Weekly Calendars

About Weekly Calendars

Time management is challenging, especially in our busy workplaces. If you are looking for ways to keep track of all the to-dos and essential tasks you have to focus on, then a weekly planner can be an excellent pick for you. A weekly calendar lets you see the whole week at a glance. Also, it is not as challenging to manage as a daily or monthly planner. Let us explore more about it.

As the name suggests, a weekly planner helps you track the tasks to be done in a week. When you are buried under a pile of work, it becomes necessary to plan it daily, weekly, or monthly. Doing it daily can be time-consuming and stressful for you. Monthly plans are hard to follow due to a lot of uncertainties that might come in the way. So, it is best to stay in the middle with weekly calendars . They spread tasks across the week so that they do not concentrate on one day. The excellent part about planners is that they let you leave time in your busy schedule. Time for meeting friends, following your hobbies etc.! If you search for the best weekly calendar or planner, then go through the below guide.

Things to know about the best weekly planners

Weekly planners come in a wide assortment based on characteristics like layout, size, partition, dated/undated, paper type etc. Some weekly planners have vertical formats divided into hours. On the other hand, some may have a half horizontal layout with the right side empty to give space for notes. Having a weekly planner at your desk keeps your mind free of all the worries about project milestones and meeting timelines. Also, without a planner, it may be difficult to do things in priority order. Moreover, if you work in a team, explaining your daily plans to other team members can be confusing and time-consuming. So, invest in a weekly planner to accomplish your tasks timely and efficiently.

Benefits of weekly calendars with time slots

A weekly calendar with time slots helps you divide the work across the week and define time slots for each task. From work to meetings and appointments, you can manage absolutely anything with the help of a weekly planner. If you have a kind of work that does not have a defined time, you can just spread the work across the calendar evenly to not remain concentrated under one day. Weekly planners are also beneficial for complex projects which are not easy to describe or do at one time. So, a planner will help you break it into milestones for an easy accomplishment.

Weekly desk planner, weekly wall planner & other types

There is not just one type of weekly planner. They may vary based on a lot of factors. E.g., you can buy a weekly desk calendar if you want everything right in front of your eyes while you work. In contrast, if you work in a team and there are tasks you all accomplish collectively, then a wall planner works the best. You can find many varieties in both of the above models. Planners come in different sizes, layouts and binding types. Before buying one, you need to think if you want to plan every hour or need a track of appointments. Moreover, you need to think if spiral binding will suit you or unbounded papers. The latter allows you to move things around and add more papers to it whenever required.

Moleskin weekly planners, Smythson planners & other styles

Moleskin is a well-known name for its excellent product line, including planners, notebooks, books etc. It has a collection of 12 to 18 months planners varying in cover papers and layouts. For example, 18 monthly weekly notebook planner shows the days on the left and pages for notes, to-dos and other thoughts on the right. Smythson is another popular name if you are looking for a classy planner. These planners are not too congested like a pocket diary and not too spacious as a wall planner. The good part about Smythson planners is their feather-like pages are half the weight and thickness of the regular paper. You can even take a pick from At a Glance, Blue Sky or Louis Vuitton for the best planners.

Features of weekly planner pads and calendars

A weekly planner pad comes in a diary with multiple pages covering 12 months or 18 months generally. On each face or page, you will find slots for different days where you can divide your work or list out your appointment or meetings. Some planners also come with time slots so that you can divide your daily work into hours. It helps you be more organized and manage complex projects which are not easy to describe or do at one time. You will also find slots for notes and dates to remember in some planners, making them even more functional.

Tips on how to buy Weekly Calendars or planner in Dubai

Weekly calendars seem to be a straightforward purchase, but when you actually shop for them, you will be overwhelmed with the number of options available in the market. Some have a full horizontal layout, whereas others have half horizontal, vertical, or another layout. Some are meant for desk whereas others can be put on the wall. So, if you are having difficulty deciding which one to choose, here are some tips that will help you.

  • Consider layout – There are two main and the best weekly calendar layouts- horizontal and vertical. However, you can also find many variations in the market other than these two. In horizontal planners, the page is divided into 6 to 8 sections wherein you can list out your to-dos, but it is good for the student. For ultra-organized planners like professionals, vertical formats are good where every day is divided into hours for precise planning.
  • Consider the size – You can find planners in many sizes ranging from pocket-size to those that can be put on the wall. Selecting the size depends upon your personal preferences. But make sure you get enough space to mention all the details.
  • Consider the placement – Planners also vary based on where you will place them. If you are looking for a planner that you can keep on your desk, you can go for weekly planner pads, but if you need something that the whole team can look at conveniently, then go for the wall planners.
  • Check the paper quality – This is an essential consideration while buying a planner. Choose the one with high-quality papers so that you do not get into the problems like feathering.

Now that you have explored many things about weekly planners, are you ready to explore the best options? Well, on, you can find a wide assortment of weekly planners offered by popular brands of the industry. They may range from standard planners to wall and even cheap magnetic weekly calendars. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and have a fantastic browsing experience ahead.

Question & Answer

Where to buy the weekly wall calendar?

If you want to buy a weekly wall calendar, look no further as you are already in the right place. On, we have brought together more than 500 online stores that sell wall calendars at affordable prices. Moreover, you can compare the features and prices of products to find the one suiting your requirements as well as budget. Buying weekly calendars can be confusing as there are many options at the front. But with us, it can become a cakewalk for you. So, go ahead and start your browsing journey.

Which is the best weekly planner?

If you search for the best weekly planners, you can get your hands on brands like House of Doolittle, Yes Studio, and Moleskine. These brands not only boast a massive collection of planners but also have the best styles. If you want to explore their collections in one place, then is that place. On our product search engine , it is easy to find many options for planners at affordable prices. So, make no delay and embark on your journey to find the best.

What to write in a weekly planner?

You can mention your to-do list, appointment details, meeting details, notes, important reminders, and many things in your weekly planner. Through a planner, you will be able to divide your work across the whole week. It lets you evenly distribute the work so that it does not remain concentrated around one day. Some planners also have additional slots wherein you can mention days to remember or task to remember. Different planners have different sections to fill in. So, it depends upon the type you invest in.

Where to buy a weekly planner online in the UAE?

If you are looking for a weekly calendar for sale online in the UAE, then you are in the correct place. Here, you can find the best planners offered by trusted stores in the industry. If you feel overwhelmed by the range of options, you can narrow them down with the help of setting preferences for price, brands, and sellers. It is also easy to compare prices here. So, if you want you can go for reasonable and low prices. So, wait no more! Go ahead and grab the best planners and other office supplies while stock lasts.

The above-detailed guide will surely take you to the right selection of products. If you are wondering where to explore the best options, then as we mentioned, you can stay right here. On our website, you can find a wide array of products at reasonable prices. Here, you can find the best brands and stores. Moreover, you will be able to compare features and prices to find the best thing falling in your budget. So, go ahead!

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