
About Preamplifiers

If you feel like the sound of your instruments is not impressive, it might not necessarily be because your instrument is of inferior quality. Sometimes, using a dedicated microphone preamp is one of the best ways to upgrade the sound of your vocals and instruments. A great mic preamp or preamplifier will make a huge difference to your recordings.

All professional audio technicians and studios will have preamps in their audio interface. In fact, it is an important tool if you want to get great sounding audio. A preamp will enable you to capture vocals and instruments with excellent clarity, detail, and dimension if you pair it with a high-quality microphone. There is a reason why top recording studios spend a lot of money on microphones and preamps. Only recordings that make use of preamps can stand the test of time. Read this article to find out more about preamps. Having a better understanding of them will help you make the right choices when you are shopping for them.

Different types of mic preamplifiers

Adding a preamp to your audio gear can be a big step up for your audio recordings. Even though it will take you a while to make the most use of a preamp, you will feel the difference from day one. So, you might already have an idea about how important is it to have a preamp in your audio setup. However, not all preamps are the same. Preamps differ significantly in characteristics and efficiency. So, knowing what to look for and which preamp to choose is critical. This guide will walk you through different types of mic preamps, their main features, and tips on how to choose the right preamp that falls within your budget.

Transparent preamps

What sets transparent preamps apart from other types of preamps is its ability to preserve the pure nature of the sound. Some audiophiles and sound engineers claim that transparent preamps can reproduce the sound of the instruments and vocals as pure as possible. The basic difference between those who prefer transparent preamps and those who use preamps that alter the voice is the way they approach the preamp. While the first group sees preamp as a technical necessity, the second group thinks of preamps as just another instrument that has its own characteristics.

Tube preamps

This type of preamps uses thermionic tubes or valves to amplify the weaker portions of the sound. Tube amps are not something purist audiophiles would prefer because of the way this type of preamps handles bass. Compared to the higher frequencies of the sound, tube preamps amplify the bass significantly more. So, the sound that comes out of this device will have a deeper tone. This change will happen at the second harmonics of the sound or even higher. While some people would consider this change as distortion, others think of it as a desirable characteristic.

Solid-state preamps

As the technology evolved, preamps became more sophisticated and got smaller in its form factor. Solid-state preamps are an excellent example of this evolution. While tube preamps were bulky devices that came with handles on either side of the body to make it portable, solid-state preamps are quite small. Instead of thermionic tubes, this type of preamps makes use of transistors. The advantage of this is that they require less power and pack more features in a small form factor. Because of the reduction in the operating current, the solid-state preamps are also more durable.

Digital preamps

While solid-state preamps were many times smaller than tube preamps, they would still weigh four or five pounds and would take up space on your instrument deck. However, digital preamps have completely revolutionised our idea about preamps. A typical digital preamp is so small that you can actually fit one in your pocket. It is, in fact, smaller than a smartphone, and only a little bit thicker. And because the audio manipulation is done by integrated circuit chips, you don’t need bigger hardware to add more features to this preamp. All you need is a preamp that packs in a powerful chip and a firmware that is capable of doing the hard work.

Tips on how to buy Preamplifiers Online

At first, choosing a Preamplifier might feel like a very simple thing. However, there exist many variations within preamps that make it difficult to find the right model of preamp that is suitable for your needs and preferences. As audio devices like this are expensive, you have to make sure that you are choosing the right one as there is no room to make mistakes. However, this is easy if you know exactly what criteria to look for in them. Here are a few things to keep in mind while you are shopping for audio Preamplifiers.

  • Type of preamp – The first thing you have to do is to decide what type of preamp you actually need. There are a few different types of them, and you have to choose one based on your requirements and taste. While lots of people go for digital preamps because of their convenience and features, some people prefer analogue preamps.
  • Features – When it comes to Preamplifiers, features count. A higher-end preamp will be able to handle more tracks at the same time and will be capable of higher levels of amplification of the weaker signals. Some of them will also let you alter the sound signature and timbre of the sound as well.
  • Quality – The quality of the output audio depends entirely on the quality of the preamp. A poorly constructed preamp will actually sound thin, and the audio will have higher noise levels. This quality difference will be more apparent if you are using a large speaker system capable of higher outputs.
  • Coloured vs Transparent – A coloured preamp will add a different flavour to the sound. For example, the sound from a tube amplifier will be bass-heavy. While there is nothing wrong with this, some people like to preserve the original quality of the sound and want a preamp that does not alter the frequency level of the audio. The type of preamps that do not alter the timbre of the sound is referred to as transparent Preamplifiers.

There is other essential audio and DJ equipment to have besides preamplifiers. These include things like effect machines, microphones, monitors, mixing panels, turntables, DJ tables, and DJ sets. You can find any of them easily using our shopping search engine . It will also let you compare the prices and features of different products and pick the best one among them. So, don’t forget to check out all the other amazing products from the Musical Instruments category.

Question & Answer

How is a preamplifier different from an amplifier?

One thing that is common between a preamplifiers and an amplifier is that they both amplify sound signals. However, how they do it, and at what stage they do it is way different from one another. Just like the name suggests, preamps come before the amplifier in an audio setup. Unlike an amplifier, a preamp will not be directly connected to speakers. Instead of boosting the line signal like an amplifier, a preamp boosts the weak part of an audio signal to the line level. After that, the amplifier boosts this signal with all the other audio signals and sends it to the speaker.

What happens if you don’t use a preamplifier?

A preamp becomes significant only if you are mixing many tracks at the same time. If the signal strength of any of those tracks is weak, you will need a preamp to boost that signal before sending it to the speaker. But one catch is that some modern audio interfaces will have built-in preamps. There might be a built-in preamp inside your mixer. In that case, it becomes unnecessary to have another preamp in the circuit.

How do you connect a preamp to an audio interface?

In an audio interface, the Preamplifiers comes before the amplifier. If you are not using a mixer, you should plug an audio cable into the output of the preamp and then connect it to the input of the amplifier. However, this is different if you are using a mixer. When both preamp and mixer are in the audio interface, you have to connect the preamp to the mixer input instead of 151the amplifier input. However, you shouldn’t use a preamp on the mixer if it already has an inbuilt preamp. Otherwise, it will be like connecting two preamps in series, and this will significantly distort the audio.

If you are looking to buy preamplifiers online in the UAE, you are in the right place. There are more than 500 shops and brands offering preamplifiers on These shops offer products (like Preamplifiers) from brands like McIntosh, NAD, Yamaha, Marantz, Parasound, Behringer, and Cambridge Audio.