Aqua One Minireef 120 Marine Tank Including Accessories, Black Aquarium With Cabinet L60Xw45Xh80Cm
Aqua One Minireef 120 Marine Tank Including Accessories, Black Aquarium With Cabinet L60Xw45Xh80Cm MiniReef 120 Marine Set 120L 60L X 45D X 45 80cm HThe Aqua One MiniReef is a complete reef aquariumsystem consisting of high quality accessories thathelp to provide an ideal habitat for marine fish andcorals. The in-sump filtration system keeps equipmentout of sight, providing optimum viewing conditions foryour aquarium.Features & Benefits:Inbuilt filtration system eliminates unsightlypiping running from outside of tank to filter unit.Comes with an Aqua One Filter Sock.The included protein skimmer is designed toeasily and effectively remove organic wastefrom aquarium water. The needle wheel impellerreduces bubbles size, increasing contact areabetween air and water, maximising efficiency.Simple accurate control allows you to adjust theoutput quickly and easily. The result is cleaner,clearer and healthier aquarium inhabitants.The included light unit provides an energyefficient lighting solu…