Office supplies

Cover Sheets

About Binding Covers

Finished writing, editing, and printing the papers? Now it is time to bind them up, but before that, it is crucial to choose an appropriate binding cover, which we often ignore. We do not spend much time on this product’s purchase, and neither realises that the outcome with suitable cover sheets can level up the overall looks. So, explore the product now and see what all variants the market has and what is suitable for you.

Here, on this page, we are discussing permanent binding covers, not spiral ones. The difference is very simple. While a permanent cover sheet once attached does not allow any editing later, but with temporary covers, you can add or remove the papers. Further, if you are willing to buy these permanent covers, you must get a broad brush first. We will go into further details of what material, size, and texture in the later section of this page. As of now, you should decide and understand the front and back cover as two separate entities. Take the front cover as a part of aesthetics and the back cover as stability or you can have it all on both covers. Once you have decided on this minute detail, you can go further by exploring the variants.

Types of binding cover sheets

The primary divisions can be hard binding and soft binding covers. The difference between these two is in the material and thickness of the product. For example, cardboard is made out of papers joined together, which makes the cover rigid and hardbound. However, by the name of binding covers, our knowledge is limited to hard cardboard covers or loose spiral binding covers. But less do we know about the various other forms available in the market equipped with unique features. We can further segregate these cover sheets on the basis of their size, binding element, or purpose. If you are to buy binding covers online in the UAE, we suggest looking at its types first and moving further to contemplate your preferences.

Standard binding cover sheets

Hardcover comes under standard binding and are usually made of cardboard to suit almost every need. You can use them for the front side only, or for the backside, or for both. You can customise the products with the colour, size, texture, and finish of your choice. There are no unique features to boast other than being the oldest cover, which you must have seen on your textbooks or religious books as well. So, if this is the product you have been looking for, check out the GBC store. This brand contains a cardboard cover of 100% recycled material. Top of all, it is one affordable range of binding cover sheets. If you want to explore, you can check out a few cheap hardcover bookbindings at our shopping platform,

Transparent binding sheet

Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) is the usual material of transparent cover sheets. This kind of binding allows you to see the first page of the document, thereby saving your money spent on engraving the cover with the same message. Despite being transparent, you can still opt for textures. Another option is to have a gloss finish, which is one of the stylish options many of you often choose. If you are looking for these covers, you can check out PVC binding cover for sale online in the UAE and see if you find something interesting.

Thermal binding covers

Thermal binding cover sheets are more like standard cardboard covers but follow a modern approach. Standard covers involve stitching of papers first and then applying adhesive to attach the cover. In contrast, thermal covers come along with a heated strip. All you have to do is put the papers on that strip and place the loose book into the machine to get it bundled up automatically. You can check out Fellows brand to buy the latest thermal covers. You can also choose to have front PVC material and back linen material. Likewise, there are more options to explore. Visit our retail search engine and see for yourself.

Tips on how to buy Binding covers online

No storage technique of loose sheets can work as efficiently as binding them. It is up to you if you want a temporary binding or permanent one. In temporary, you can add or remove the sheets later, but in permanent type, there is no such facility. So, if you are interested in getting your sheets permanently bound, you don’t just need a binding machine at your place, but quality binding covers too. Talking of quality, here are few things to consider before adding a cover sheet into your cart.

  • The size of the cover – You have two options here: either go by the same size as that of document papers or slightly larger than that. Both these options give a mind-blowing outcome. The tip here is to choose the larger alternative with soft edges if you are going with hard binding.
  • The ideal paper cover weight – Well, the ideal weight of the paper is 20lbs, so you sure need a thicker cover than this. Ideally, the cover ranges from 65lbs to 200lbs in weight, depending on your preference and the material of the cover.
  • The texture you want – Some of the texture you will find best include metallic, twill, leatherette, linen, and touche. All look professional and gives a lasting first impression of you. So, this finishing is definitely worth your consideration. The only exception here is having a transparent binding sheet, which is not compatible with most of the textures.
  • Consider a few customisations – You may choose off-set or foil printing to print your company title and logo. Also, having a small window to show your name and title printed on the first page of the document is a smart choice. Although optional, these features are good for storing option and for taking your company’s reputation high.
  • The colour you should pick – The binding cover is the first thing everyone will notice, so choosing an appropriate colour is a must. You can go for a solid colour, multi-colour, or patterns. But before that, you must consider the print, if engraved. Also, choose something that will complement your company’s logo or institution.

We hope the tips have been insightful enough. Remember to keep these tips in mind during the purchase. Now, the next step is exploring the products. To help you with that, we would like to list a few brands that you can choose to begin shopping with. These brands include Atlas, Maxi, and Rexel. You can expect more brands once you visit our shopping platform,

Question & Answer

What is softcover binding?

Softcover is a printing lingo meaning a pliable paper cover like a paperback book or a magazine. Softcover binding is also known as softbound, softback, or paperback. Like all other bindings, soft binding is also thicker than interior pages, but bendable. For example, the transparent binding sheet is mostly bendable. You can bound them using the thermal binding technique and by using adhesive tapes.

What is hardcover binding?

Hardcover binding, as the name suggests, consists of thick, rigid paper like cardboard. This kind of binding is mostly used in textbook or important, legal books, or when longevity is important, such as religious or history books. One important feature of a hardcover is that it must have a hinge area near the spine to allow opening and closing smoothly. Let’s also discuss the process, which can be carried out in two steps. The first step includes joining the papers together either by sewing them with a thread or by applying the glue before attaching the cover. And the next step is attaching the hardcover. We hope that you now must have understood the binding lingo and its applications.

What is a thermal binding cover?

Thermal binding covers only work with the thermal binding machine to provide you with perfect permanent binding. These covers come with a heated strip on the edge wherein you insert the sheets and place them as it is into the machine. Every machine has a different operation, so we can’t explain the functioning. But you have to adjust the time cycle, depending on the number of sheets. Once completed, you must leave the sheets in the machine for a few minutes to cool down as the adhesive on the edge can still be in a partially liquid state. This machine is one of the essential office supplies if you need permanent binding. You can explore ring binders if you need temporary binding.

Where to buy bookbinding cover online in the UAE?

GBC, Fellowes, and FIS are some of the names of top-rated brands wherein you can find quality binding covers. But it is time-consuming to search for these brands on different platforms. Thus, we suggest visiting a product search engine where you can find all the brands under one roof. It is not only time-saving but by comparing the products and features, you can save a lot of bucks too.

Are you now ready to scrutinise every tiny detail of a product? We assume Yes, and would like you to visit our shopping platform, Here, you can expect top-rated brands, trustworthy shops, advanced filters, and amazing deals to grab.

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