
About Handbells

A handbell is a special type of bell for manual use. These bells are usually in the use of a large group of people and for a special performance.

To ring these bells, the ringer grasps the bell with its flexible handle. Traditionally this handle is made of leather. However today we can also find high-quality flexible plastic handles in the market. The ringer wears this belt on the arm to make a hinged clapper inside the bell strike in a special way. You can use an individual handbell as a signal to get people’s attention or summon them together for a special announcement etc. Commonly these bells ring in tuned sets. Professionally the handbells, choirs ring the music in particular composition and manner. Here the bells are also a part of higher resonant sounds and limited note range. It is also based on the unique pitch-by-pitch division of the staff among the ringers.

Beginner’s introduction to the handbell family

Originally these bells were a part for tower bell ringers to notify about the changes. However, later, bells wringing hands became part of church services and later a part of community activities. Today, fewer churches have handbell groups in the UK. Whereas in Japan and the USA these bells are taught in schools. Despite being an important part of human history for a long time, these bells have lost their charm and importance in the world. Today we are going to discuss important facts and develop understating of the musical handbells. Later we will share tips on how you can buy a metal handbell for you online.

The history of handbells

The handbell music originated from the church tower bells in the United Kingdom. It has a usage history of more than a century. These larger metallic bells were installed in higher towers to facilitate the tower bell music arrangement. As it was an instrument with unique playing techniques, these church handbells soon became an Avant-grade performing art. The modern-day handbell sets are a combination of individual bells of different pitches. Here each bell resembles a large-sized piano key. With the variety in sounds produced, we can easily associate the tintinnabulation of handbell with Christmas’s festive sulks.

The modern handbell

The first-ever tuned handbell was introduced by Robert and William Cor in England from 1696 to 1724. This bell was initially made of hame boxes. But they started turning the bells finely to have an accurate fundamental tone for unknown reasons. They also fitted these bells with hinged clappers that could move in one plane. The current bells are of seven and hale octaves from G1 to C9. People also appreciate the sound of handbells soon after hearing it for the first time. There are different techniques for producing different sounds, and the tone quality is generally referred to as; thumb damping, shake; martellato’ and pluck.

The modern hand chime

These instruments are also run by hand and are much similar to the handbells. Generally, they are tuned square tubes with an external clapper mechanism. These chimes produce a mellow tone that requires narrower techniques in comparison to the handbells. Some method is much more difficult (like six in hand) or impossible (such as malting). They are mainly used for educational purposes. Originally these chimes are intended to be used as a training tool for prospective handbell ringers. The chimes are much cheaper, lightweight, more resilient and easier to use than a handbell. These properties are also why chimes are more accessible for children over six and for whole groups or church youth choirs.

The modern belle plates

Maurice Davies initially invented the belle plates. It is also a member of the handbell family. It consists of a handle attached to the trapezoid aluminium plate. An attached hammer strikes it. They are somewhat a combination of hand chimes and handbells. Here the playing methods for a belle plate are the same as that of handbells. However, this instrument is not suitable for professional performances or concerts. It fills a gap in the market for a durable, cheap, and lightweight handbell type instrument. They are also cheaper than hand chimes. They are used preferentially to handbells in the kindergarten or with elderly or disabled musicians with such distinct features.

Tips on how to buy Handbells online in the UAE

Buying musical instruments online is a fun task to deal with. A Dozen brands offer a wide range of musical items for people with all skills and age groups. With many variations in each item online, you can make easily make a smart buying decision. However, to do so, you need to dig the market for all the possible things it has to offer you. Also, for picking a suitable option, you need to have a complete understanding of the product. Once you develop the familiarity, go online to look for the best professional handbells to buy online. Here are some pointers to help you decide about the best guiro for your needs.

  • Your skills – When it comes to buying a musical instrument, considering your skills is always important. To find your perfect tool, you should either consult the experts or look into the product description section to find which level of skill the particular tool works best for.
  • Brand – There are dozens of brands selling top quality musical products online in the UAE. These branded items are trusted and appreciated by professional players. These brands also ensure the safety of your invested money.
  • Price – With brands and higher quality comes a bit big price range. But it is worth investing in these products because they will last with you for years. If you have a limited budget, use the price comparison tool to compare products from different brands and pick a suitable product.
  • Size and type – When you head to buy handbells, size is of great importance. They are mostly available according to the level of experience and the age group of the players. For instance, you can easily find them by looking for the best guiro for kids if your toddler wants to play.

For adults, there is a wide range of options in material, style, and size. Here it would help if you played a little more attention to the level of experience and the player’s skills. You will also need to consider what type of music you will like to play using these instruments. Also, it will be a great idea to look into the product review section. This is where the existing users or top musicians share their experiences. Read these reviews on the performance and the quality of an individual item. Read a few reviews before you decide which one to choose.

Question & Answer

How much is a set of handbells?

There are different types, sizes and material quality available in handbells. Each of these has an impact on the price of the bell. Likewise, the brand or manufacturers also define the price factors. Overall speaking, a high quality finely made handbell will start to cost you a few thousand dollars and can go up to $1.5M. For instance, the Malmark 1 Octave Handbells With Cases – C5-C6 will be around $3,450.00.

What are handbells ringers called?

These ringers are also called Campanologists. It comes from the term “campanology”, which means the study of bells. This study encompasses the technology of bells and how they are cast, tuned, rung, and sound. The study also explains how you can use different bells and use them as a whole musical instrument and create specific sounds or tunes. The handbell ringers or campanologists use this knowledge and techniques to create different sounds and musical performances.

What is the difference between American and English handbells?

In the UK, English handbells have a leather clapper head and handle. In America, these bells have rubber or plastic clappers and handles. However, in the USA,  they have the name of English handbells. Even though they come from Pennsylvania. Another distinct difference is that English handbells have chromatically tunning with traditional leather handles. For a better and more detailed understanding, you can consult the user manual of both items or read online.

Where can I buy handbells online in the UAE?

From handbells to hand chimes, buying musical instruments and accessories is always a tricky task to deal with. The best ways to make a confident purchase are doing a detailed market search and comparing every possible option available in the market. To do so, you should visit a retail search engine . For instance, at, you can find hundreds of products from top global brands. Some to name are Thoman, Fruugo, or Posters. You can also use the price comparison tool to compare and buy the product within a specific price limit.

You must also explore more than one brand and product to see what the market has to offer you. In this way, you can also find top quality products on a very limited budget.