Before any musical instrument existed, drums came first. Ancient people figured out that stretched animal skins produce resonant sound when struck by a stick or hand. But modern drum sets are way more complex than those early drums.
There are two key things to consider while selecting a drum set: where you will be gigging and what kind of music you will be performing. Smaller venues tend to benefit from smaller drums, which are known to resonate a crisper sound and less low-frequency tones. Larger rooms benefit from larger drums, which can project sounds over greater distances and hold them. Funk and hip-hop kits prefer to use smaller drums to achieve their punchier sounds, whereas classic rock kits use large shells to achieve their lower fundamentals and stage-worthy projection. This guide will help you to understand the basic characteristics of drums so that you can make an informed purchase decision.
There’s nothing as exciting as purchasing new gear. But for aspiring drummers, before you even pick up a set of sticks or even buy a set, there is a lot to understand. Starting with the right gear will help you accomplish your goals faster. This article will tell you everything you need to know about them. Generally, the five-piece is the most common type of drum kit, as it gives you a nice amount of tonal variety but makes them less bulky to move around in a reasonably compact box. Here is a list of all the various parts that make up such a drum set.
This is probably the most important part of a drum set. Among all other parts of the set, the snare drum is the most versatile and can produce a very wide range of tones and expands what is possible using the drums. When you consider the shape of the snare drum, they are shallower than any other type of drum and sit right in front of the drummer between the legs. Their depth will vary between six and twelve inches, depending on the tonal range. The shell of the snare drum will be either steel or wood. Unlike other drums, this will have a layer of rattling metal mesh on the resonating head. It is this mesh that gives the drum its special characteristics.
Bass drums are also called kick drums. This is the largest drum in the drum set. A typical bass drum can be as large as twenty-two inches. Even the shallowest one will be at least sixteen inches deep. The pitch of the drum changes depending on the diameter of the shell and its depth. Usually, the larger the drum is, the deeper the notes will be. The drumhead facing the side of the drummer will have the batter skin, and the side opposite to it will be the resonating head. It is not unusual for the resonator head to have vent holes in it for the air to pass easily.
In a typical drum set, there will be at least two or three tom drums. Unlike snare or bass drums, tom drums might not always have a resonator head. Therefore, there won’t be a mesh of rattling material either. The tone of the tom drum will be in between the snare drum and the bass. To be able to cover more of the tonal range drummers usually use two or three tom drums of varied sizes. So, in a five-piece drum kit, there will be a hi tom, mid tom, and a floor tom. In a jazz drum set, the high tom will have a diameter of ten inches, the mid tom will be twelve inches, and the floor tom will be fourteen inches.
A drum set is not all drums. Apart from the drums, there will be cymbals as well. Although they are not actually drums, they do play a key role in shaping the sound characteristics of the drum. There will be three types of cymbals in a professional drum set. These are the hi-hat, the ride, and the crash. Among these, the ride cymbal will be on the right-hand side of the drummer while the other two will be on the left-hand side. Some people use cymbals like china cymbals and splash cymbals. However, they are not as common.
A number of questions will come into your mind when you are shopping for a drum set for your studio, home, or school. But finding the right set is not that easy because there are so many factors to consider in them. This is true whether you are buying various individual parts and assembling together or you are buying a whole set. However, it can be easier if you know what criteria to consider in them. Here are a few things to keep in mind while shopping for them.
If you are a musician, then you will need a few other items apart from the musical instruments themselves. These include things like microphones, audio cables, mixers, preamps, amplifiers, speakers, instrument cases, instrument stands, and cleaning kits. You can find any of these easily using our shopping search engine . It will also let you compare the prices and features of different products and pick the best one among them. So, don’t forget to check out all the other amazing products from the musical instruments category.
The average cost of a drum set is between a thousand dirhams and five thousand dirhams. But for that price, you cannot expect the instrument to give you the best sounding notes. Also, you will also come across plenty of models that are cheaper than that or pricier than that. If you want a high-end professional drum set, you might have to shell out thirty or forty thousand dirhams. However, if you are a beginner, you don’t have to worry about the high-end ones. Rather consider a set that offers you the best value for money.
This depends on what you actually mean by learning to play the drums. As a beginner, you will learn to play simple beat loops. While these might feel repetitive at times, they will help you build coordination and put it into your muscle memory. But if you want to learn the drums so that you can make your own beats, it is going to be a very long process. Depending on how much effort you put into it, it can take many years to be able to do that. So, drums are not the easiest of the instruments to learn. But as some people say hard work and a little faith can break any mountain.
Shopping for your first instrument is going to be an unforgettable experience. It is also going to be the most difficult one as you might not be well aware of all the intricacies of them. But shopping from a good store can greatly simplify this process. Fortunately, there are numerous places where you can shop for a guitar in the UAE. One of the best among all is undoubtedly Shops.ae. You can access a wide variety of guitar models on Shops.ae and also get them for incredibly affordable pieces. As for the brands, the best ones to consider include Pearl, Yamaha, Alesis, Roland, Tama, Ludwig, and Mapex.