
About Recorder Instruments

If you search for a simple and portable musical instrument producing charming sound, you can never go wrong with a quality recorder instrument. It can be seen in various sizes, fingering options, pitch, and material. Let us explore how to find the best and most appropriate model.

The recorder is a family of woodwind musical instruments in the group called internal duct flutes. It is different from other duct flutes as it has a thumb-hole for the upper hand. Along with that, it features seven finger-holes. Among them, three holes are for the upper hand and four for the lower one. It has a prominent place in the western classical tradition. Further, you can find them in various sizes with names corresponding to various vocal ranges. The standard sizes include soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. The popular materials for recorders are wood, ivory, and moulded plastic. Speaking of its sound, it is clear and sweet. We will explore many more things you need to know to choose the best and cheap instrument on this page.

Things to know about the recorder instrument

A recorder instrument comprises many parts such as the beak, window, tone hole, foot joint, head joint, lip, barrel and more. Further, different parts have different positions and functions to perform. A beak or mouthpiece is the part where the player puts the lips. The window is the rectangular hole in the beak. Tone holes comprise the holes the player covers and uncover with the fingers to play different notes. The head joint and foot joints are the top part and bottom part of the recorder, respectively. They come in an assortment of sizes, fingering options, pitch, material, and brands. Read on to know more.

Alto & soprano recorders

While picking a recorder for the first time, you need to explore the whole recorder family. Some of the common sizes include soprano, alto or tenor recorder. Tenor and soprano have a bottom note of C. However, the former sounds an octave note lower than the latter. These lie among the common and popular choices. Many people learn soprano at an early age in school. It is a great choice as it helps you play and assist in a variety of music. Alto is another variety having a bottom note of F. The finger positions can be the same, but still, they produce different notes. It is a perfect choice if you play mostly baroque pieces or solo.

Contrabass recorder

It belongs to the family of recorders. This is a wind instrument in F 2. The contrabass operates an octave lower than the ordinary bass recorder. It was the largest instrument in the recorder family, but after 1975, sub-great bass and sub-contrabass recorder in F1 have exceeded it. Because of its length, the lowest tone, i.e. F, needs a key. If you speak of the modern instruments, keys may also be there for low F♯, G, and G♯, occasionally, for C and C♯ . It may also have diapason keys sometimes. These can make a good addition to any wind group.

Popular recorders like Yamaha & Nuvo recorder plus

There is a wide range of recorders available in the market. Many manufacturers and brands offer this instrument. However, only a few will live up to your expectations. One of the popular brands is Yamaha, which offer a variety of recorders and other instruments. You can find soprano, tenor, bass, and alto type at Yamaha. These are all durable and easy to care for. They come with easy playability and accurate intonation, which is why it is the choice of many schools worldwide. Nuvo recorder plus is another popular type that comes with a unique silicone key system. It is the best recorder instrument for beginners as this design helps them progress faster.

Tips on how to buy Recorders online in Dubai

This instrument comes in various options based on size, material, pitch, brands, and more factors. They may range from soprano and alto to bass varieties. However, to avail yourself of most of this excellent instrument, you need to select a type that best coordinates with your requirements. You need to consider certain factors in mind to choose the best and most appropriate. So, here are some tips that will help you buy a musical recorder instrument online in the UAE.

  • Consider the size – Whether you are purchasing it for the first time or replacing the old one, there is a huge family of the instrument to consider. Some of the common sizes include soprano, alto or tenor recorder. They may be different in features. For example, tenor and soprano have a bottom note of C. However, the former sounds an octave note lower than the latter.
  • Consider fingering options – There are three types of fingering commonly found on recorders. Those are Baroque, German, and Renaissance. The standard and modern instrument has Baroque fingering. Most of the teachers will suggest you buy this one. German type has been designed for young players whereas renaissance type has wide-bores and single holes.
  • Consider pitch – This instrument can be classified as standard, baroque, and French baroque based on the pitch. The standard one refers to 440/442Hz frequency. This allows you to play with the piano and other instruments. On the other hand, baroque refers to 415, and French Baroque refers to 392 Hz.
  • Go for trusted brands – There is a wide range of brands that offer recorders. However, to make the most benefits of this instrument, you need to go for reliable brands such as Yamaha, Tascam, Suzuki, and Akai. The best part and good thing are that you can find all of them right here.

Now that you know a lot about recorders, would you like to find their best collection? On, you can see a wide range of options offered by some of the best brands in the industry. We have more than 500 online stores on our product search engine, so you will have many varieties to choose from. So, look no further and grab the quality instruments before you miss the latest collection. Have an amazing browsing experience ahead!

Question & Answer

What does a recorder instrument look like?

It comes in the form of a tube made up of wood, ivory, and moulded plastic. It is different from other duct flutes as it has a thumb-hole for the upper hand. Along with that, it features seven finger-holes. Among them, three holes are for the upper hand and four for the lower one. The players play it by blowing directly into the top of the instrument. This instrument comprises many parts such as the beak, window, tone hole, foot joint, head joint, lip, barrel and more. Different parts have different positions and functions to perform.

How to play the recorder instrument?

The players play it by blowing directly into the top of the instrument. Tone holes comprise the holes that the player cover and uncover with the fingers to play different notes. One has to blow softly to produce the real sound. Blowing too hard will produce an unpleasant and harsh sound. Learn the left and right-hand notes and practice playing simple songs. Further, you can find them in various sizes with names corresponding to various vocal ranges. The common sizes include soprano, alto, tenor, and bass.

Where to buy a recorder instrument online in the UAE?

If you want the best options in the UAE, you do not have to go anywhere else. Right here at, you can find plenty of trusted stores that offer recorders ranging from soprano and alto to bass varieties. Apart from finding the best collection, you can also use features like filters and sorting to quicken your search. Price comparison is another important thing you can do here to find the products that fit your budget. You can also sort products here depending upon popularity, price, and other factors.

Is the recorder a woodwind instrument?

The recorder is a family of woodwind musical instruments in the group called internal duct flutes. It is different from other duct flutes as it has a thumb-hole for the upper hand. Along with that, it features seven finger-holes. You can find them in various sizes with names corresponding to various vocal ranges. The common sizes include soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. A recorder instrument comprises many parts such as the beak, window, tone hole, foot joint, head joint, lip, barrel and more.

When you look at a vast collection of instruments in the market or over online stores, all of them will appear to be the same at first sight. However, they differ based on many factors. The above guide will help you select the best and most appropriate one. Find the best brands here like Focusrite, Rode, and Roland. On our product search engine , i.e., you can also compare prices to find products fitting your budget. So, go ahead and start exploring the best options while stock lasts.