
About Didgeridoos

It’s quite fascinating how the art of music involves a wide range of peculiar musical instruments . Interestingly, each musical instrument has a specific role to play in different genres of music. Now, you’re on this page, which indicates that a particular musical instrument such as didgeridoos has caught your eye. Whether you’re a pro or are just getting started at playing one, you need to purchase a premium quality model. This article will guide you through the entire process of purchasing a stylish and high-quality didgeridoo in a hassle-free manner. So read on!

These are types of wind apparatus. You can play them by continuously vibrating your lips to produce the desired sound. The very first didgeridoos comprised a cylindrical or conical instrument. It was about 1 to 3m long and had a diameter of about 3cm. Also, the pitch of the instrument depended on the length of the instrument. Notably, the longer the didgeridoo, the lower the key it may produce. Usually, the end of the pipe had smooth edges that helped musicians to create a unique mouthpiece. Cut to the present,  we will tell you about different types of didgeridoos. They come in all sorts of designs, shapes, sizes, and materials. Let’s look into them in detail next.

All you need to know to buy a didgeridoo online

Spotting, buying, and taking care of this instrument isn’t an easy job. One of the primary reasons is their variation and partly the lack of knowledge about the instrument itself. Well, both these problems can be solved if you know and study the musical instrument. Understanding and knowing their types, the popular manufacturers, their price, and more makes your online buying process a breeze. Keeping all this in mind, and to make things easier for you, we’ve put together some important things you should know before you buy a didgeridoo online. Without much ado, let’s delve into the information below.

The history of aboriginal didgeridoo

Despite the absence of sufficient proof of the exact era when they were invented, archaeological research posits that the instrument has been in use for more than 1000 years. Based on archaeological studies, antique didgeridoos are believed to have been invented by Kakadu residents in Northern Australia. A rock painting depicting two men singing while one playing the didgeridoo was discovered in Ginga Wardelirrhmeng. In this regard, researchers believe that the aboriginal people of Northern Australia invented the traditional didgeridoo. Other people claim that the didgeridoo was an adaptation of traded commodities from Asia. The antique didgeridoos were made from eucalyptus trees or bamboo found in Northern Australia. In the contemporary world, they are manufactured from various materials, including leather, plastics, carbon fibre, and glass.

The didgeridoo instrument, care, and maintenance

They are prone to contraction and expansion due to changes in the humidity level they are exposed to. During hot seasons, the wood used holds more water than during cold climatic conditions. For instance, if you suddenly move the instrument from a warm environment to cold surroundings, you might have to tune and adjust it before playing it. Importantly, you may notice cracks on the exterior part of the equipment due to warm breath from the player. Additionally, the warm and wet breath may cause the inside part to expand at a differing rate from the external surfaces, thus causing the cracking of the device. You can prevent the cracking of the instrument by applying eucalyptus oil. To ensure the durability of the didgeridoos, you should apply oil to the inner surface and seal it with a PVA solution.

Playing techniques of hard fibreglass didgeridoo.

You play it by continuously vibrating your lips to produce the drone sound through circular breathing. The playing method needs breathing via the nose while concurrently expelling confined air out of the mouth using the cheeks and the tongue. Circular breathing entails the act of confining air in your cheeks and throat and blowing it out of your mouth while inhaling fresh air via the nose. To make the most apposite drone sound, you must perfect the circular breathing technique. With adequate training, players can replenish the air in their lungs and sustain a pitch for a prolonged period. Some people may learn the art of playing it in a few days, while it may take weeks for others to understand the circular breathing technique. To flawlessly play it, you must learn the act of controlling the quantity of air passing via your throat and mouth.

Buying didgeridoo and configuring it

A termite-infiltrated didgeridoo may acquire an irregular shape that often increases in diameter towards the lower side of the device. As such, the resonances of didgeridoos happen at varying frequencies, unlike the harmonic spacing of resonances that occur in a plastic pipe. Nevertheless, the sound produced by vibrating your lips has harmonics with frequency components within the ratio of 1:2:3. The pitch falls within the middle, higher, and lower keys. The lower keys are suitable for slower meditative playing and often create a relaxing mood. The lower keys require exceptional lip control and high air velocity. On the other hand, the higher keys are good for rhythmic and percussive styles of music. Every didgeridoo has its own unique set of characteristics and configurations.

Tips on how to buy Didgeridoos online

Due to the vast varieties of a cheap didgeridoo for sale online in the UAE, selecting the most proper instrument can be challenging. There is a dire need of developing and adapt an effective criterion for selecting the most suitable didgeridoo in The following aspects offer sufficient guidance on how to choose the best didgeridoo in

  • Check out the design – Each didgeridoo is unique, and its characteristics are based on the maturity of the eucalyptus tree and how termites have developed the hollow surface. Therefore, you should first understand your intention of buying the instrument. This will foster choosing the didgeridoo with features and notes that align with your preferences.
  • Look at the length – You’ll find it online that come in different lengths. It would help if you understood that the length of didgeridoos directly affects their notes and the range of keys that you may play. In this regard, select one with appropriate length from the wide varieties offered in various online stores.
  • Keep an eye on the construction materials – Manufacturers use diverse materials for building some of the most stylish options. One of the most popular materials is, of course, wood. PVC, leather, fibre, glass, and clay are common materials in modern instruments.
  • Check out the durability – The best item to purchase should be exceptionally durable. This musical equipment is prone to cracking due to changes in humidity levels in the atmosphere. Choose an item that is resistant to diverse forms of damage.
  • Look at the cost – The cost varies among the available brands in Most brands set their prices based on aspects such as the product’s design, size, weight, and quality. Select an item that falls within your expected budget.

You can play this instrument by holding it close to your lips and blowing air in it. With an origin and history of about 1500 years, they are still popular musical instruments . And because of their never-ending popularity, you can easily find them on any musical instrument manufacturer’s website. We at have gathered all the global sellers under one banner. Here you can explore products from different sellers and buy products according to your budget and needs. Explore the world’s best online shopping search engine and make the best buying choices now.

Question & Answer

Where to buy didgeridoo online in the UAE?

To buy didgeridoo online in the UAE, you should assess the wide spectrum of products available in This online store in Dubai offers its customers hard-wearing, efficient, and the best beginner didgeridoo across the UAE. Our clients have access to a wide variety of bloodwood didgeridoo from more than 500 brands in Dubai. For instance, you can buy cheap eucalyptus didgeridoo in from diverse brands including Thomann, Meinl, and Toca. Moreover, you can purchase our hard fibreglass didgeridoo at an affordable rate on our Dubai product finder. Our wide client base registers disparities in their needs and preferences.

Why is the didgeridoo difficult to play?

Selecting the right didgeridoo is essential in enhancing your learning experience. Didgeridoo for beginners differs in length, clarity of playing, design, and weight. Attaining the skill of circular breathing is one of the hardest tasks you may experience. Circular breathing entails the act of confining air in your cheeks and throat and blowing it out of your mouth while inhaling fresh air via the nose. Some people may take days while others may require weeks or months to learn this technique. Another challenging aspect of playing it is the ability to make drone sounds. To make the most apposite drone sound, you must perfect the circular breathing technique. You must learn the art of controlling the quantity of air passing via your throat and mouth.

Why is the didgeridoo important to the aboriginal culture?

They are considered sacred musical devices among the aboriginal people in Northern Australia. The aborigines have been harvesting the hollow trunks of the eucalyptus trees to make them for decades. For instance, they walk long-distance through the bushy areas in the North of Australia. They search for branches that termites have hollowed to the required thickness. This ethnic group uses musical instruments for special occasions. There these are played by the community elders in the dark. Nevertheless, the instrument is currently being played for causal purposes around campfires and by buskers. They are unique in that each device produces a different sound. In brief, they are of great significance to the aboriginal people. Since the musical instrument plays a vital role during the traditional ceremonies.

How to choose a didgeridoo?

Since every didgeridoo registers unique characteristics and aptitudes, you should be cautious when making your choice. The features of each instrument are based on the maturity of the eucalyptus tree. Also on how termites have developed the hollow surface. Therefore, you should first understand your intention of buying the instrument. It will foster choosing a didgeridoo with features and notes that align with your preferences. The cost varies among the available brands in Here you can find them according to the prices based on aspects such as design, size, weight, and quality of a product. Select the one that falls within your expected budget.

They are available in different lengths which directly affects their notes and the range of keys that you may play. In this regard, select the one with the right length from the wide variety offered in Explore to discover an affordable range of options from over 500 brands and shops across the UAE!