A sleeping mat is essential during a camping tour. While a sleeping mat for day to day occasions and for adventure sports differ a lot from each other, the latter one has got variations in itself. Your choice depends on lots of factors like climate, shelter area, convenience, and comfort, among others. If you have set your eyes on a random product, we suggest scrutinising it again by comparing it with other products and reading their reviews. Only then, you can call your purchase an informed decision. So, spend some time and research before you hit the buy button.
Some people try to be minimalistic when going out on a hiking or camping trip. While some seek comfort before anything else, but floor sleeping mat is something you can’t go without. You need a sound sleep to continue your adventure in daylight. And also, you need a piece of baggage that is easy to use and easy to transport. On this page, you will reveal different types and all other details that lead you to the best of products. But first, it is imperative to know what lies inside sleeping mats.
You need proper layering underneath your body without which you may wake up with a stiff back and bruises. Do you know what that means? Well, that can ruin your next day excursion or maybe the whole trip. We know you don’t want that, so choose your camping mat with enough padding and thermal insulation, depending on the shelter area’s climate and health issues, if you have any. A basic product has half-centimetre-thick foam material with a length the same as your sleeping bag. You can further top it with more padding and features based on your personal preferences. For example, if comfort is your primary purpose, check out and buy the most comfortable sleeping mat for camping. Likewise, you can put filters while shopping online.
Self-inflating technology is an extension to manually inflated sleeping mats. It is a highly compact mattress and lightweight as well. Once you keep the mat out of the sleeping bag and put it on the floor, it inflates on its own by drawing air into its pores. After a few seconds, your camping sleeping mat would be ready to use. The thickness and weight of the foam depending on the kind of activity you want to indulge in. For instance, car camping doesn’t have to do anything with weight, and thickness can be less too. So, car camping purchase could be on a budget as compared to other activities. Check out the best self-inflating sleeping mats for camping. But before that, we would recommend paying a little heed to different variants.
Thermarest has one of the best lightweight sleeping mats in the market. 0-4 inches is the thickness they provide, and construction could be closed foam, NeoAir, and self-inflating mattress. Let’s take one product, for instance – NeoAir Uber lite. In this, you will get 0.25kg of pad, very compact size, 2.5-inch of cushion, and an R-value of 2.0. What is this value of R? Well, it determines the possibility of a camping mat insulating your body from the cold ground. 0-2 R-value is suitable for warm weather trips, and a higher value means a more heated sleeping mat. While checking products, you can see cheap lightweight sleeping mat online with less R-value because this value influences the price tag. Let’s review another brand for you to consider.
You can find many oversised products here at Klymit if your body frame is big. Static V Luxe is one such product of Klymite with dimensions 76″ x 30″ x 3″. It is suitable for car camping, tent camping, and cabin vacation only. Some features include an air valve with twist-lock, side rails to keep you centred, patented weld for durability, and V-chambers to keep you off-ground from head to toe. All the features sound fancy and perfect for a comfortable trip. This brand has other Ultralite sleeping pads too, such as static v2, V Ultralite SL, and insulated static v lite. We believe you might have consumed enough information to buy a comfortable floor sleeping mat as per your preferences. Next, we have compiled a few pointers to further move on with your purchase, and we suggest reading all of them.
Outdoor activities could be adventurous yet critical. Therefore, planning your luggage is critical too, so that you don’t miss out on something. Whether you are checking a cheap lightweight sleeping mat online or a camping mat with high-end features, our tips would be helpful for all the products. Overall, we have compiled a buying guide keeping all kinds of purposes in mind, so while reading, you can pick out what suits you best. And this way, you will end up with your personalised list. So, let’s get started.
Other than buying sleeping mats, make sure that you keep a patch kit handy with you because air mats are prone to puncture. Enough about the features to consider, you should now focus on the brands and the platform to kickstart your shopping journey. Some of the brands are – Klymit, Nemo, Oztrail, Neoair, Decathlon, Naturehike, Coleman, Quechua, Zempire, and Karrimor. Also, we would recommend our shopping platform, Shops.ae to check out all these brands under one roof.
Thermarest NeoAir has some of the best floor camping mats with the highest R-value to weight ratio. And these brands have some of the warmest options that are lightweight too. But with these high-end features, they are expensive and noisy. You can consider Klymit products, which provides a lifetime guarantee and comprise of dry air pump and patch kit inside the kit you buy. You see that you can label a product as best only if they are matching your priorities. Check the specs, and you are good to go.
Indeed! A sleeping mat is necessary not because of comfort, but it prevents you from bruises and back pain. And if you are the one who sleeps on the side, you can get shoulder pain without a mat. On an adventure trip, you need a fresh start every day to make the trip as enjoyable as it can. Therefore, we recommend buying a floor camping mat by looking at the features, such as thickness, R-value, weight, and others.
With an integrated pump, air pump, or pillow pump by your side, you don’t have to blow air into your sleeping mat. But with an added feature, the price tag usually increases. One of the Quechua inflatable sleeping mats will cost you around AED173. It is compact, durable, lightweight, and leakage inspection qualified. Another Naturehike sleeping pad is worth AED 200. You can search more at our shopping search engine and sort the price as per your preferences.
We have discussed quite a few top-notch brands to buy sleeping mats. And checking them out under one roof is what our shopping platform can provide. Shops.ae is the name, and here you can find fantastic deals and discounts. The advantage of this site over any other is that the products are authentic, and the specifications & product list is just concise. Above all, you can easily compare prices between different brands and read customer reviews too.
So, what are you thinking? Have you come up with the features you wish to have in your sleeping mat? Or still in some doubts? We would say that you must read the rest of the page to explore more and clear all your doubts. If you have already read that, it’s time to start refining the products at Shops.ae. You can also explore our dedicated section of Sports & Outdoor if you are looking for more than only sleeping mats.