of incredible online choices. But make sure you do your bit by reading the reviews, checking aspects like warranty/guarantee etc. to make sure your flashlight is the right one. If you have friends or know someone who goes for camps and treks often, ask them for suggestions. Personal recommendations are often the best.
The Nitecore Thumb, ThruNite Ti3, PETZL: E+LITE, FIREFLY: Ultralight Headlamp, BLACK DIAMOND: Spot, ZEBRA LIGHT: H52A and PRINCETON TEC: Sync are the best one's today. It is, however, comes down to the nature of usage. All of these have different features and purposes. When it comes to a good camping flashlight, you want one that will last long, is waterproof, dust-resistant and is handy too. Depending on your usage, check the right one before you buy.
Using a solar flashlight is your way of doing something for the environment. A lot of campers have started using this option because they are excellent and help in energy conservation too. However, don’t be put off by the price factor, since it’s a one-time investment only. The ECEEN Multifunctional Emergency Flashlight, Gen RR Hybrid Solar Powered Flashlight, Thorfire Solar Flashlight, Secur Dynamo 8 SP 1002, Subsistent Waterproof Flashlight Set, Goal Zero Torch 250 Flashlight and OxyLED Solar Power Flashlight & USB Rechargeable are the best choices.
Also known as tactical flashlights, the military lights are very commonly used by army personnel and by others too. The SureFire P2X Fury Tactical, Anker LC130, Fenix PD35 Tac Tactical Edition Flashlight, Streamlight ProTac HL USB, Surefire E2D LED Defender Ultra and Smith & Wesson MP12 Tactical Flashlight are some excellent choices. With many features, it is crucial to consider the differences and add-ons before buying them.
Shops.ae, a fantastic product search engine is perhaps the best place to buy just about anything when it comes to online shopping. The website is quick and has more than 500+ online stores listed under it. It helps you sort as per your budget and the products, taking you directly to the best store that has the products you want. With this one, you can leave out the woes of having to check out hundreds of stores before finding the best one.
Virgin Megastore and Ali Express are some great online stores in the UAE to buy flashlights. Make sure you also check out these amazing brands and their great products – Fenix, Olight, Anker, Pelican, Klarus, Cree And Ultrafire.