Daily Lenses

About Daily Lenses

Contact lenses are ideal for everyone who needs vision correction but does not want to wear glasses. At the same time, these small technological advancements are ideal for trendy people. Daily lenses allow the wearer to enjoy a new eye colour and looks every day.

These lenses are available in many different types, colours and other features. Likewise, they are available in daily, weekly or extended wear types. These types offer different limits of freedom to wear contact lenses. For instance, you can wear daily lenses maximum of 24 hours. Wearing them longer than the said time can cause issues in the eye. Too many daily disposable lenses represent the ultimate convenience of wearing them for the day and discarding them at night. They are ideal for busy people who don’t find time to clean and maintain contact.

Types of daily disposable contact lenses

Contact lenses are an excellent option for nearly everyone. From those needing vision correction but hate using glasses to those who want to change the spice of their personality, daily lenses serve all. However, there are different types of contact lenses available in the market. The variety is in material, colour, size, and duration of use. Are you unsure what makes the difference and which one to choose? This article might help you clear the fog. However, due to diversity in the market, here we will focus on the daily wear contacts. You can use this type of lens during the day and discard them (or at least take them out of your eyes) at night. These lenses are available in the following different types.

Soft contact lenses

These are the commonly recommended and optician prescribed type of lenses. They are ideal for vision correction issues. Hence if you have any issues related to your vision, you will be recommended to use daily contacts for astigmatism. Otherwise, you may get a recommendation to use daily contact lenses for sensitive eyes or issues like hyperopia, myopia, or presbyopia. These lenses are easier to put on and help a beginner get used to them. You can wear them during the day and take them off before sleeping. Plus, these lenses need proper cleaning and maintenances to secure both lenses and your eye.

Rigid permeable contact lenses

These lenses offer a clearer and crisp vision for people with significant vision issues. Rigid gas permeable contact lenses are also ideal for those not satisfied with other lenses or have issues like dry eyes. These lenses are more durable than the soft lenses mentioned above. Plus, they are more breathable and allow oxygen to the cornea of your eye. However, it is important to remove and clean them regularly and adequately. Sometimes you can use them for a maximum of 30 days. After that, you will need to buy a new pair for use. At the same time, many options can last with you for up to 3 years. But only if you are taking care of them daily.

Specialized daily contact lenses

The selection of these lenses depends on the vision needs of every individual. For example, the hybrid contacts are rigid with a permeable centre surrounded by the softer outer ring. They are ideal for near and farsightedness, age-related loss, astigmatism etc. Multifocal lenses can help you manage your far and nearsightedness simultaneously. At the same time, a tinted contact is for therapeutic or cosmetic purposes and helps deal with colour blindness. Scleral lenses are also known as rigid gas permeable lenses that are larger than most and are extended to the white outer layer of the sclera. Other options include orthokeratology or bacteria resistant contact lens coatings.

The PMMA lenses

These lenses are made of a transparent rigid plastic material known as Polymethyl methacrylate or, in short, PMMA. This material is also used as a substitute for glass in shatterproof windows. These lenses are generally sold under the trademarks Perspex or Lucite. These lenses have excellent optics. However, a common drawback is that they do not allow the transfer of any oxygen to the eye. Hence they are quite a bit difficult to adapt to. Due to the difficulty and unease of use, these lenses are now termed old-fashion or hard contacts. However, they are virtually replaced by GP lenses. But they are rarely prescribed today. Hence it became the least option to buy.

Tips on how to buy Daily Lenses online in the UAE  

When buying cheap daily lenses, online shopping is one of the best ideas you can ever think of. In online stores like, you can find thousands of options for all your Health and Beauty needs. Plus, you can compare the price, review and study the product in detail before you head to pay for it. However, it becomes pretty tricky to make an intelligent buying decision with so many online options. This is why we are here to share some tips on how you can buy an ideal pair of daily contact lenses for sale. These tips can help you clear the fog and make sensible decisions.

  • Get a prescription – The first thing is to get your eyesight checked. It will help you know if there is a slight change in your vision and need additional help to correct it. If it is wonderful, you can move to buy tinted fashion options. Otherwise, get the number of lenses recommended.
  • Look for the reliable brand – Settling for locally made just for the sake of saving some bucks is the worse idea you can ever have. It would help if you settled for nothing less than any reliable brand regarding lenses. It will ensure the safety of your eyes and the delivery of required results in terms of sight correction.
  • Look for recommendations – Not all lens brands will help you with daily contact lenses for vision correction or other types of issues. Hence, it would help if you asked your peers, friends, and opticians for a reliable brand to offer you the needed results.
  • Choose colour Weather you are about to wear daily lenses for fashion or vision correction, adding a bit of colour to your style is never a bad idea. However, it important is to decide the colour wisely. Also, decide if you want a single colour, two tones or wish to go for three toned lenses.
  • Consider price – Keeping all the factors mentioned above in mind, the price varies massively. Hence, keep flexibility in the less needed options like colour. This flexibility will help you find a reliable option for one brand or another.
  • Understand your purchase – It is important to know everything about the product for first-time users. From make and material to usage and care instructions, you can find all the details in the product description section of your website. Read carefully before making the purchase.

At, you can find all the solutions to your vision and eye styling needs. With more than 500 top global brands, you can enjoy buying unique sets of contact lenses matching your taste and needs. Here you can also enjoy the unique price comparison tool. This tool helps you find economical options from top brands with just one click. You are making it easier to search and buy ideal options without crossing your budget limitations.

Question & Answer

Are daily disposable lenses more comfortable?

As compared to other types of lenses, daily disposable lenses are more comfortable. It is because the user does not need to take them out every night and clean. Rather they can take it out at night and throw them away. The next day they will be wearing a new pair. Hence, there is no need for extra casing or contact solutions. These lenses are also of great advantage when you have a bad memory, and you can’t keep a count on them when you wear them. The rule is simple, you will get up in the morning wear them, and before sleeping, they must go out of your eyes.

Can daily contact lenses be reused?

Yes, some types of daily lenses can be reused. If you are using a daily disposable lens, there is a big no-no for reuse. These lenses must not last more than one working day. But if you are using a reusable daily lens, they are exceptional. You can wear them during the day and take them off before going to bed. Please keep them in a safe solution after cleaning. You can reuse these lenses the next day you wake up and get ready for work.

Where to buy daily contact lenses?

The best way to buy the latest trending contact lenses is to go to online stores. On retail search engines like you can find thousands of products from hundreds of brands. It makes the market search broader and helps you find more and more options to consider. Hence, making it easier for you to decide about the type, colour, brand, and price of the product that can suit your needs. Online stores also offer you the ease to compare different products and make a sensible and smart buying decision.

Why are daily contact lenses so expensive?

In most cases, the daily disposable is more expensive than any other type of lens available in the market. Even though you will be saving money on contact lens solutions and care kits, you will probably pay more for the dailies. The amount is much more than double the price of extended wear or monthly wear lenses that you can buy in the market. This is one reason why most people prefer going for extended wear when they tend to use lenses for a long time.

Here at, you can find top brands like Fresh look Soflens, Aqua Soft, Bio True, Clarity Air Optix, Acuvue, Biofinity, Dailies, Proclear Biomedics, Easyvision, and Optifee. Plus, you can enjoy using the innovative price comparison tool to know what ideal possibilities available are for you on this retail search engine .