بعد ما يناموا العيال | عمر طاهر
I'm here because I don't know where else I can hide! After I killed my wife I ran, and ran until I hid in a ship I thought was deserted. The port was occupied by a huge fire, so I crept up and fell asleep, and then woke up to a sore wet neck that hasn't left until today. We were at sea, and I knew that the destination was Nicaragua from the cook of the ship who sympathized with my story and allowed me to hide in his room, and secretly served me food, cigarettes, and wines which helped me cauterize the wounds of my soul. I don't know why I killed this woman for whom I fought everyone. My father said, "It will kill you." She boycotted him, ran away with her to her distant city, and we restarted her family's old restaurant. She was good at cooking fish, and I was good at arithmetic, massaging her legs every evening with lavender oil. The men of the city were gathering around the dining tables, flirting with her shiny legs, and one of them did it in front of me and said, "We envy you." The…