With sports come equipment and sport & outdoor accessories we need to wear to safeguard ourselves. All the fun and victories can come to a sudden halt if you meet with an accident while playing. Along with other essentials, shin guards are a much needed and non-negotiable body-protecting gear.
The fact that a shin pad is not spoken about as much as a sports vest or helmet goes to show how much people underestimate its importance. Small but essential, you may have often missed seeing it wrapped around the shin of many players. While professional players don’t have a choice and have to abide by the rules of wearing the right gear for the sport, a lot of small players don’t take this seriously. The ill-effects of this is that an injury to a delicate part like the shin can leave you withering in pain for several hours, followed by surgery, depending on the condition or plaster. It also means you will be given several weeks of bed rest. All this until the body takes its time to heal and get better.
Shin guards have come into the picture recently. Not that people have started using them now, but their importance and the fact that players wear them is something that has been acknowledged now. For a lot of sports, shin guards are very crucial. Think about football, cricket, karate and others where the leg movements are always a part of the game. Over long periods, muscles can start to ache, leading to cramps and pain. A guard, in this case, helps to hold the muscles tight, and any damage has a lesser impact than without the pads. It, however, takes effort to get the hang of using it regularly.
For those who want to wear a shin guard, however, if the size or comfort factor comes in the way, then the shin guard straps are the best alternative. These do the same job as the pads; however, they are very compact and comfortable. Think about medium-thick straps that fold nicely around the shin. They are designed in a way to make the player feel like he doesn’t have anything on at all. The best part is that it’s easy to use them, and carrying them anywhere is not an issue either. The pricing is the only downside; however, if you look at it as a one-time investment, they are so worth it!
Twin shin guards are more practical than wearing only one. These come in a pair and are designed for both the left and right leg. The best thing you can do when it comes to shin guards is bought a pair, and you’ll soon realise the reason behind it. With plenty of cheap shin guards readily available, it’s certainly not easy to choose one. Investing in stuff that guards your life or health and mainly can help prevent an accident are those who should invest in. this will pay off soon, once you see how long you have been using them. The twin shin guards are a must for hockey, cricket, football etc.
Practising karate is an art. However, even a professional karate champion will know that you can easily injure oneself, in spite of having trained for years. The best way to avoid this is to use the right gears for your body. One of the best ones, the karate shin pads, are sad underrated when it comes to karate. If you practise it and don’t use the pads yet, try choosing the straps, which is a more comfortable option. This is because, unlike other sports, karate requires you to be completely satisfied with the clothing, gear and equipment you’re using so you can focus better.
With so many shin guards, it is common to be confused. If you have similar woes, the best thing to do in his scenario is to go for the multi or all-purpose ones. These are designed to fit the shin perfectly. They can be used for all kinds of sports and are great for beginners. The special ones may also be a tad pricier. Plus, you always run the risk of not being able to wear them if you find them less comfortable. Thus, the all-purpose ones are perfect for this scenario. Choose a standard colour like black, nude or brown, so it’s not visible when you’re wearing your shorts or other clothing.
While a lot of sportspeople already have the essential gear in place, if you are new, there is no need to panic. Yes, the large number of sports brands today can make it challenging to decide, but you can do your homework when it comes to this. While the all-purpose guards are probably best, there are also other factors to consider. These little tips won’t get you to the perfect guards for you but will make the process less tiresome for sure.
Your best to pick up suitable sportswear is, of course, online stores. If you have your eye out on a particular brand or store that is expensive, it’s a good thing to wait until there is a sale. In Dubai especially, the fantastic half-year, mid-season and other options like Dubai Summer Sale and Dubai Shopping Festival and more. The prices are very reasonable during this time, and it’s an excellent opportunity to both invest and stock up.
Shin guards for soccer are the most common ones, and many of them are even custom designed for sports. International players also have them customised with their initials, team colour and so on. If you are looking out for the best ones, well, there are numerous choices today. The best six shin guards are Adidas Ghost Replique, NIKE USA Mercurial, Champion Sports Soccer Soft Shin Guards, Puma Power Plate Guard, Franklin Sports Superlight Soccer Shin Guards and Zone 14 Carbon Shin Guard 33i.
Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world today. Whether you play with your friends or if you’re an international professional, the number of efforts one needs to put in and the injuries one can sustain don’t differ. Using a right shin guard can significantly help eliminate the chances of going through a fracture of the tibia or fibula, reducing leg contusions or abrasions and can help minimise the blow by a hard kick. Apart from this, it also prevents bruising of the skin and protects the leg muscles from shocks due to an opponent’s kick or any sudden and hard action.
Martial arts have always been popular. However, the dangers that one can face due to a wrong or powerful kick or blow by the opponent are often underestimated. Martial arts or karate shin guards are instrumental in safeguarding yourself, and using them in every practise session is essential. The best choices today are the Hayabusa Shin Guards, Meister Elastic, Venum Elite Standup, RDX Guard, Fairtex Competition Shin Guards, Top King Shin Guard Protector for Protection in Muay Thai and the Combat Sports Washable MMA Training Instep Padded Shin Guards.
Dubai is a beautiful place to buy the best sportswear, equipment and gear. The best part is that you can also find gyms and centres that provide some fantastic training sessions so that you can ask for recommendations as well. Coming to shin guards or pads, too, it’s both reasonable, with plenty of amazing choices online. You can quickly check Shops.ae, a terrific product search engine to make your online shop experience even better.