
About Fish Finders

No doubts patience is an angler’s greatest virtue. There is nothing good that you can’t stand and wait for a while. So is the meaning of saying “Good things take time.” However, there are times when all the wait and virtue go vain, regardless of your strategies, and patience. Ans such occasions are prevalent in the life of fishers. Especially if they do not know the perks of fish finders.

The chances are evident if the fish is shy, full in the stomach, or simply not around. At such times, all the care you put into the best bait or in crafting a perfect fishing lure will slip fruitlessly into water. However, it does not always have to be that way. Obviously, you can change the course. And this is where the beauty of fish finders come in. A fish finder is a unique gadget that amplifies your time spent on fishing.  This instrument is used to locate fish underwater. It works by detecting reflected pulses of the sound energy (sonar). In this article, we will explain the construction and the working phenomenon of a modern fish finder. And how it aids the fishers and those above waters.

Explaining modern fish finders for boats

A fishing day is always enjoyable, but the reeling in a few winners make it even better. It can also make your fish fry and camp-site cook-off stellar. A modern fish finder works for you by displaying measurements of the reflected sounds on a particular display. It further allows to operate or interpret information and locate the fish gathering, debris underwater and even bottom of the body of water. The deep fish finders are used by commercial and sports fishers, GPS navigation systems and marine radar. Although the core phenomenon is the same, there can be a minor difference in devices available in the market. Here are some of the standard, core aspects of fish finder machines you should know.

The fundamentals of a deeper fish finder

A fish finder is an electronic device. These devices consist of a display and transducer that work with sound waves. It deals with sound navigation and ranging (in technical language we call it sonar). These radiations work to detect and show things in the water under your boat. The sonar units in these machines send high-frequency sounds waves through water and wait for them to bounce off of an underwater object and hit back the origin. By processing these outgoing and incoming sound waves, the fishermen can determine fish stock among other objects like submerged structures or water depth. It helps them to hunt fish at the right spot and make the best of their fishing venture.

The display of portable fish finder

Every fish finder comes with a display screen on it. It shows you whatever the sonar sees under the boat. Traditionally these display graphics are monochromatic (mean they are in shades of grey). However, you can also find machines with colours displays depending on the units. Today you can also find many fish finder display screen that works well in extreme sunlight whereas others are perfect for use at night. This feature is of great importance. If you cannot make out what’s the display shows on a sunny day, your fish finder will be nothing more than a paperweight. Today these displays measure in pixels and determine the clarity of images.

The transducers

A transducer is responsible for transmitting and receiving the sound waves of the sonar. These sound waves radiate from the sensor in a cone-shaped formation known as the beam. The beamwidth refers to the angle of sound waves as they are delivered through water. A transducer with a broader beamwidth shows a larger area of the bottom in shallow water. Whereas a narrow beamwidth works well in deeper water. Another key to the high performance of the transducer is to mount it in an area with clean and calm water (with no bubbles). You can also try to install it in a perpendicular position to the bottom of the lake. This position will help you enjoy maximum sound wave efficiency.

The whistles and bells of fish finders

Now comes some secondary features that help to enhance the performance of these machines. A machine with a temperature sensor will help you assess surface water temperature. Whereas a paddlewheel transducer can offer you accurate boating speed and how much it has travelled. But the fish icon is the most interesting of all. It identifies potential fish targets as little fish shapes on your display screen. However, too many of these small gaming characters icons get annoying. This is why many prefer using quarry or fish arche displays. In such times the alarm on your device is what adds a bit of protection by notifying you if you are about to hit bottom or any hard material around.

Tips on how to buy Fish Finders online in UAE

Are you in need of something to help you find a fish in deep water? You are at the right place to shop. Here at we have more than 500 brands selling the best portable fish finders online in UAE. We know that a fish finder is something that can help you make most of your time on the waters. From seeing your prey to tracking your GPS location and understanding your surroundings, a quality fish finder can help you do it all. However, there is an influx of types, makes, models and features of fish finders. It is thus essential to know what and how to look for. To help you start with your online search, here are a few handy tips from experts.

  • Type of water – The kind of water has a direct impact on the performance of the device. Either you can with a tool that is meant to serve you in the specific type of water you want to fish in. Otherwise look for the devices that can work well in all kinds of pools; Salt, fresh, and ice water.
  • Type of boat – Next comes the type and size of the boat you are carrying for fishing. Here the weight and size of the machine are also essential, specifically if you are going on fishing with your kayak or smaller boats. Better is to consult an expert to know what type of fish finder suits your needs and boat.
  • The control system – Today, you can find fish finders with side imaging as well as two types of control systems. These include keypad and touchpad based operational aids. Here you are allowed to make personal choices as per your ease and likes/dislikes.
  • The budget – Of course, it’s an important part of any shopping venture. As we are here to shop fish finders, important is to consider the fluctuating prices. One may find different prices from one brand to another and according to features, size, model and other specifications.
  • Additional features – Apart from basic functions, the fish finders are not well equipped with advanced features like high-quality mapping, navigation connection and imagery. However, before considering any feature, keep in mind that the cost will be added with each function.

If you are with a limited budget and not sure about what is the best possible fishing equipment , we are here to help. You can use our price comparison tool to set your budget limitations. With this feature, you will be able to see a comprehensive collection of devices from different brands within your budget. Hence, you can shortlist the products without wasting hours surfing and searching. Explore the handful of highly specific products and pick one as per your will because it’s too late to start enjoying your life. Don’t waste it any further on hectic shopping ventures.

Question & Answer

Which fish finder is the best?

Today, an ideal fish finder is the one that can serve you with sonar, GPS, mapping, navigation and high-quality images. Moreover, your device must be compatible with your needs and the type of water you are fishing in. However, to ease your shopping process here are some of the best selling options you can consider buying; Lowrance HOOK2 7, Hummingbird Helix 7, Lowrance HOOK2 5, and Humminbird Helix 5. But, if you need to see more, visit our sports and outdoor section and entertain your mind with more options.

Why use a fish finder?

One of the main reasons why people use fish finder is to locate the bait. It mainly works when it is hard to find something (fish, rocks, bottom or debris) on the water bottom and you cannot get the bait at your dependable spot. Meanwhile, it also helps to target specific species with the help of electronics and allow the user to find halibut or bass etc. Another advantage is knowing that you can evaluate the depth of the waterbed. Moreover, if you want to dive off your kayak, knowing the kind and depth of structure on the bottom will help you save energy and time. And this is what a fish finder can help you with – assessing the depth and type of base.

Are fish finders expensive?

You can find them at low cost as well as considerably expensive price tags. However, experts do not believe in considering any cheap fish finder to buy, no matter what your needs are. At the times when you are investing in a top-quality boat, accessories and equipment, compromising on this crucial water guide are risky. This is the reason why it is always better to spend on top brands and avoid using local and cheap fish finders.

Where can I buy a fish finder?

Branded fish finders are exclusive. However, we at have all the top brands that manufacture and sell fish finders and other fishing accessories and gadgets. Hence if you are not willing to risk your money and want to have a reliable device to stay with you, here is the right place. Here at you can find brands like; Garmin, Lowrance, Simrad, Raymarine, Furuno, and Humminbird. Apart from these known best sellers expect to see much more than what you can ever imagine.

Do you need more than a fish finder? At we offer you easy buying perks from boats and kayaks to small accessories that you may need in waters. Here you can explore stores the world trust to buy from.