
About Towbars

Tow bars are car supplies commonly used by a lot of vehicles around the world. The purposes vary, but the kind of bars used are almost the same. It reduces a lot of human effort and makes so many activities easier too.

When it comes to automobiles, because of their enormous size, it‘s sometimes tricky to do certain activities; you just cannot install it on the sides of the tail and carry it along. However, if you try to use a few handy car accessories , you can solve the issue quickly. The best part is you don’t need a professional to help and it can be done very quickly. A tow bar is typical and easy to use equipment that you can use in small as well as larger vehicles. The fact that you can keep it safe in your trunk or even in the door pouch makes it perfect for carrying at all times. Plus, it is imperative that you do, since you never know when a situation may arise.

Different types of towbars you can buy today

Be it another car that is stuck due to poor road or weather conditions; a suitable tow bar is the best accessory to get you out of a sticky situation. Always have a good one in your car, even if you never had to use one in so many years. Since it’s not a standard accessory that people keep in their cars, sometimes, even a fellow passenger may not be able to help you out since he isn’t carrying one himself. So, rather than waiting on the repair guy to come and help you out, wasting time, effort and money in the process, it is much better to learn how to do it yourself. For this, you can check a few online videos or connect with any car dealer to learn the trick.

Detachable towbars

Most of the newer ones are designed to be removable bars, which is a terrific choice. If you want to go with the regular ones too, you can. However, they don’t detach, but yes, you don’t end up forgetting to carry them either. To use these, the fitting part is relatively simple. You should make sure to check the instructions and try using them a few times to prepare yourself better. A lot of them also have helpful videos, so it gets easy. Make sure you purchase from a reliable brand, so you don’t struggle while using the bars.

Towing brackets for cars

An excellent towing bracket for vehicles is one way to make sure you’re never delayed due to an issue with your automobile. This type of tow bar is easy to use and handle too. It depends on the brand and makes, as to specify if it is a good buy or not. However, make sure you don’t wait for a situation to arise and try to use the brackets a few times before. Make sure you also note the capacity to determine the weight it will be able to pull. Using it on the specific car type is also very important. There are a lot of choices on many online stores as well, so you can weigh all your options before you buy.

Universal towbar

With the unlimited tow bar, you don’t have to worry about the weight, type of car, type of vehicle to tow and other details. This tow bar is perfect for all kinds of automobiles and vehicles. Thus, it is an excellent purchase if you have more than one type of car or automobile and don’t want to invest in a tow bar for all of them. Use it for the one you drive regularly, and for the trip cars, detach and attach as needed. This feature of it being detachable is another aspect that you should consider. As of now, there are plenty of car owners around the world who opt for the universal one, since it is a much simpler choice too.

Towbar accessories

A lot of people are not even aware that the tow bar has accessories. Well, with one look at it, it does seem simple, but yes, it does have specific parts to it. It’s also a good idea to research this bit before you purchase a tow bar. Some of the necessary accessories include bumper protectors, couplings, drop & mount plates, detachable keys, nuts & bolts, tow ball & tow bar electrics socket covers, steps and other spare parts. Almost all of these accessories are also available online, so it‘s easy to check and take a call as per your requirement and the budget.

Tips on how to buy Towbars online 

Question & Answer

Which are the best towbars for cars?

A right tow bar will really up the efficiency factor of your car. Since a lot of drivers still don’t realise its importance, it‘s better to have one with you at all times. You can research online and compare a few that you like to see if they fit your budget, are practical and match your needs as well. Some of the best choices today are Blue Ox BX7365 Alpha Tow Bar, Demco 9511010 Commander Tow Bar, Blue Ox BX7445 Aventa LX Tow Bar, Roadmaster 520 Falcon 2 Mounted Tow Bar, Smittybilt 87450 2″ Ball Adjustable Tow Bar Kit, NSA RV Tow Bar, Hiltex Adjustable Tow Bar and Reese Adjusatbel Tow Bars.

Which are the best carriers for bikes?

Bike carriers are the alternative for bars here. It is easy to carry and hold stuff, as well as tow some lightweight things. Due to the nature of a bike, you cannot haul heavy stuff, as you would when it comes to a car or a truck. The Thule ProRide 598, Saris Super Bones 3, Thule RideOn 9502, Peruzzo Arezzo Towball 3, B’Twin 320, RockyMounts SplitRail hitch rack, SeaSucker Mini Bomber roof rack, Yakima Highroad and Seasucker Talon are some of the very best.

Which are the options for cheap towbars for jeeps and heavy vehicles?

Jeeps are durable and heavy, so they can surely take a lot more weight than other kinds of vehicles. Today, it is easy to find cheap towbars for jeeps and heavy cars online and in stores, and you can choose as you wish. Some of the most reliable brands are readily available everywhere. Some of the best one’s today are – Currie CE-9033JK, Smittybilt 87450, EZ Travel EZ, Hiltex 20046, CURT 19745, EZ Travel Tow Bar, RockJock Tow Bar – CE-9033F, Warrior Collapsible Tow Bar and Genuine Packages Tow Bar.

Which are the best towbars to buy online in Dubai?

Dubai has some of the best automobile stores. So, it’s inevitable they have a good selection of accessories and spare parts like bars too. It is easy to check out the details online. Make sure you browse, a brilliant product search engine . This one has more than 500+ products under it, making it one of the biggest in Dubai. The fact that you can shop safely and quickly from one website instead of browsing ten is just the cherry on the cake! Thule, Reese, Zetti, Witter, Bosal, Westfalia, Brink and PCT are some of the unique brands today. It is also reasonably easy to find options online on our shopping platform,