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Yamaha YT100 Electronic Guitar Tuner
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The Yamaha YT100 is an easy-to-read Guitar Tuner, also suitable for 4, 5 and 6 string Basses as well. It has an attractive backlit display for pitch and tuning and tunes to the following notes: GUITAR 7B, 6E, 5A, 4D, 3G, 2B, 1E, BASS LB, 4E, 3A, 2D, 1G, HC, making it very versatile, whether you're a first-time guitar-shredder or an experienced bass-thumper. It has an input jack (6 monaural) with built-in microphone - just plug in your instrument with a guitar cable for easy-to-read tuning, even in the dark or in bright sunlight. The YT100 takes two AAA batteries and is lightweight and portable. It comes in an attractive silver finish and is small enough to fit in your pocket.