Annual Lenses

About Annual Lenses

For those who have been using annual lenses for a while, it’s now easy to decide between glasses or lenses. The fact that they make you feel comfortable and you don’t have to worry about losing or breaking your spectacles every day is significant enough reasons.

However, there are still so many people who struggle with the good old pair of eyeglasses every day. While for some, it might be the fact that lenses are pricier, others might just be scared to make the much-needed switch! However, it’s a much-needed health and beauty factor today. Either way, it helps to at least try it on once before you take the call. You know it would be wrong if you didn’t even give it a try. The best part is that we live in a time when there are some of the best contact lenses brands around, helpful doctors and more. In fact, each one of us knows at least one other person who wears annual lenses today. Once you see with your own experience how hassle-free it can be, you will want to try it out for yourself!

The different types of yearly lenses that one can consider today

While convenience is the best factor when it comes to annual lenses, they also save on costs. Not to forget, this choice is eco-friendly. They work better as compared to the daily-wear ones, as your eyes get comfortable with the particular pair. Plus, most of them are made in a way that they are straightforward to handle, use and store as you need to. If your job requires you to travel, be continually working to something else; lenses work well in almost every condition. So, don’t think twice and make the switch today – you will be thrilled you did. Also, keep your glasses close, so you can switch if you face some teething issues. Don’t give up quickly, and it will become a way of life for you.

Coloured annual lenses

If you love coloured glasses, well the yearly ones are the best buy in that case. It’s one way also to make your eye colour more noticeable since it will be constant for as long as you use the pair. The one-year coloured contacts lenses are the perfect choice for busy people who don’t like disposable ones. This type of lenses means that you can be relaxed and not have to stock up every other week. The only important thing is to be careful with them. A loss of one of them can mean you have to invest yet again and get a fresh pair. Thus, it’s best to start with the daily wear lenses, and once comfortable, shift to these.

Yearly disposable lenses

The classic annual disposable lenses mean that you can buy a pair that will last you the whole year! Yes, no changes, or no waking up to an empty box because you forgot to buy them when you went shopping. They are more durable than the other types and are safer too, of course, depending on the model you purchase. If you are a frequent user, then the long-term lenses make more sense. Your eyes also get used to a particular type. This is one that most people have an issue with when it comes to short wear lenses. If sometimes you cannot find the right brand or the same type at the store, you have to go with a substitute, which again might take time for your eyes to adjust to.

Extended wear lenses

The conventional annual lenses are great for extended wear too. This means some of them are also safe to wear overnight. However, make sure your lens especially states this. It’s best not to get too used to the habit. Make it a routine to remove the pair and keep it in the solution. This also gives the lenses and your eyes some rest. So, you feel refreshed the next morning and can wear fresh lenses. However, due to certain aspects like long working hours, forgetfulness and more, the extended wear lenses are the safest choice. The best part of some of them is the wearing period ranges to seven consecutive days, without removal too!

Yearly lenses for dry eyes

For those who have issues with their eyes drying out or other conditions like astigmatism, then you might want to check the lenses especially. Some good brands also design annual wear lenses for such purposes. They are safe to use and don’t pose an issue to these eye issues. Some of them might also help to make it better because of the added products to hydrate the eyes. You cannot expect such features in your regular pair of glasses, but the right lenses can do that and much more. Make sure you consult with your eye doctor to help you decide the best style of lenses as per your conditions.

Tips on how to buy Contact Lenses

It is no secret that every person who wears lenses today has some issues with them. They might now like the routine of using a fresh pair every day or doing the whole solution bit and caring for them. There are many suitable options one can consider if these are some of the reasons. What helps is something like annual lenses that you don’t have to focus on, apart from the time you’re buying them. It’s the best and most hassle-free way to focus on the more essential things every morning.

  • Determine the best type of contacts as per your needs – If you love the concept of the yearly lenses and the convenience factor, then checking them out is a good start. However, if you have never used lenses before, perhaps analysing the different ones is better first? Check out the varieties, and then decide for yourself.
  • Try buying in bulk once you’re sure – Once you try out a few and like one the best, wear it for a few months. After you are 100% sure, you can go for larger purchases, considering it is weekly or daily wears lenses. If not, then try to buy the solution and other requirements together to save on the shipping costs.
  • Purchase from a reliable online store – Don’t go for stores that offer hard to believe discounts, especially when they don’t have reviews. The eyes are one of the most delicate parts, and any harm can be life-threatening. So, even if it means paying full-price or a higher amount, choose a reputed store only.
  • Check for returns policy – Always check what strategies the store offers in case you need to return or exchange the product. As standard practice, they might not do it if you have tried them on; however, you could replace the rest if you went in for more than one box.
  • Check for the lens solution and other accessories – With annual lenses, the answer is one aspect you cannot do without. It cleans the lens and refreshes it for your next use. You will have to have a good backup too, because you cannot store your lenses in anything else if you run out one night. So, buy them as and when you get your lenses.
  • Check the reviews before you buy – Check online and read up what people are saying about a particular website, product and more. It might help you instead of regretting the decision later, and money loss. Don’t hurry; take your time, and only when you are 100% sure go ahead.

Let’s face it – contact lenses are not cheap. They make you feel better, more confident, and you don’t need to worry about spectacles all day, but it inevitably comes at a cost. So, make sure you can afford to use them. The yearly once works out cheaper as compared to the everyday kind. But then again, there are other things like solutions and doctor visits too, that will require funds. So, before you take the step, make sure you create a list and check if it will go as per your budget.

Question & Answer

Which are the best contact lenses?

The best contact lenses are the ones that suit you in the best way. Everybody’s body and routines are different, and lenses should accommodate both of these aspects. Thankfully, there are many brands today that design some of the most comfortable and effortless contacts. You can pick from the top choices like – 1-Day Acuvue Moist, Dailies Total1, Clarity 1 Day contact lenses, Biotrue ONEday, SofLens daily disposables contacts, Proclear One Day Multifocal, Bausch and Lomb Ultra for Presbyopia, Air Optix Aqua Multifocal, Bausch & Lomb Soflens 59 Contact Lenses, Freshlook One-Day Colour Pure Hazel Powerless, Soft Eye Diamond Eye 3 Pair, Polo House USA Monthly Contact Lens and Optify Combo Pack Monthly Colour Contact Lens .

Are yearly contact lenses bad for your eyes?

Yearly contact lenses are something a lot of regular lens wearers have started using. The change, however, should be gradual, starting from the daily, weekly, monthly and then the annual one. This helps your eyes to adjust, and they get more expensive as the period of wearing increases. However, the yearly lenses are incredibly safe and durable to wear, for more extended periods. It’s essential, however, to focus on the factor of hygiene here. Make sure to rinse your contacts under a thin, cold stream of water and place it in a fresh batch of solution. It’s essential to follow this to make sure there are no build-ups that could cause an infection if you wear the lenses.

How should you care for annual coloured lenses?

If the lens is extended wear lenses, then you can wear them as much as a few days, without having to worry about removing them off! Yes, they are also safe to wear when you sleep. For the regular kind, make sure you have the lens case and solution at hand reach before you change. Wash the case with water and put a fresh batch of the solution on both sides. Remove the lenses carefully, wash with water and then slide into the case. Do this without fail each time. You can directly take them out of the solution and wear the next morning. Avoid using too much eye makeup; use sunglasses to avoid dust from getting in and setting onto your contacts. For long-term lenses, make sure you note the date of change and avoid wearing them when they have passed the time.

Where can you shop yearly disposable lenses online in Dubai?

Many online and retail stores in Dubai sell lenses. You can also buy them at some stores and pharmacies, depending on the brands they stock. Make sure you weigh your options before you begin shopping to end up with the best ones. An excellent way is to check out this fantastic product search engine called With more than 500+ online stores under it, it’s an ideal way to shop online. Brands such as Acuvue, Soflens, Dailies, Freshlook, Solotica, Alcon, Bausch + Lomb, Coopervision, and MAXVUE Vision are some of the best one’s today.