Letter Templates

About Letter Templates

If you want to make designs with beautiful letters, it will require years of hard work and dedication. But you can also do the same without any of that using a simple letter stencil or a letter template. All you need is a good enough stencil and paint.

Stencils feature things like sets of words, letter templates, numbers, or even symbols. It is easy to draw designs using them. You can either use a pen or stencil brush to draw over the cut out corresponding to each letter or number. It is really simple to work with a stencil even if you are a noob. Furthermore, if you are somebody who wishes to learn calligraphy and design, you can use stencils as a learning tool. At first, you can grow your knowledge about shapes and fonts with stencils. Then gradually try drawing them without the stencil. Read this article before you start shopping for stencils.

Beginners’ guide to letter stencils

Stencils are not that different from the earliest printing presses. Or to be more precise, it is more of an inverse printing press. Instead of pressing shapes, stencils leave a portion of the paper, or a wall uncovered so that you can paint the shape there using a pen, brush or spray paint. Similar to printing presses, you can produce the same shapes and letters, rapidly and repeatedly using stencils. This article will tell you everything you need to know about letter templates and will help you make the right choices when you shop for them.

Regular alphabet stencils

This type of stencil is the most common type of letter stencils. In these stencils, the letters will be in a standard font that is easy to understand, and there is enough space between the strokes. This is to make the letters legible even from a distance. Stencils do use both serif and sans serif fonts. You can easily tell if a letter has been written using a stencil because there will be breaks within the letters which otherwise would have been a continuous stroke. However, it is possible to eliminate these breaks afterwards by filling them with paint.

Calligraphy stencils

It is common for calligraphy stencils to contain letter templates, numbers and even symbols. People use this kind of stencils when they want to create artworks quickly without spending a lot of time on lettering the design. Writing calligraphy is really easy using letter stencils. All you have to do is to place the stencil over the surface you want to write on and just paint on the stencil. Let the paint fill in the cut-out and remove the stencil when the paint is dry. Even though calligraphy stencils also have gaps between the strokes, they try to make it part of the design.

Number stencils

Instead of letter templates, number stencils have cut-outs in the shape of numbers from 0 to 9. You can write any combination of numbers using this stencil. Number stencils do not require as many breaks in the strokes as compared to letter stencils. Therefore, you will only find breaks when there is a loop like in the case of 9, 6, 4, and 0. And just like letters, you can hide these breaks by filling in the breaks. It is also common to find stencils that contain both numbers and letter templates. Such stencils are more common in stencils that are designed for children.

Benefits of using stencils

There are plenty of benefits to using stencils instead of freehanded drawing. The number one benefit is that it is fast and easy. You only have to align the stencil on the surface you want to write on and paint over the corresponding letter. That way, you can get the perfect looking letter without the effort and skill required for painting with your hand. One misconception people have about stencils is that all letter stencils look the same. This is, however, far from being true. With a bit of search, you will be able to find beautiful calligraphy stencils for affordable prices.

Tips on how to buy Number and Letter Stencils

Stencils have been around for a really long time. And it looks like they will still be around for a long time to come. They might be somewhat different from the ones that we have today, but they will be there. So, how do you select a stencil or a set of them? Picking a random one from a pile is not the right way to go. In fact, there are a few factors to look for if you want to be sure that the stencil you are selecting is absolutely perfect for you. You can do that easily if you know what criteria to consider while shopping for them.

  • Font – This one is probably an essential feature of letters and words. For regular letter stencils, you can choose from a variety of serif and sans serif fonts. However, the options are limited. Calligraphy stencils are a whole different story. You will find so many different kinds of them. Some of them are really outstanding, and some are just mediocre. As each person has a different taste when it comes to design, take time to look through a number of them before selecting one.
  • Font size – The font size you use to write on a small sheet of paper will look tiny on a large wall. So, the size you choose should be based on where you want to write and the overall proportion of your design if you are into that. Sometimes, stencils are for making street signs. In that case, it should be large enough for people to read from a distance of fifty or a hundred metres.
  • Material – A good stencil should not flex too much, nor it should be too rigid. If it is too rigid, it will not be usable on even slightly curved surfaces. Nor should it flex to the extent that the shape of the letters gets distorted. The material of the stencil determines how rigid or flexible it is. Plastic stencils do provide a nice balance between the two. But over time, plastic tends to deteriorate and break.
  • Ease of use – Letter stencils will either have each letter separate from each other or all the letters on one large stencil cut out. The latter is the better choice for larger font sizes. Also, they are more convenient to use as you can join them together to form a word instead of aligning letters individually. Such interlocking stencils will also have two or three copies of the same letter.

For the stencils to last long, you need to take good care of them. Wipe off any ink or paint that is on the stencil before they dry up completely. But do not use things that are too abrasive to clean the stencils. This will destroy the delicate corners of the stencils, and the result you get from them afterwards will not be good. Finally, if you need other kinds of measuring instruments , you can find them using our product search engine . Look for any office supplies items you want and buy them for the most affordable prices. There are more than 500 shops and brands offering them here on These include popular brands like Disney, Martha Stewart, Alpha Phi Omega, Rae Dunn, Pebeo Deco, and Amkiri.

Question & Answer

How to use a letter stencil?

The basics of writing using a stencil is very easy. You just put in on the surface that you want to write on and then paint on it. If it is a small stencil for notebooks, you can use your pen or pencil as well. However, the real challenge is getting minor things perfect. These include making sure that the letters are arranged horizontally with equal spacing. You can space the letters based on what look you’re going for. But make sure that all letters are space equal. The easiest way to achieve this is to draw horizontal lines with vertical lines cutting across it at equal distances. You can use these vertical lines as a reference while spacing letters.

What is the best material for a letter stencil?

Undoubtedly, the best material for stencils is Mylar. If you haven’t heard about this material before, it is just another form of plastic. So, most people just call it plastic unless they are knowledgeable about plastics. In fact, Mylar is a trademarked name by DuPont Teijin Film enterprises, which is a US plastic manufacturing company. What makes Mylar the best material for stencils are its unique physical properties. It flexes quite a bit without experiencing any distortion. Mylar is also lightweight and extremely durable.

Are stencils useful?

Stencils are still useful for a lot of different applications. If you want to draw letters and drawings with perfect shapes quickly, stencils are the easiest and cheapest options. Moreover, nobody needs any special training to learn how to draw using a stencil. Literally, anybody can use a stencil if they have paint and a surface to draw. Drawing using stencils is a lot like using a printing press. Even though mistakes can happen if the stencil moves from its position while drawing, it is not difficult to hold it in the right place by using nails.