Braun Facespa Facial Epilator & Cleanser With 3 Beauty Brushes For Women White - Face 851
Braun Facespa Facial Epilator & Cleanser With 3 Beauty Brushes For Women White - Face 851 Braun Face Bonus Edition contains 4 different brushes to over all of your skin care needs, and provide a complete skin care regime: includes the normal brush, extra sensitive brush, exfoliation brush and the beauty spongIncluded are the Normal brush, the Extra Sensitive brush, the Exfoliation brush and the Beauty SpongeSpecially designed for use with the Braun Face brushThe 4 steps to flawless skin beauty, tested with dermatologists* * Braun Face Normal BrushBraun face bonus edition contains 4 different brushes to cover all your skin care needs and provide a complete and thorough skin care routineIncluded are the normal brush, the extra sensitive brush, the exfoliation brush and the beauty spongeSpecially designed for use with the Braun face brushThe 4 steps to flawless skin beauty, tested with dermatologists.