Weekly Lenses

About Weekly Lenses

When it comes to styling, comfort and convenience is the primary demand of every being on the earth. People tend to find effortless ways to change their looks daily or for the long run. When it comes to changing personalities, the eyes become a centre of attention. A slight modification in the eyes can alter your entire character. And this is where weekly or extended wear contact lenses come to save the day.

The contact lenses for eyes are of many different types. Each of them serves differently. When it comes to contact lenses, you have a large ground to play with colours, size, material and comfort. At times when you can opt for a daily wear idea, verity in eye tints becomes obvious. In the meantime, many prefer using extended or monthly wear to continue with the same shade and pair of lenses for months. But then come those who wish to stay in the middle by wearing a single team for a few days and then move to the next option. Fine quality weekly lenses are something that is meant for these people. A weekly wear contact can help you save time and money by serving you for a specific period, let say two weeks or so.

A beginner’s guide to wearing weekly contact lenses

Although lenses are not a new concept today, many will still try them for the first time. To all the first time contact wearers, we would like to say that wearing lenses for the first time is not as a daunting process as it seems. However, before jumping into the venture, it important is to know the product and its mechanics in detail. It is important to choose the right type of lenses, consult experts before buying and get familiar with the product. Plus, you need to learn the care instruction for the product and your eyes and make sure you use the right method to wear and take the lenses off your eyes. Here are some things you may need to know before you wear your new weekly lenses.

Get prescriptions for weekly multifocal contact lenses.

Multifocal or weekly contact lenses for dry eyes are something that needs professional assistance. Even otherwise, if you are wearing it for the first time, getting a proper examination for a qualified optician is a must. Remember, contact lenses and glasses prescriptions are entirely different. Hence if you tend to wear your weekly focal lenses for vision correction, get yourself checked first. But once you have the latest contact lens prescription, you can move a reliable brand to purchase. Here you can also consider top-rated retail search engines online. Doing some research on these platforms can help you find the possible brands and colour options you can consider according to your personality.

Shed off the myths

when it comes to lenses, there is a long list of myths that will follow you. Hence, before you start using them, it important is to clear your mind off all such misconceptions. At first, you must know that lenses are not expensive. Even the products from top brands are economical and affordable for a typical user. Secondly, the lenses do not cause any eye infection if you keep them clean, use them properly as instructed and take them off your eye at night. I also remember that you can easily find any eye prescription online in UAE. It is not necessary to buy lenses from an optician online. Moreover, you can wear lenses, even if you have dry eyes. But choose from specifically designed silicone hydrogel contacts.

Buying handy add-ons

It is important if you are about to wear weekly or monthly contacts. In such a case, you will need to store them at night. Here for the value of money and convenience, the expert recommends buying multi-purpose contact lenses solutions. They are readily available at an affordable price. These special solutions offer exceptional cleaning and keep your lenses secure for a long. However, the type of solution varies based on the type of material of the lenses you own. But in any case, having a fresh solution is a must to secure lenses and your eyes from infection. Moreover, if you are using dry lenses or spending hours looking at the screen, eyes drops must soothe your eyes.

Tips on how to buy Weekly Contact Lenses online in UAE 

When it comes to buying cheap weekly contact lenses , brands are a must-have on your checklist. Trust me; branded lenses are the best and available at an economical price. Hence if you need to save money and protect your eyes, look for the right seller who offers you the most brands online. This is one of the reasons why is a reliable option for many lenses users. Here you can find optimum variety and exceptional possibilities for weekly contact lenses costs. However, buying the right option for you demands some personal effort as well. And here is what you should keep in mind while looking for branded weekly contact lenses for sale online in UAE.

  • Fitting of the lens – It is important when you need to buy weekly lenses for vision correction. There are different types of fits, and each serves differently. You will need to choose from spherical, Toric (for astigmatism), multifocal, Diopters, Diameter or base curve lenses. Consult the optician to know what a suitable option in your case is.
  • The length of lenses – Here, you need to decide if you want to wear a single pair of lenses for one day and move on to the next pair tomorrow. Or you will like to continue with the same pair for a few weeks or months. Considering the frequency of use, you can choose from daily, weekly or monthly wear options available in the market.
  • Choose brand – Buying branded lenses is important for many reasons. At first, they are a cost-effective option where the product comes with a guarantee and stays longer. Secondly, they are always made with high-quality material approved by authorities. It ensures that the product is secure for your eyes and can protect your eyes from infection or issues like scratches etc.
  • Choosing an appropriate colour – Lenses are mostly used to add aesthetics or change the eye’s natural colour. But not all colours will suit your natural eye tint. Hence, find the right match for your natural colour and personality. Consult fashion experts and choose wisely.

Enjoy freedom and style with coloured contact lenses. You can enjoy optimum freedom from glasses and the convenience of perfect eyesight. Hence you can have an active lifestyle. But important is to have high quality branded lenses. People can only stay worry-free about lenses slipping out of eyes during a workout, having to endure bad sight just because you have to need to take your glasses off. With contacts, you can wear sunglasses when it is bright out and stay stylish.

Question & Answer

Are weekly lenses better than daily?

An ideal type of lens depends on the needs and personal preferences of the users. However, overall speaking, a weekly or monthly lens cheaper than daily wear lenses can use a single pair for about two weeks to 3 months. Plus, weekly lenses are easier to manage and demand lesser attention. All you need to do is to take proper care of them. For the economic aspect, these lenses are a preferable choice over daily wear contact lenses.

Where to buy weekly contact lenses?

Right here at Shops. You can find the most variety of daily, weekly or monthly wear contact lenses online in UAE. You can find top brands here are Oasys, Acuvue, Sofmed, Optifee, Biofinity, Soflens, Air Optix, and Proclear. All these brands are reliable and offer optimum quality and comfort for your eyes. These brands are trusted by professionals and highly recommended by users. Hence, when it comes to making the best of your money and ensuring surety of your eyes, look no further. Explore and find all your eye fashion needs.

Which weekly contact lenses are best?

There is a vast collection of reliable and highly admired weekly contact lenses available in the eh market. However, some of the year’s best picks include; Air Optix Colors at 1-800, Dailies AquaComfort Plus, Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism,  Alcon Air Optix Aqua Multifocal contacts. Others include Hydrogel Vision Extreme H2O, Alcon Dailies Total1, CooperVision Biofinity Lenses and Bausch & Lomb ULTRA. But the more you search at, the more you will find to amaze you.

How much do weekly contact lenses cost?

The price of weekly contacts varies from one brand to another. It also changes according to the material and type of lenses you wish you buy. Here, another important factor is the shades of lenses you wish to buy. However, a branded weekly contact lens price varies somewhat from $100 to $300 or so. The better quality and brand you look for, the more will be the price of the lens.

But finding cheaper branded and high-quality health and beauty care options can be easier with Here you can use the price comparison tool to find access to top quality products that fit your budget limit.