Whether an ardent bodybuilder or not, you still want a perfect body. You can decide on any sport & outdoor activity but you got to have the right gear and machine for it. And if you are looking forward to sculpting your back, hamstrings and glutes, look no further than the rowing trainers. They allow you to perform a better workout session and shed calories through their hardcore fitness mechanism.
These rowing machines are great because they take the principle of rowing crew on an actual boat and applies that in the indoor setting. By the way, in most cases, you require no real water body! Indeed, the rowing machines enable you to take your cardio workout a notch up, especially when you get sick of your ellipticals and treadmills. Moreover, with their peculiar mechanism, you can achieve a ‘no running’ fitness routine and still target your entire body muscles. Of course, this is an important reason to get them. But there are more as such. Well, this article highlights them and more. We’ve enlisted here their types, benefits, the working principle and all other aspects you need to know for a perfect buy.
The rowing on boat concept dates back to a thousand years. However, the oars only came in around 500BC, which began to change the approach of riding the boats. In modern times you’ll see that rowing is still a popular sport and is used in various aspects across the world. With a leisurely boat ride, Olympic rowing teams and whatnot, the concept of rowing is everywhere. But the fact here is that the rowing action is one of the best workout exercises. Rowing trainers were initially developed as a way for competitive trainers to train when they are off the water. However, soon, many realized that anyone could benefit from them due to the nature of the exercise. Let us look at the various facets of these smart devices.
In the most straightforward words, the rowing trainers are machines that come with a mechanism, where the motions associated with the exercise mimics rowing a boat. More precisely, the action is similar to rowing motions employed by actual competitive rowing teams. As a user of the machine, you can accomplish this in many ways. In other words, the rowing motions vary depending on the type of devices you are using. Some provide you with strikingly similar rowing action, while some emphasize specific muscles a little more. Moreover, since there is no water afloat on, you instead slide up and down the seat when you are on the machine. Also, simultaneously, you’ll work the handles with your arms in a rowing motion. Therefore, you can engage your upper body and back. Further, you can also push back with your legs with each row.
Initially, the rowing trainers used to be reasonably limited in their scope and varieties. However, now you’ll find four main models in the market—each of them with its pros and cons. For instance, in the case of air rowers, the machines work based on resistance created by air. These rowing trainers use the flywheel that rotates against the wind force to create resistance. Hence, the result is a smooth, fluid workout session. But, if you want to get something that is advanced, then the water rowers are one of the best. These recreate the feel of actually rowing in a boat. In these, the handles are connected to a type of flywheel that sits inside the tank or water. This turns each time you ‘row’. Besides, you’ll also find magnetic and piston based rowing trainers that use different techniques to offer the best results.
Of course, the principle of the machine seems straightforward; they aren’t exactly an exercise machine that you can hop on and figure out the action. You need to put in some extra coordination and also pay attention to form posture and breathing. For instance, you must lightly warm yourself up by doing pre-stretches before you start exercising on rowing machines. To get the most out of our rowing trainers, you must keep your head up, keep your back straight and hold your hands in the same position while rowing. Moreover, remember that you must always row with an emphasis on your back muscles, rather than just your arms. Note that the pre-exercise, position and grip are all extremely important, mainly if you are a newbie to these machines.
The physical process of rowing on the device involves several different muscle groups. That’s why with these machines, you can perform both cardio and anaerobic exercises. While most of you think that they mainly only involve your arms, but rowing on these machines makes you engage more muscles than you may think. To put it differently, you can target multiple muscles when working out on them. Also, the pulling of the handles helps you tone down your deltoids, pectorals, biceps, abs, and obliques. Moreover, this exercise also targets the lower body parts. That is, the sliding up and down the body platform with each row puts your weight on your lower body. Hence, it helps you sculpt your hamstrings, calves, and quads, and also your glutes. In other words, they are perfect workout machines.
You have by now figured it out that owning rowing trainers is no brainer. Moreover, with so many different benefits on the body, who wouldn’t want to buy one. And we are sure that it is not the benefits of rowing that is holding you back, but then it’s figuring out how to buy a rowing trainer that fits personal preference. But don’t worry, that’s why we have created a few tips for you to consider. With the below tips, we want you to know exactly where to start and easily buy a rowing machine online when you are out in the market looking for your perfect rowing machine.
Unfortunately, the manufacturers and most retailers only offer the necessary product information and not enough details for you to buy them. We understand, knowing only that will not get you anywhere. That’s why we listed these tips for you. With this, we hope it will get you to your perfect rowing machines. In other words, though the process of buying the rowing trainers isn’t an easy job, this page can guide you through purchasing the apt rowing machine without pulling all your hair out!
Rowing trainers are an excellent workout machine that you can use for both residential and commercial purposes. Apart from toning and building muscles, they help you increase stamina too. In other words, this machine is a fitness game-changer. It offers an effective aerobic exercise, helps you in your weight loss journey and gives you a fantastic upper and lower body workout. Moreover, it gives you the feel of low impact cardio and helps you build increased endurance. Apart from all of this, you will find them to be convenient, affordable, fun and easy to use!
Of course, it is a YES! They offer you a stellar workout session that helps you build muscles without much hassle. As rowers, you will exercise the rhomboids in the shoulders, trapezii in the upper back, and lats in the lower back. In addition to that, you can sculpt your body too. While exercising, you can tone your main leg muscles like the quads in the upper front of the thighs. Moreover, you’ll also feel the burn in the calves and glutes.
The rowing trainers are an excellent machine when it comes to losing weight. You can burn calories, tone muscles, and increase your energy by rowing on the machine. The rowing trainers help you burn out around 600 calories an hour. Well, that’s more efficient than any other home gym machine. In other words, if consistently working out on these machines and follow a balanced and healthy diet, you can quickly achieve your fitness goals.
There are several models of rowing trainers out there. Hence, it is always best to consider the space when you plan on buying one for your home. Also, look out for the brands of rowing machines. Check out brands like BodyCraft, H2O Fitness, Proform, Kettler, Concept2, Infiniti, Life Fitness, and Sunny Health & Fitness. They offer some of the best models of rowing trainers. Moreover, you can buy an air rowing machine for sale and also get some excellent models of commercial rowing machines for sale from these brands.
Shops.ae is the smartest product search engine where you can purchase an endless list of rowing trainers from popular brands. However, one of the most significant advantages here is that you can purchase them from over 500 online stores. You could also buy a folding rowing machine and get a high-quality rowing machine for sale at low prices. So, if you are looking to add rowing trainers to your workout regime, then checking out our extensive collection of rowing machines Shops.ae is a must-do!