Sunflower Seeds

About Sunflower Seeds

Everybody can agree that sunflowers are pretty to look at. But not a lot of people know that it is also the source of very nutritional fruit. People call these fruits that come encased in black and white shells as sunflower seeds or sunflowers kernels.

So, is there a difference between sunflower kernels and the actual seeds? Aren’t the black and white things that grow in the centre of the flower really seeds? Well, technically, what grows at the centre of the flower is actually the fruit of the plant. It has a fleshy part that actually covers the real seed. However, because the kernels look very similar to the seed itself, people mean the whole kernel when they say sunflower seeds. This article will tell you everything you need to know about sunflower seeds. Having a better understanding of them will help you make the right purchase decisions when you are shopping.

A beginner’s guide to sunflowers and sunflower seeds

Sunflowers are very resilient plants. They can thrive even in the harshest conditions. Because of this, you can find them in almost all parts of the world even though they are native to tropical countries. Also, there are so many different types of sunflowers. There are giant sunflower plants that can be twice as tall as a human and there are really short sunflower plants that are shorter than one or two feet. If you are shopping for sunflower seeds, it is nice to have a basic idea about the sunflower plants. This article will tell you everything you need to know about them.

Tall sunflowers

As you can easily tell from the name, these sunflowers are really tall. A typical tall sunflower can reach a height of about sixteen feet. Such plants can be taller than a one storey house. And similarly, the flowers on these plants are also quite large. Unlike smaller plants that have many small flowers, tall sunflower plants will only have one large flower at the top. Aesthetically such sunflowers might not be as looking because they will resemble a tree rather than a flowering garden plant. But birds love this. Because these varieties can produce a lot of seeds and honey, birds will visit this plant frequently.

Dwarf sunflowers

This is the most popular type of sunflower for growing in gardens. The height of a dwarf sunflower can vary quite a bit. Some Of them will only reach a height of two feet while the taller ones among them can be about six or seven feet. But most of the dwarf sunflowers will be about three feet tall. One of the main benefits of dwarf sunflowers is that it is really easier to care for them. They are very resilient and can survive even in harsh conditions. These flowers shed sunflower seeds around them and tend to grow in tight bunches. But if you are planting sunflower seeds yourself, it is better to plant them at a distance of five or six feet from each other.

Colourful sunflowers

Most people have only seen yellow sunflowers. But there are sunflowers in a few more different colours. And some of them look really good as well. If you can plan out well enough, planting sunflowers of few different colours will look better than planting sunflowers of only one type. But this will also come down to personal preference. The most popular varieties of coloured sunflowers are terracotta sunflowers, earthwalker, Miss Mars, Chianti, and Moulin Rouge. The number of petals in the sunflower varies greatly between the colours. The deep red coloured chianti sunflowers have the greatest number of petals in the coloured variety.

Sunflower seeds

Because most people grow sunflower for its look, most sunflower varieties are hybridised for beautiful looking flowers. Because of this, they also tend to contain less pollen. But you can find sunflower types that produce seeds even though they might not look as good as the other ones. The best sunflower variety to grow for sunflower seeds is the Mammoth Grey Stripe. They are one of the tall sunflowers and can grow up to a height of twelve feet. Hopi Black Dye is a variety that produces a lot of sunflower seeds. The centre of this flower is quite large and looks very striking.

Tips on how to buy Sunflower Seeds

Finding a sunflower seed for consumption can be a bit harder than you might think. One reason for this is that not all of the sunflower seeds are edible. None of those seeds is poisonous; however, some of them can mess up with your body. So, how do you make sure that you are buying the right type of seed? Well, if you know what to look for in them, it is really easy to understand whether or not the sunflower seeds are fit for you or not. Here are some tips that will help you find the right one.

  • Type of the seed – Not all sunflower seeds are edible. If you are shopping for sunflower seeds online, make sure that you are buying seeds that are fit for consumption. Some seeds will be only meant for farming. Such seeds can cause allergies and can be harmful. However, this one is not very difficult because the brands that sell edible seeds are well-known food brands.
  • Raw vs Roasted – Sunflower seeds come as either roasted or as raw. Sunflower seeds must be dried before eating. Although it is safe to eat raw seeds, eating them might not be easy or pleasant. However, you can roast raw sunflower seeds at home. If you have time for roasting sunflower seeds at home, it is more affordable to do it that way than to buy roasted sunflower seeds.
  • Amount of salt – If you are buying roasted sunflower seeds, check whether they are salted or plain. Even Though the salted one might taste better than the plain ones, eating too many salted seeds can be bad for you. Check the ingredients list to find out how much salt you are having in one serving. Based on that, calculate how many of them you can eat without going above the limit of daily sodium intake.
  • The shell of the seed – The shell of the sunflower is not fit for consumption. Even though there is no harm if you eat one or two of them, eating too many can have a bad effect. Moreover, if you do not chew them really well, the sharp corners of the shell can cut your mouth and the oesophagus. However, if you are buying roasted seeds, almost all of them will come with the shell removed.

There are many other edible seeds apart from sunflower seeds. These include apricot kernels, chia seeds, dill seeds, hemp seeds, linseed, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and more. The good news is that you can find all of them easily using our shopping search engine . That will also let you compare the prices and features of different seeds and pick the right one among them. Finally, don’t forget to check out other amazing products from the Food & Beverage category.

Question & Answer

Are sunflower seeds healthy?

Sunflower seeds contain a lot of different nutrients, even though they are tiny. These seeds contain a variety of different nutrients, and out of them the most abundant one is vitamin E. Some researchers suggest that vitamin E has the ability to revitalise unhealthy cells and prevent the formation of free radicals. The selenium present in the seed is an essential component that helps with DNA synthesis. Selenium is also a very effective antioxidant. Sunflower seeds also contain a lot of fibre that can improve the digestion process.

Can you eat sunflower seed shells?

Sunflower seeds contain a lot of fibre. While there is no doubt that fibre is essential for the body, too much of it can be really harmful. Therefore, if you eat a lot of sunflower seed shells, your stomach can feel heavy and bloated. In extreme cases, it can even cause diarrhoea or constipation. Another harm with eating shells is because of the sharp edges of the shells itself. If you are not careful enough to chew the shells really well, the sharp edges of the shells can cause cuts in the mouth or scarring in the oesophagus and intestine.

How to eat sunflower seeds?

There are plenty of different ways to consume sunflower seeds. How to eat them depends on whether they are roasted or not. If the seeds are roasted and salted, you can eat them alone as a snack, add them to salad dressings and sauces, or sprinkle on top of ice creams and yoghurt. Eating raw seeds as they are can be difficult. In that case, the better option is to add the seeds to smoothies or to stir them into oatmeal breakfast. This will soften the seeds and make them easier to chew. If you want to get creative, try adding them to juices.

If you are looking to buy sunflower seeds online in the UAE, look no further as you are in the right place. There are more than 500 shops and brands offering them here on These shops offer products from popular brands like Taco Bell, Spitz, Jim Beam, Lance, Lidl, Planters, Red Giant, and Dr Axe.

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