Ice Hockey Sticks

About Ice Hockey Sticks

The gliding, the skating, the passing and the frost, of course, ice hockey is a fun and thrilling sport to play. But can you ever imagine playing hockey without the stick? Well, no! The ice hockey sticks are as crucial as your skates. And that’s why we are going to explore more about these sticks in this article.

Undoubtedly, the technology of sports equipment has evolved and improved significantly over the past couple of decades. And these hockey sticks are not an exception. Some of the very first ice hockey sticks date back to the mid -the 1800s. These were made from hornbeam wood. However, coming to the 1920s, people favoured the ash material more for designing hockey sticks. But the interesting fact to note here is that these did not have that popular curved shape as in modern hockey sticks. Well, the curve happened only in 1927. This is when Cy Denneny, from Ottawa Senators, created the ‘banana blade’, the curve on the blade. But this became popular only after the 1960s. Today, you’ll find various popular brands have come up with different types of hockey sticks.

Best ice hockey sticks from popular brands

Hockey player or not, any ice hockey player would agree that the hockey stick is the primary piece in the sport. Moreover, it is also incredibly personal. That’s why choosing the one that’s of high quality and the one that suits you is necessary to perform well in the game. In other words, whether you are a playmaker or like to impress with ankle-breaking dekes, using the right sticks can make a world of difference. But to buy the perfect one, you need to first understand the models and types that are currently trending in the market. Below is a list of a few such kinds of hockey sticks that you can consider while buying one.

The Bauer ice hockey sticks

Bauer is a leading brand that offers a staggering range of hockey sticks. Just recently, it has come up with a brand new type of hockey stick. It is the Bauer Vapor Flylite. Some many more types and models come with different characteristics and features. Some sticks from Bauer come with XE taper technology too. Such sticks can be counted among the lightest hockey stick out there. Apart from that, you’ll also find an asymmetrical TeXtreme Shaft. One of the peculiar features of this stick is the quick release. Moreover, the models from Bauer continues to evolve every year.

The Reebok ice hockey sticks

Reebok is phased out as one of the major brands for producing sports equipment. As a result, a lot of sticks too from reebok top the list of the best hockey sticks. For example, the RibCor stick comes with unique features when compared to its competitors. The stick comes with vertical ridges on the bottom half. Now, this feature enables the stick to be in tension constantly, that in turn facilitates an increased power transfer from the hands to the puck. Moreover, most models from Reebok come in materials that are durable and long-lasting.

The STX ice hockey sticks

STX is a global sports gear manufacturer. They are famed for their innovative technology, especially in their lacrosse sticks. However, recently they have turned and joined the market by contributing some top-notch hockey sticks. Their particular range of hockey sticks combines smart designs and superior technology to produce some of the best sticks. For instance, the RX2 ice hockey stick is a great piece. It comes with a peculiar geometry, that helps you have better control on the stick when stick handling. This, in turn, enables you to have excellent command over the puck too.

Top ice hockey stick for 5-year-old

Hockey is not just for adults. The youngsters, too, can practice it. But you need to make sure that you have the right hockey sticks to play well. Remember that the stick must feel comfortable in your hands. Moreover, you need to see if the length, weight, flex and stiffness and curve are all perfect. Many kids prefer to play with a lighter and shorter stick. Indeed, that’s a good idea as these types of ice hockey sticks come with more flex. The Bauer vapour Flylite, True Xcore, Bauer Nexus, Supreme, and the CCM are some of the most popular ice hockey sticks for kids. Check out to buy the best junior ice hockey sticks.

Tips on how to buy Ice Hockey Sticks online

Since now you are familiar with their top brands and types, shall we head out to shop one? Well, just not yet. Understanding their types alone will not get you your perfect hockey stick. There are several other factors you must consider when you buy ice hockey sticks online. Moreover, it is imperative to pick the one that perfectly fits your needs as it plays a significant role in your performance. Below we’ve compiled a list of tips that will help you pick out your perfect hockey stick without much hassle.

  • Understand their types – You now know that there are several varieties of these sticks. Moreover, there are popular brands that keep introducing new styles now and then. Hence, it is a good idea to stay ahead of the trend and know their types. This way you can get the latest model that is of high quality.
  • Check out their features – From size, length, blade and material each stick model comes with peculiar features. Remember that, a model that suits someone might not sit right in your hands. Hence, carefully observe and study the characteristics of each model and then go for your pick. Also, these features determine the comfort of the stick.
  • Look for quality – Of course, quality is a primary factor that you must consider while buying any sports equipment. A good quality hockey stick can make a world of difference. Moreover, it lets you perform better in the game. Therefore, it is imperative to look out for the quality of the stick. Also, make sure you go for branded ones, this is one of the best ways to secure a quality stick without much hassle.
  • Look for comfort – Good quality, excellent features, perfect types, all go to vain if the stick doesn’t feel comfortable in your hands. Whenever you are picking your hockey stick; you must first assess its comfortability of it. Also, make sure that the size, length, features and types all suit your needs and not do not seem forced.
  • Check out the price – Like any other product, here too, the price is of importance. You’ll find sticks that range from AED 100 up to AED 1000. This entirely depends on the quality, design, features and other characteristics. The brand and the place you buy from also plays an essential role in determining the price. Nevertheless, you must always set aside your budget to purchase a stick wisely.
  • Read reviews online – One of the excellent ideas to find out the quality and performance of the product is to read a bunch of reviews online. These online reviews are genuine customer feedback. Hence, they help you weigh the pros and cons of your product quickly. If you are not convinced enough with these reviews, you can go for expert reviews too.

Thanks to the cutting-edge technology, state-of-the-art sports and outdoor materials and high-tech performance of these sticks it is one of the strongest and lightest hockey sticks ever made. But still, there are certain things you must consider when buying them. We hope the tips above will steer you towards your right pick and will help you in rooting out any unwanted others in the way.

Question & Answer

What size ice hockey stick should I buy?

Whether you are a novice or a veteran player, either way, it is vital to have the right size hockey stick. Hence it is always better to assess the size of the hockey stick. And an excellent way to do that is to stand without the skates in your stocking feet, on a flat surface. Then place the toe of your stick on the ground between your feet. Now, lean the straight stick up-and-down, so that the handle of the stick touches the tip of your nose. The general rule is to mark and cut the handle where it touches your nose. Remember that the sticks shouldn’t be too long or too short.

Why are ice hockey sticks so long?

The length of the stick can play a significant role in the player’s game. This is also one of the reasons why they are long. In other words, you can cut them according to your height specifications. As stated above, you need to measure the length of the hockey stick first and cut it accordingly. In such cases where you need to cut the stick, the longer sticks come in handy. That is, you can measure and cut the length you want, and you’ll get the perfect height of the hockey stick.

What is the best hockey stick to buy?

You must have gathered by now that several brands offer various types of hockey sticks. Brands like Bauer, CCM, Warrior, Easton, Nike, Grays, Cranberry, Brine, and Reebok offer some high-quality hockey sticks that are ideal for veteran players as well as for the novice. Browse through our product search engine and get access to a whole new world of top-notch hockey sticks. From Bauer to Warrior, you can buy the best sticks online. Apart from that, you can also purchase a staggering range of CCM ice hockey sticks in UAE from our platform.

How much does an ice hockey stick cost?

Are you in search of a hockey stick and wondering how much to spend on them? Well, a hockey stick may cost you anywhere between AED 100 to AED 1500 depending on its quality and design. Wood sticks are the cheapest, whereas the others will cost you more. Check out our retail search engine if you want to buy economically cheap wooden ice hockey sticks. Moreover, you could also buy ice hockey sticks for sale and get discounts on hockey sticks that are of high quality from online stores the world trust to shop from.

There you have it! Hope you are now aware of the various types of sticks and their pros and cons. However, it is always one’s personal preference that stands above all this. Hopefully, we’ve offered you the right advice to pick your favourite stick with this article.

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