Aqua One Minireef 180 Marine Set 180L 90L X 45D/80Cm H Black, Aquarium With Cabinet
Aqua One Minireef 180 Marine Set 180L 90L X 45D/80Cm H Black, Aquarium With Cabinet The amazing new MiniReef features a glass sump filtration system that comes complete with a filter sock for crystal clear water. The sump also houses the Moray circulation pump, the G216 protein skimmer which is highly effective due to it's pin wheel design impeller, as well as a heater.Lighting is provided by the powerful Mariglo LED lighting system, containing a mixture of 1 watt white and blue LED's which can be operated independently of each other. This mounts onto the aquarium using the feet provided, and can be used with or without the optional glass aquarium cover glassHight output, powerful MariGlo LED lighting, suitable of SPS and LPSSumpfiltration system Pre-assembled cabinets Complete with Aqua One Pre Filter Sock and Bracket