Ship Clocks

About Ship Clocks

Ships are possibly the grandest nautical modes of transport. Amongst its other accessories, it is the ship clocks that stand apart for more than one reason. Ship horns, floatation devices, clocks, mechanical gear and others have so many components that we don’t know about.

When on a ship, it’s easy to let the time pass, as you relax. It’s the best way to enjoy the holidays, of course, a screen-free one makes it even better. You can spend quality time with your friends, family and kids with such sport & outdoor activities. Since you’ll be engaged with doing similar things all day long, the bonding factor increases. With ships, you can go for a short trip, one for a few weeks, a few months or even on a world cruise, if you have the time and money to afford it. Anyways, they are all unique and enjoyable in their ways. Nonetheless, they create the best atmosphere for a break, if you haven’t been able to have a vacation in a while.

Different types of ship clocks that you can choose

The clock makes for a very significant ship accessory. Be it buying ship clocks for sale in the UAE or somewhere else, you are definite to find a lot of options. However, for the countries that have specific laws for ships, it is essential to abide by them while buying ship clocks. When it comes to these clocks, make sure they are readable from a distance and make provisions to be able to set them as per the geographic location. Buying ship clocks online is another fantastic choice. This way, you will be able to save a lot of time and money, and yes, get your hands on the best ones too.

The marine clock

The classic kind, a marine clock is the most widely used accessory. It is essential for every ship to have one. This specially designed clock is so accurate that it can be successfully used as a portable time standard. You need to buy one of the highest quality ones; as a lot of the ship’s functions depend upon it, so there should be no room for error here. They can be used to measure the time of a specific region as per the standards, think Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), Eastern Standard Time (EST), Central Standard Time (CST) etc.

The brass ships clock

Heavy, durable and one-of-a-kind, the brass ships clock is perfect for any mighty ship. A lot of people also love using it in their home décor,  especially the vintage kind. New or vintage, this one also needs to be accurate to help you understand the real-time zones. The brass coating on the clock gives it a fantastic finishing. Most of these are the hanging kind, which let you easily use it when hung out on the front porch area of the ship, or in the monitoring room, as required. Guests also need to use it from time to time, as per their travels.

The maritime clock

The maritime clock is a smaller version of the regular clock and is often used by captains and workers on the ship. This is not big enough to be hung out for the visitors, and its purpose is different too. This timepiece is a classic, that people have been using over the years and something that is still in practical use today. Along with the time, it also helps you figure out the geographical location. This is very important for captains and stewards to help them in sailing in the right direction. They are available in fancy shapes, the anchor being the most common and very popular too.

The US navy ship clocks

Unlike the regular large clocks that are seen on any ship, the US navy ship clock is smaller in size. These again, are used by navy ships, so they require to be extremely precise. They are compact and easy to carry anywhere. Along with the time, the geographic location is also essential with this kind. A lot of other details can also be included in the clocks making, so captains can choose as per their requirement. Black and grey are the natural colour, although today a lot of different colours and choices are readily available. People also get them as keepsakes if they have a fondness for nautical stuff.

Tips on how to buy Ship Clocks

It’s not only ship personnel or management who can buy ship clock. A lot of individuals love adding a marine touch to their homes or parties. They also make a lovely addition to birthdays or weddings that have this particular theme. Just for simple décor also, investing in one is a good idea. Since they are vintage, they will never go out of style and work with most setups. Even office tables look splendid with a good Schatz ship clock or Wuersch ship clock.

  • Focus on the purpose – Is the clock going to be used for décor or an actual ship’s functions? This is important because you can know which one is the right choice.
  • Buy from a reliable seller – The seller should be someone trustworthy. Check the internet for reviews. Since these things are not very common but expensive, so there can be a lot of dupes.
  • The size is essential – The size of the clock is essential. It’s a good idea to take measurements of the space and then check for something suitable. It should neither be too large nor too small.
  • Check the value of antiques – With antiques, they can often be a hit or a miss. Many people try to sell the old stock as vintage, so you need to keep an eye out and buy only genuine clocks.
  • Quality is essential – The clock should last you long without having to scurry for batteries and other requirements after a while. Do check this aspect well before purchase.
  • Get an opinion – If you have someone knowledgeable about this domain, the best thing is to consult them.

With online shopping, you don’t have to worry about wasting your time running around from store to store to buy the best ones. Lots of stores also sell ship clocks, and they have been doing so for decades. Depending on your requirement, you can go to an antique or modern one. The newer ones also have several more features; however, nothing matches the charm of a vintage-style ship clock. It’s also easy to find personalised ship clocks for sale in the UAE.

Question & Answer

Where and how can you use an antique ship clock?

Antique clocks are a delight! You can easily incorporate them into any décor ambience. In this case, less is more. So, even if you don’t want to add other things along with the clock, it works well. It’s great for someone who is a ship crew or someone who love nautical ideas. Everything from weddings, birthday parties to anniversary décor looks great with an antique clock. You can also choose to keep it on your coffee table, an antique dresser or worktable as your preference.

Which are the best antique ship clocks today?

Brass Seth Thomas Ship’s Clock, Vintage Emory & Douglas Brass Marine 8 Day Bell Strike Clock, Antique Chelsea Maritime Clock Boston Ship’s Strike c1908, WW11 Chelsea Marine Corps Ships Clock, Nautical Ship Clock Aug. Schatz & Sohne Germany and Seth Thomas Brass 1004 Corsair-W Ships Clock German MOVT are some of the popular picks today. A lot of them are straightforward to find online. If you have an antique store in the neighbourhood, a visit to it is not a bad idea either.

How should you care for your clock?

Whether it is an antique or modern ship clock, there are a couple of things you could do to make its life longer. For starters, make sure you hang or keep it as it’s intended for use. There should be no direct source of moisture on the clock, which could pose a threat to its dial and functioning. Keep the outer area clean and dry with a dust cloth. If you are using it at home, keep it sturdily on a table or platform where it won’t knock over.

Where can you buy Chelsea navy clock for sale in Dubai?

There are a lot of great places in the UAE from where you can quickly get your hands on some clocks, be it vintage or modern. Check out the best stores readily available at your fingertips, without having to worry about queues, parking and out-of-stock products. To make it better, check out, a brilliant product search engine. With more than 500+ stores, it’s easy to pick the best products you want.

Brands like Weems & Plath, Barigo, Hampton Nautical, Smith Astral, Schatz, Wempe, Delite, Plastimo and Talamex are especially well-known ones when it comes to ship clocks. On our retail search engine , you can also explore global shops for all types of sports and outdoor accessories including a wide range of boat supplies .