Sesame Seeds

About Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds come from a flowering plant that is also known as benne. There are many types of sesame plants in the wilds of Africa, whereas some are cultivated in India and some other parts of South Asia.

Typically, the sesame seeds are cultivated for edible seeds that grow in the pods. The estimated world production of sesame seed was 6.1 million tonnes in 2016. With that said, sesame seed is among the oldest oilseeds known to humans. It has been domesticated well for more than 3000 years. The sesame plant has many other species where most are wild and native to sub-Saharan Africa. Some types are sensitive, while others are tough to deal with weather conditions like drought and cold. The sesame seeds have a rich, nutty flavour that makes them a part of many cuisines across the globe.

Health benefits of sesame seeds

Sesame seeds grow in the pods of “Sesamum Indicum.” It is a flowering plant that is abundantly available in the tropical regions of Africa and India. These tiny seeds are rich in minerals like copper, zinc, calcium, and magnesium. It also contains Vitamin B complex with many fibres, antioxidants, and proteins. On average, about 100 g of sesame seeds serves about 563kcal energy, 25g of carbohydrates. The exact quantity can offer you 16.8g of dietary fibres, 43.4 g of protein along with Iron, Calcium, Copper, Zinc and Phosphorous. Besides such nutritional values, these sim-sim seeds have many more benefits to your health. Some of which are mentioned below.

Enjoy healthier skin and hair.

Losing hair and premature signs of ageing like wrinkles are common problems we hear about. There are expensive treatments to deal with such issues and retrieve our youth. But a cheaper and sure-fire way is adding sesame seeds to your daily diet. These seeds contain a fantastic amount of organic properties that can restore the glow of your skin and enhance the strength of your hair from within. These seeds are rich in Vitamin B complex like niacin, thiamine, pyridoxine, folic acid, riboflavin and more. These compounds are all you need for the healthy growth of your hair, skin, and nails.

For bone and blood sugar

Sesame contains a considerable amount of calcium that the human body needs. Even zinc acts as a critical mineral to strengthen the bone structure. According to studies, adding sesame to your daily diet can also prevent osteoporosis at a later age. Meanwhile, these seeds help regulate blood sugar, specifically in diabetic patients. In the long run, it acts as an organic blood sugar regulator. The low carbohydrate and a high number of healthy fats and proteins content naturally occur in the sesame seeds.

For allergies, pain, and thyroid

Sesame is an effective and natural means to cure certain types of allergies and cure pain. It is rich in copper, magnesium, calcium, and other minerals. As copper is suitable for rheumatoid arthritis, magnesium is ideal for respiratory issues. At the same time, these supply about 18% of selenium which is critical for making thyroid hormones. Additionally, the copper, zinc, Vitamin B6 and iron content in these seeds help support thyroid health. You will need to roast sesame in your daily diet for such benefits.

Improved immunity and mental health

With all the stress of work and toxic disease coming up now and then, there is a dire need for a robust immune system to pass every test of time. Sesame seeds can help you build your immunity using their power from vitamins and minerals. For example, the intake of zinc helps produce and activate T-lymphocytes that are part of the body’s immune system that attack invading bacteria and viruses. Likewise, the amino acids and tyrosine in sesame positively impact the serotonin activity that affects our mood.

Tips on how to buy Sesame Seeds online in the UAE 

From using sesame seeds for weight loss to buying specially treated sesame seeds for erectile dysfunction, there is a wide range of online products. Luckily with so many brands online, you can easily find high quality yet cheap bulk sesame seeds for sale online in the UAE. But, as you will be buying the seeds online, you might need to pay a little more attention. First of all, note that dozens of brands online sell quality products at the best price possible. So, it is easier to get distracted and coned by lousy quality products.  Further, you may need to consider the following points while buying seeds online.

  • Prefer bulk buying – Eating seeds for a week or a few days will do you no good. Also, buying seeds and nuts in large quantities will save you a lot of money. So, look for bigger packings when you head to buy sesame seeds online. Generally, you will find them standard packaging of different weights. Buy as per your consumption.
  • Try to buy raw – Today, you can find processed and even flavoured seeds. Other times they will come with many preservatives to stay healthy and in their natural shape and taste longer. But for most nutritional benefits prefer buying raw seeds. This way, you can also enjoy variety and roast them or make a paste and use them in different dishes.
  • Think of the Storage – Seeds and nuts will indeed expire sooner if exposed to moisture, heat, or direct sunlight. This is why they come in special airtight packaging. Remember, the better the package, the best will be the quality and condition of the product. So, look for a product with airtight packaging to be easier to store.
  • Read previous consumers – Buying online gives you more insight into the performance of the brand and product even before buying. The experience of prior consumers can help you decide if you should purchase the products from a particular brand or not. So read the comment section of each product carefully and buy a product with at least a 3 out of 5-star ratings.
  • The price range – Food items like seeds are always a bit expensive compared to other nutritional sources. Products from top brands are still costly. But it will also ensure your health safety by offering authorized quality edible products. So always consider investing money in good quality.

It is always a good idea to buy organic products that provide you with natural nutrients and minerals. However, industrially cleaned and packed organic food items are still more expensive. They are also harder to find as compared to their non-organic alternatives. This is why is a perfect place to look for organic products from best sellers. Here the consumers can also enjoy buying foods and beverages with the help of a price comparison tool. This unique tool helps users search for cheaper branded items with just a few clicks.

Question & Answer

Are sesame seeds gluten-free?

Yes, sesame seeds are gluten-free. They are just like sunflower seeds. However, when buying online, you should check the ingredient section carefully. Many brands offer processed seeds and nuts with added gluten; therefore, if you are buying online, check the product description section or read the list of ingredients on the package carefully before placing an order. Make sure the list contains no ingredients that you are allergic to. Otherwise, you might get into some serious trouble.

Why do we put sesame seeds on buns?

Usually, these seeds are used on buns and bread for texture and nutritional purposes. Most of the time, these bread and buns are used with topping and meats; there is less and no role of these seeds in adding taste. Some suggest that these seeds can help you better grip the buns and prevent them from slipping from your hands. With all such reasons to use, these seeds are optional in most recipes that we see around.

Which sesame seeds are netter: white or black?

According to experts, the black sesame seeds are slightly bitter compared to the white sesame seeds. This is mainly because of the hulls in the black seeds. They were speaking of the white seeds. They carry a sweeter and much nuttier taste. This taste primarily comes from the kernels of the seed. Another difference that affects the taste of both seeds is the texture.  Due to the hull, black seeds are crisper compared to the other member of the family.

Which sesame seeds are good for pregnancy?

Generally, black seeds are recommended for pregnant ladies. These seeds have a higher nutritional profile and are healthier than white sesame seeds. Black seeds contain more calcium and are thus a better choice for females during pregnancy. It is also a natural source to meet all the calcium needs and common deficiencies during pregnancy. However, even white seeds are not a bad option to consider during these special times.

Where to buy cheap sesame seeds online in the UAE?

You can explore to find all top brands like Ryvita, La Tourangelle, Dabur, or Kevala. All these brands are known and trusted for offering a wide range of seeds for all your healthy and nutritional needs. You can also use the price comparison tool to compare and buy products from different brands fitting in your budget. Here you can also have the opportunity to compare products from different brands and make a smart buying decision considering both; budget and nutritional needs.

Adding natural ingredients like sesame seeds to your daily diet can never harm you. However, you need to know the maximum consumption per day to avoid triggering any problem in your body and wish you a healthy and tasteful life ahead.

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