A marine VHF radio is a special worldwide system of two-way radio transceivers. These communication systems are common on watercraft and ships used for bidirectional audio communication from one water mobile to another (ship to ship) or ship to shore.
A VHF radio uses an FM channel in the Very High Frequency or VHF radio band. It is a special frequency range between 156 to 174 MHz. This special marine VHF radio equipment is installed on large ships and most seagoing small crafts. It is also used with slightly different regulations on lakes and rivers. These communication devices are used for a wide variety of purposes. They commonly include marine navigation, traffic control, communication harbours, bridges, locks, marines and summoning rescue services. However, with advancements in technology, there are several different variations on the product. Hence you need to know the product in detail before heading for a purchasing venture. Here we are going to share some basic information. But you might need more than that to buy a multipurpose item for use.
When we talk about communication on a marine VHF radio, we actually talk about a serious piece of safety equipment regulated by the FCC and the official coast guard services. It can provide a critical communication link to potential rescuers if an in-water emergency is properly used. So you can expect to use them to access NOAA weather forecasts, notices to marine, or navigation alerts. You can also use them to communicate with passing ships or invite the neighbouring boat crew in an anchorage over the sundowners etc. Such so many jobs to do, these devices come with many features that are important to get knowledge of before heading to buy a marine radio.
The first thing you need to understand is that these radios are not toys. So when you have a handheld VHF radio, avoid talking like a trucker on a CB; make sure you are not clogging any important channel with useless chatter. Also, never make a false Mayday call. It can lead you to some severe charges besides that someone might lose the chance to get help for saving a life. Secondly, you must always monitor channel 16. So if you receive any distress call, record it as well as your position in the log and start preparing to render assistance if possible. Thirdly, always press a trigger when sending a message and speak while keeping the microphone closer to your mouth.
On standard VHF, you will find a power control and a squelch control set that points at which random noise on the channel does not activate the audio circuit, but a received signal does. You can set the setting by turning the knob clockwise. The channel selector is another knob on your VHF used to jump from one channel to another. You can also use this to confirm memory channel buttons. The 16/9 knob is a quick press button that recalls channel 16. But holding this button down can tune the radio channel to 9. Other important knobs include WX; PA/Fog; Scan/Mem; DX/IC; H/L; Menu/Call; ENT; Clr; or distress.
It contains a PTT (push to talk) button that triggers the transmitter when the transceiver is in radio mode. It also contains a microphone that transmits any voice message after reducing background voices. You will also see an up and down arrow button that allows manual channel selection from the handset. The 16/9 key works the same as the 16/9 key on the radio and hails or communicates with other boats. For an accurate handling procedure, you should read the user manual that comes with the device you are about to water with you.
As said earlier, you should only make a Mayday call when you are in a serious problem and entirely helpless. So if you find yourself in any imminent life-threatening situation, make sure your radio is tuned to channel 16. After that, you will need to make the following radio transmissions. Also, during the communication process tries not to panic and deliver your message clearly. Start by pressing the mic and say Mayday three times, following by the name of your boat. Wait for about 3 seconds and repeat the same. Now report your position as accurately as possible, and explain the nature of the emergency you have. Also, mention the type of assistance you want and provide details about board members and wait for a response.
A VHF radio is a basic way of communicating with people on the land or around you in the water. Therefore no matter if you are heading to the sea or some small water sports adventure, you should have basic VHF like VHF radios for kayaking or surfing by your side. These devices will help you get help in case of emergency and guide others about your location and conditions in the wild. However, buying one such item demands some basic considerations, even if you will use them in random water ventures and sports activities. Here are some pointers that you may need to consider while making a purchase.
Now that you know about using and buying a VHF radio for your marine venture, let’s talk about the basic rule to operate such a device. You should have a license to operate a marine VHF radio. The marine radio short range certificate remains a legal requirement for using marine VHF. So all radio requires the user and the vessel to hold a relevant license. Without it, you can be prosecuted. This license is just like a car tax disc, but it is also the key to obtaining an MMSI number. The user will also need any of the two types of radio driving licenses.
A VHF radio is the best way to call and communicate with the coast guard and official support centre in waterborne vehicle emergencies. These are the most common and widely used and acceptable means to report a problem or crime in waters. They have remote signals and thus can be flawless in connecting you with the nearby protective service provider. Therefore these radios are a preferable way to communicate with land and sea-based teams.
There are many reliable items from top brands. For instance, Motorola offers models like Motorola DP3661e; SL4010e; DP2400e; and Motorola DP4400e that you can buy with trust. Other reliable items include ICOM IC-M93D Marine VHF Handheld Radio; Standard Horizon HX890 Handheld Radio; Uniden MHS335BT VHF Marine Radio; Standard Horizon HX870 Handheld VHF Marine Radio; Uniden Atlantis 155 Handheld; and the Uniden MHS75.
You can get all the guidelines in the user manual that comes with the device you are about to order. All of these devices work similarly. You can turn on the VHF unit and adjust the squelch by turning the knob until the static stops. Now turn to channel 16, or the specific channel that gives you access to your local Coast Guard Official Service Provider. Now perform a radio check to ensure the unit is working properly. But use an open channel to perform this check. Also, turn the radio to a one-watt power setting and key the microphone. The device is now set for use in case of an emergency.
Marine VHF is strictly legal for use in water. For no reason or in any case, you cannot use this device on land. Doing so is prohibited by law. So once the VHF radio goes ashore, you cannot use it for marine brand transmission. For more rules and regulations, you can read the user manual and rules and regulations on the service provider website to ensure that you abide by the laws of using VHF marine radio.
When it comes to buying sports and outdoor products, you cannot take any risk. The quality needs to be optimum in any case. Therefore, if you have a limited budget, you should head to a reliable retail search engine to find high-quality products at cheaper rates. For instance, at Shops.ae, you can find products from top brands like Standard Horizon, Icom, Motorola, Raymarine, Garmin, or Cobra. Here you can also use the price comparison tool to find cheaper items in a few clicks.
Search for sports and outdoor products including a wide range of branded boat supplies from top sellers and compare them for the price and budget. Such a cross-analysis can help you make a wise and well informed buying decision.