Sport & Outdoor


About Canoes

A canoe is a narrow, lightweight vessel with pointed ends and opens on the top. This water vessel is propelled by one or more seated or kneeling paddlers facing the direction of travel using a single-bladed paddle. In Great Britain, the term canoe also refers to Kayak, while canoes are renamed Canadian canoes to differentiate the two.

They are majorly used for leisure activities, sporting and competitions. Some common sports that involve canoe are; water racing, white water touring and camping, general recreation and freestyle. It was 1936 when canoe became part of the Olympics for the very first time. The unique construction of the canoe is what helps in specific sports performed with it. Historically they were dugouts or made of bark on a wooden frame. However, the advancement in technologies upgraded material preferences. Today they are available in wood frame, canvas, moulded plastic, fibreglass with composites or aluminium. This article explores the most common types of canoes available in the market today.

Different types of canoes in the market

Everyone loves water sports. People of all backgrounds, ages and athletic abilities enjoy canoeing. Surprisingly cannoning is also one of the most ancient forms of transportation. However, today the first world people mainly use the canoe for recreational purposes. However, the fact that there is a variety of canoeing is often ignored while beginners learn to canoe. Probably this is because the differences in canoes are not readily noticeable to an untrained eye. To ease the problem, today, we are here to discuss different types of canoes. The purpose of this discussion is to help you navigate the different options you may have while buying a canoe.

Aluminium canoe for recreational means

They are incredibly durable and stable. Generally, you will find them in materials like aluminium or high-quality plastic, and with no frills. You can easily find these canoes in the big box sporting goods stores. Otherwise, they are also available as a rental at a local lake and in fleets during summer camps. These recreational canoes are ideal for those who wish for versatility to paddle around a local lake. These canoes have a larger cockpit opening for easy entry and exit. They have a full-beam (about 27 to 30 inches) that offers stability. Generally, they are no longer than 12 feet in length. However, they have a limited cargo carrying capacity and are thus best for lecture activities only.

Whitewater or fishing canoes

There are individual styles for white-water and river paddling. These styles have high sides with a higher degree of rocker. Here the rocker refers to the curvature from stern to bow. This style has a flatter bottom that helps it to turn quicker. However, on the adverse side, it affects the tracking and the ability to paddle straight. These boats also have a built-in setting to tie flotation bags into the canoe’s sterns and bow. These flotation bags prevent the canoe from sinking when it flips over or takes in water (standard in white-water paddling). These boats generally paddle while kneeling, keeping the canoeist’s centre of gravity at its lowest in the boat.

The racing canoes (lightweight canoe)

Both kayak and canoes have officially been an Olympic sport since 1924. There are two types of canoes racing; the slalom (white-water) and the flat water. The racing canoes are for the professionally skilled canoeist with aptitudes that are not common to all. The racing canoes are made of durable yet lightweight materials. Commonly available material options are composites of various materials, fibreglass or Kevlar canoe. By construction, these canoes are narrower at the beam. They track well and are “tippy” to beginner paddlers. The white-water slalom canoes come with a close deck and spry skirts that is similar to a kayak.

Solo canoes and tandem canoes

When all other types are 1 or 2 person canoes, the solo canoes are made to be paddles by only one person. These types of canoes are shorter and much narrower. This unique construction helps the paddler to switch paddling from one side to another easily. However, the tandem canoes are supposed to be paddled by a minimum of two people. These types of canoes are commonly available, much faster and easier to paddle. This is the reason why they are the best option for beginner paddlers. So, if you have excellent company to join you in a canoe, a lot of fun, adventure and fights in the stern and bow are there to welcome you.

Tips on how to buy Fishing Canoes for sale in the UAE

The needs of each individual vary according to gender, age, experience and nature of the sport. This is why the market offers an overwhelming amount of boats , canoes and kayaks for different types of water sports. As a result, buying the right product for your needs becomes a tedious job for many. However, today’s discussion will share some quick tips to help you search and buy any canoe for sale in the UAE. We believe these tips will shed all the fog on your mind, giving you a straight path to owning your next wooden canoe. All you need to do is consider all the points discussed above, and you will find the devil of shopping stress gone in seconds.

  • Do your homework – Having a clear mind is always the secret to successful shopping. Some of us might not know about the product; some do not know what suits our needs. While others may get tempted towards a good look or pick something useless just because they are impulsive buyers, do not do that in this case. So know your sporting nature and specify the perfect canoe for your activity, company and type of water you are going in.
  • Decide the type – As mentioned earlier, the canoes are of many different types. Plus, you need to understand that a Kayak is different from a canoe. Moreover, before starting the search, decide what type of canoe you need. Either it would be best if you had a recreational or touring canoe, or a river or fishing canoe suits your needs and the types of waters you plan to be in. Also, consider if you will have any company or will it be a solo ride. Make choices accordingly.
  • Focus on the canoe’s size – Companionship matters when deciding the size of a canoe. Do not ever think of riding a 2-person canoe alone, as you will end up in a real mess. Instead, if you wish to spend time alone on the canoe, choose a one-person canoe. These are narrower and can help you manage the route single handily. Moreover, the length of the canoe is vital as it affects performance. Better is to consult an expert before shopping.
  • Consider the canoes’ material – There is an influx of material, shape, size and length of the canoe in the online market. Every time you will do a search, a new set of materials and construction will come up. Note that the material affects the performance, weight as well as cost of the canoe. When aluminium is durable and cheaper, it is less efficient and heavy, whereas moulded plastics are cheaper, durable, and moderate weight.
  • Consider the hull’s shape – The hull’s shape impacts the performance of your canoe in the water. When an arched hull can improve the speed, a flat hull is a little slower option, whereas a flat hull helps increase the canoe’s stability. But if you need a straight line (ideal for beginners), the v-shaped hull is the best option. Another option is to consider the canoe rockers – the more rockers easier it is to turn the canoe.

As said earlier, there is a variety of technology and material available in the market today. A smart buyer is always the one who explores options from different sellers before settling for one. However, going from one store to another is not an easy task. It demands a lot of time and energy to choose an ideal option. However, have made it easier by presenting customers with more than 500 brands online. Here you can explore, compare and buy the best possible option in just a few clicks. Hence, making shopping easier and fun no matter what you wish to purchase.

Question & Answer

How much do canoes cost?

On average, a new canoe cost about $900 or more. Whereas most of the high-quality items, precisely the ones from known and trusted brands, start with the price range of $1000. This is why buying a canoe demands a lot of research to ensure a secure investment. However, if you wish to go for an economical option, consider buying a used canoe. On average, a used canoe cost about $400 to $500. It’s noteworthy that in both cases, the price of canoe varies according to quality, size, material brand and condition (in used items).

How fast can a canoe go?

The average speed of a canoe is about 3mph. This speed is determined by the paddling of the canoe in still waters with no winds. With that in mind, if you plan to canoe ten miles, consider a time frame of about 3.5 hours to complete the trip. The canoe’s speed also depends on the number of canoers and the situation of wind and water currents. Luckily when you head to buy a racing canoe for sale, you will find the boat’s speed written in the product description section.

Where can I buy a canoe?

Right here at you can get access to all the top brands selling canoes online in the UAE. We own more than 500 brands that offer sports and outdoor equipment and accessories. These brands are known as trusted for their high quality, reliability, guarantees and economical prices. Some to name here are; Northstar, Mycanoe, Wenonah, Sun Dolphin, Grumman, Esquif, and Swift. Here at our retail search engine , you can compare products’ prices before making your final choices.

Is a canoe faster than a kayak?

It is a false belief that a canoe is faster than a kayak. Both kayak and canoe come with a displacement hull, and their top speed is a function of their length. Hence, the longer the boat, the faster it will go. Here you can compute the speed by applying this simple formula: speed-1.55 times the waterline length’s square root (measured in feet). So, an 18 ft kayak/canoe will show a peak speed of 6.6 mph, whereas a 15-footer will speed up roughly 6.0 mph.

We at offer you easy buying perks from boats and kayaks to small accessories that you may need in waters. Here you can explore stores available at our retail search engine and order whatever you need for you or your family.

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