Sleeping Pills

About Sleeping pills

It’s 3 am on the clock! And you are still staring at the ceiling, thinking about your children, financials or maybe your broken heart. A day or two of sleeplessness is not a matter of concern. However, in the wake of chronic insomnia, such a condition continues for days, months and even years. So, is it high time to turn to sleep pills or aids? Let us explore!

Sleeping is a routine activity for all of us. It protects our physical health, mental health and even the quality of life. However, sleep deprivation is a common problem when a person cannot get enough sleep. It may happen due to hormonal imbalance, stress or any major disease. Such a condition take a toll on your overall health, energy and even mood. The day following a sleepless night is full of dull moments. However, the good news is there are many ways to cure this, ranging from changing lifestyle to taking the help of sleeping aids like pills. Sleeping pills can appear tempting but remember that they are effective sparingly. Let us explore generic and best sleeping pills.

All about prominent types of sleeping pills

Insomnia is a common problem. It is not a disease but can be a symptom of some underlying health conditions. You might experience insomnia or sleep deprivation due to various reasons like anger, stress, bipolar disorder, trauma or any other chronic disease. Improving your routine, diet and sleeping environment aid you much in dealing with such a condition. However, in some cases, doctors prescribe drugs as a treatment for sleeplessness. Some pills are antidepressants, whereas others might limit sleepwalking or hormonal problems. Read on to explore various types of sleeping pills and how to buy sleeping pills online in Dubai.

Natural sleeping pills

Sleeping pills can be tempting, but we all know that they are a temporary bandage deep inside. We try to maintain a distance from them until we reach a chronic condition. So, if you want to treat insomnia without pills, you have some natural options as well. For example, you can go for organic herbs like ashwagandha, Valerian root, Sarpagandha, Jatamansi and even melatonin soft gels. They have minimal or no side effects. These medicines generate a calming effect that soothes your sleep. Some of the manufacturers claim to have 100% ingredients. Hence, they are safe for long term use also.

Strong sleeping pills

The most common pills prescribed for abnormal sleep are drugs called benzodiazepines. Doctors prescribe Doxepine to people who have trouble staying asleep. Next up is Eszopiclone which makes sure a person sleeps 7 to 8 hours. Many more strong pills like Lemborexant, Ramelteon, and Zaleplon are prescribed to treat various forms of insomnia. However, one should take them as per the doctor’s prescription only. Some strong pills can have severe side effects if overused.

Sedative tablets

A sedative is a form of prescription medication known to slow down the brain’s activities. In conditions like anxiety, depression or stress, your doctor might suggest your sedatives. To be specific, sedatives cause the neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid to work for more time than usual. As a result, the brain slows down, and you can sleep peacefully. However, in most countries, sedatives come under the category of controlled substances. Hence, production, sales or even purchasing can be a federal crime.

Tips on how to buy Sleeping Pills in Dubai

When you cannot get enough results out of improving routine and habits, you have to turn to pills. However, all medicines are not created equally. Some help you in getting a peaceful 8 hours sleep, whereas some limit sleep-waking or brain functioning. If you are even a bit overwhelmed by the options you have out there, here is a small guide. Below tips would help you buy sleeping pills online.

  • Know if you need pills – The first step is to know whether you need pills or not. Most people are insomniacs due to bad habits like using the phone or watching tv till late at night. Even an improper diet can cause sleeplessness. So, if you can improve your lifestyle, habits and sleeping environment, you can get great results. However, if that does not help, you might have to turn to pills.
  • Consult a doctor – You might consider certain the counter solution for cold, headache and even fever. But, inappropriate sleeping pills can bring serious health threats. So, always go to a doctor before taking them. In some countries, it is not even sold without a doctor’s prescription. Speaking of homemade or herbal solutions, there is hardly any harm in taking them. However, taking an expert’s advice is highly recommended.
  • Brand – While purchasing any sleeping pill, you have to be sure about its overall quality. You should know how they are regulated and approved. A falsely advertised medicine can bring you numerous side effects. So, it’s safe to rely on trustworthy and reputed brands that have been around for the past long.
  • Source of purchase – You can purchase pills from any brick or click store if you have a doctor’s prescription. However, in the local pharmacy, you might not get a specific version due to limited stock. So, choose to order it from online medical supplies that bear an extensive collection. Moreover, you do not have to roam here and there. You can browse many stores through a few finger taps.

Sleeping pills are one solution if nothing works to take away your insomnia. You can choose from a wide range of sleeping aids like herbs, strong pills and sedatives. On, you can find any pill your doctor has recommended. On our Dubai product finder, we have brought together hundreds of online stores selling medicines. Moreover, it is easy to compare prices offered by different sellers. You can also use features like searching, filters, and sorting to quickly find what you are looking for. So, what are you waiting for? Never compromise on your health when the solution is right here. Go ahead and get your pills now! Also, you can find other health and beauty products here.

Question & Answer

Are sleeping pills good for you?

Pills for sleeping are a temporary solution. They bring a range of side effects when used regularly. However, if you suffer from a chronic health condition, you might have to take it daily before going to bed. But, use them only as per your doctor’s prescription. Some of the side effects of high dose sleeping pills include tingling in hands, diarrhoea, dizziness, dry mouth and change in appetite.  Moreover, routine intake can even lead to addiction. So, you should first consult your doctor regarding the dose.

Which sleeping pills are the best?

Pills for sleeping come in a wide variety ranging from herbal solutions to strong pills and sedatives. You will find a few genuine providers, whereas many falsely advertised products when it comes to pills. So, it is essential to go for a trustworthy brand. Vitafusion, Pharmaxxi, Alimemazine, Clemastine and Ketotifen are some of the reputable brands in the industry, bringing out effective and cheap sleeping pills in the market. You can find their products here. It is advised to consult your doctor before taking any medicine.

Does sleeping pills expire?

Pills lose their effectiveness over time. Hence, if you take expired pills, you will need additional pills to fall asleep. And consuming a high dose can be hazardous for your health. So, it is safe to replace them after they expire. It is not just about sleeping pills, all medications have an expiration date, and they should be taken according to that only. Expired medication can be harmful or less effective for you depending upon the chemical composition. So, it is best to go for non-expired medicines.

Where to buy sleeping pills online in the UAE?

You can find sleeping pills in any local or online drug store. However, you need to have a doctor’s prescription for the same as some sellers might require it. If you do not want to roam here and there searching for a specific pill, you have an option to order it online. An easy way is to log on to where we have brought together hundreds of stores selling various drugs online. We are powered by smooth browsing and features like filters and price comparison not to have a hard time searching for any medication .

A good night’s sleep is a key to improved learning, decision making and even creativity. Not only this, but sleep deprivation can also bring some serious health concerns. So, it is high time to treat insomnia with improving habits, sleeping environment or pills. You can find a range of sleeping pills on sale right here on However, a prescription for medicines ordered is necessary, except for the sale of over-the-counter products. So, go ahead and have an effortless purchase on our product search engine.