Letter Openers

About Letter Openers

Many of you are happy opening the letters through your fingers, and that is completely fine. But using fingers throw you at the risk of paper cuts. Even knife blades can prick you if mishandled. So the choice is completely yours but looking at the style, we are slightly bent towards buying a letter opener.

Letter openers are similar to a sharp knife with a slim blade and a handle used to open letters. Along with that, it can open packages and uncut the pages with one quick clean swipe. In workplaces, paper knives are still necessary to buy as mail items . However, private use has seen a major decline in the digital era. Even though the product is not popular nowadays, but because it is a vintage product, it still has its presence. Due to the exact same reason, they make the perfect corporate gifts as well.  If you are looking to buy a letter opener online in UAE, there is more you want to explore to narrow down your purchase.

Types of envelope openers

You can divide the variants of letter openers in terms of materials, looks and functions. However, the best type of letter opener would be the one that serves the purpose of buying. So, what is your objective of having a letter opener? How are you going to use it? Or you want to gift it? You should answer these questions first before scrolling the products. Although it is one of the important items in office supplies , it is also used as a promotional item. Businesses engrave their logo or company’s name on the handle of the knife and sent it as a thank you note or whenever required. Well, these are about the applications of paper knives, let’s now discuss their types.

Fancy letter opener

By fancy, you must have understood that the focus element of this product is in its looks. As you see this is an age-old device, many of you would want to keep it as a vintage item. If this is your wanting too, you may look for fancy letter openers. One of them is Montblanc’s leather envelope opener you must consider. If it is not the vintage item that interests you, you should visit the Universal brand. Here, you will find compact-size products with a stylish handle. Some other options are portable pocket-size items that are either retractable or foldable. You can check out the letter opener for sale online in UAE and you will definitely find something amusing.

Automatic letter opener

When it comes to being automatic, you will see two variants here: semi-automatic and fully automatic. In semi-automatic, the machine is handheld and can slit one letter at a time. You have to manually slide the letter through the blades of the machine that runs on batteries. In contrast, a full-automatic machine is a tabletop unit with a conveyer belt and that can take the bulk of letters at once. You have to put the letter on top of the conveyer belt leading to blades and it cuts the top crease just like that. If both of the types sound interesting, you should find out the best automatic letter opener at our shopping platform,

Wooden letter opener

By thinking of wooden knives, you might be getting the picture of a wooden handle with steel blades. This is not the correct picture with the paper knives. Here, you won’t get a knife with two components of handle and blade. In contrast, you can expect to see a seamless piece of quality wood in which the blade side is thin enough to cut the paper. Also, the handle side is made ergonomic too. No wonder this product looks amusing to the eyes. You can wrap it with a piece of quality fabric and place it in your drawer or even gift it to your favourite person.

Tips on how to buy Letter openers online

It is possible that letter openers are now recognised as paper knives more. The reason behind this may be the versatility many of you want in one product. A paper knife must be able to cut papers of all kinds, whether thick or hard. And for that, advancements are necessary. Based on the new updates of this product, we have compiled some fine points for you to consider before buying.

  • Stylish piece or functional one – Most of you want an envelope opener for style more than anything else. Instead, many of you have a bulk of letters to open every day at the office. Based on your purpose, you should invest in the features. As a matter of fact, both looks and function are important to consider. But when shopping, style lovers can prioritise looks over function and vice versa.
  • Knife case to must-have – If your knife is not a retractable type, you must decide its placement beforehand. Having a knife case is also important because a small material like paper-knife can often get misplaced. And being inside a box, they are easy to find. If you don’t like a box container, you can just wrap the knife in a fabric with a knot on top of it.
  • Invest in an ergonomic handle – You are not too far from a mishap when you are handling sharp things like a knife. Although a paper-knife, the blades are sharp enough to cut or prick you. Mostly the knife trips due to slippery handle or slipper hands. An ergonomic handle knife can protect you from this incident to occur.
  • Contemplate on the size of the knife – The varieties available in the market include a pocket-size knife that can fold or retract. These will be good if you want a potable product. Although if the knife you are going to use mostly rests in one place, you can opt for a full-size knife. There is no need to invest in retractable feature if not looking for portability.
  • Versatile product or an all-rounder – You can buy a dedicated product that cuts the top crease of the envelope, separate the uncut pages of your notepad, and that is it. Another option is to buy a product that can even be used on cardboard or other thick sheets. The latter will obviously have to have sharp blades. You can choose by thinking of all the work you need this knife for.
  • Additional features to consider – Being lightweight can be another positive aspect of a paper-knife. Or maybe you think keychain compatibility is an interesting feature. Also, you can invest in funky shapes or mini-versions of these letter openers. Likewise, there are more you can find while exploring the products online.

It is indeed a good time to start scrutinising the products and their tiny details. Before you visit a shopping platform, you should have the list of brands handy. Some of them include Maped, Universal, and FIS. More you will find at our shopping platform,

Question & Answer

What is a letter opener?

As the name tells itself, a letter opener also known as paper knives is used to cut the crease of letters. This is the only purpose of a letter opener, but you will see different types in the market from fancy letter openers to functional ones. If your work does not involve the bulk opening of letters, you can use a manual opener. Otherwise, go for automatic letter openers. To explore and refine the products, you can visit our shopping search engine .

How to use a letter opener?

Be it any type or any material of letter opener, the basic process of opening the letter remains the same. Pick the paper knife from its handle and slide the blade through the top crease. This way, you won’t get any paper cuts neither the content inside the letter gets compromised. That is all! You can retrieve the letter inside after keeping the blade in its case or wherever you place it. These knives can be sharp, so having the knife case can avoid a sudden mishap.

How to sharpen letter opener?

You can use sharpening steel, rods, or grinders to sharpen the letter openers. Something you need to remember while using these sharpeners is that a letter opener resembles a knife, but is not actually a knife. In fact, these openers are soft despite being made out of steel or brass. You can call them mild alternatives to knives. Thus, while sharpening, go easy because vigorous and aggressive grinding can break the blades. If you are not sure about this solution, just visit an expert to do so. Also, if your product is a wooden letter opener, you can try sharpening it or the solution is to just replace the product.

What is the best letter opener?

Mere 120grams of Montblanc’s envelope openers can be the best product you can own. It is made of leather that reflects a classic look. Yes, leather makes this piece on a higher budget. If not leather, you can choose Nkuku’s brass product. This brand has Emmet’s traditional letter opener, which is one stylish product. Handcrafted brass and silver plating make it unique and worthy to own. You should also check wooden letter openers that have the same charm as brass and leather. Our shopping platform, can be an excellent platform to begin exploring.

You may have your preferences related to buying a fancy letter opener. You could be more bend towards a vintage style more than modern designs. Or is there any other variant that interests you? Whatever it be, you can find it on our retail search engine .

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