Harper & Bone Puppy Dog Flavours Farm - 1.5kg
HARPER & BONE DOG PUPPY FLAVOURS FARMFINEST HEALTHY AND DELICIOUS FOOD FOR PUPPIESMade from only fresh and natural ingredients, whics is why you dont find any artificial colours or flavours from this excpeptionally tasty and wholesome food.Perfectly balanced nutrition includes Turkey, Duck, Chicken, Chicken oil, Fish oil and fresh vegetables and superfoods as carrot, broccoli, pumpkin, apples, cranberries, wholegrain oats, brown rice, kelp, rosehip, green tea, flax seeds and turmeric.Full of nutritious meat and vegetables, to help puppies grow healthy, strong and happy. Vitamins and easily-absorded chelated minerals for a long and healthy life.With EPA and DHA to boost brain power and develop their vision. Packed with omega-3, omega-6, zinc, flax seed and kepl to keep skin and fur healthy and strong.Healthy tummy. It also includes live probiotics to improve digestion and boost their immune system.Free from allergenic ingredients such as corn, soy or wheat.