
About Condoms

Making sure you use a condom each time is always an excellent way of ensuring your safety. Today, they are widely available everywhere, and everybody from kids to young adults is taught about it in sex-ed classes.

For many, the concept of using condoms is something they only relate to avoiding pregnancy. However, this health and beauty product goes way beyond that. Using one protects your partner and you from Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STD’s which are very common today. Most of them require medical care if you contract them, and failing to notice the signs can be life-threatening. Therefore, being extremely cautious about sharing your private space with someone is very essential today. The risk is the same for either gender or can also be contagious. This happens if you don’t realise you are suffering from an STD and physical with other partners. Thus, making sure you take all the right steps to keep safe is the responsibility of every sexually active adult.

Different types of cheap condoms to buy today. 

We are lucky to live when speaking about sex, STD’s and protection is not taboo. Gone are the days when people would have to feel embarrassed or hide a packet of condoms and take it home with them. Everybody from teenagers and young adults is now aware of them, thanks to the helpful sex-ed classes. Along with making them responsible adults, this also removes the stigma that comes with such products. It’s a big step in making us choose our actions. It also helps us know the underlying issues that can arise if we don’t pay attention to these aspects. Here are some of the types of protections you can find today. 

Flavoured condoms  

The curiosity of the act has pushed them to become more and more creative in what they offer to their consumers. This is also a way to persuade more people to buy them, in a way to make sex more exciting. Among the other different types, the flavoured protection took the world by the store once they made an appearance. Today, there are several international brands too, that offer these, thanks to their worldwide popularity. Technically designed for oral sex, they are extensively popular today. The flavour masks the unappealing latex smell and creates a better experience for the partners. This makes sex more enjoyable. 

Ribbed condoms  

Another prevalent type is the ribbed condom. This one has ribs or grooves on the other surface. They are created and positioned on the protection to add more friction to increase the pleasure factor during the act. If you compare the feeling to un-ribbed ones, then the outcome is different, and some also say they don’t reach climax sooner by using the latter. Again, several different brands produce ribbed condoms. They also have different variations of this kind, so you can choose something that works well for you and your partner. Here, it is essential to select reputed brands so you don’t end up with broken protection at the end of the act, leading to mishaps. 

Ultra-thin condoms  

A widespread reason why many people tend to avoid using protection is that they don’t feel the same sensitivity when they use one. This is the reason why there are so many cases of STD’s, unplanned pregnancies and more. Condoms are known to be 98% effective if you use them properly. However, many people don’t do this, but they still end up being 85% effective, which is still way better than not using it at all. To combat these factors, companies recently came up with ultra-thin condoms. These are designed meticulously to make the texture as thin as possible while also ensuring it is secure. The result is you don’t end up feeling the protection, despite wearing it.  

Non-latex condoms  

It is a wrong notion that non-latex condoms are not as good as latex ones. Many people are allergic to latex, and for others, using latex condoms is not as pleasurable. This is also a significant factor in using protection, and most people tend to skip it out entirely. To avoid this, the non-latex ones are now in trend and are the best alternative. Most of this kind are crafted by using a material called polyisoprene. The result is a thinner and much better kind of protection, while, of course, it is non-latex too. Alongside, polyurethane is also a very common substitute and frequently used in the making of condoms.

Tips on how to buy Condoms online in the UAE

Thanks to many protection companies and manufacturers today, we now have a wide variety to pick from. The number of fantastic options such as long-lasting condoms, Benzocaine condoms and vegan condoms makes it easier than ever to decide. They are also designed for comfort and making the act more enjoyable for both partners. Here, it is essential to remember that using protection is one of the most effective ways of ensuring safety for both people in the act.

  • Read up and do your research – It is essential to understand the different types of condoms today. Only then you can determine what’s best for you and your partner. Reading up on the internet is an excellent way to start. It is also essential to solve some common questions and queries, which can be embarrassing to discuss with others.
  • Types and styles of condoms – Textures and flavoured, coloured, vibrating, female condoms, latex-free, with lubrication, ribbed, with spermicide, lambskin, thin and ultra-thin. Climax control and the list goes on. It’s essential to check everything that brands sell these days and then pick the right one.
  • Check for mutual pleasure options – Many condom styles are also designed to help females enjoy the act. In this case, try for a thin condom that is ribbed. This way, it helps both the partners and is a great way to have a pleasurable time. Similarly, you can check for other styles and options that work for both of you.
  • Determine the best size – Condoms also come in different sizes to work with the size and girth of the male sex organ. Most brands follow the universal sizing chart, i.e. regular/standard: 52-56mm, slim: 49-52mm and large: 56-60mm.
  • Buy condoms online for privacy – If going to the store is an embarrassing experience, shop online. There are a lot of pharmacies and brands that ship directly to their customers. Along with discounts and deals, you also can check all the choices, which is not always a possibility at the store. They generally ship with the product name and in concealed packaging.
  • Don’t be afraid to try until you’re happy – If you had had a bad experience when your lats used a condom, don’t put them off completely. Perhaps it was the wrong size or a brand that didn’t have the best ones. The best way to avoid this is to check for the smallest packs and buy a few varieties; over time, it will be easy to figure out which is the best one for you.

The last thing you need to consider is the cost of the produce. Sometimes, a heavily priced protection might not be the best. It can be so because they are imported and other aspects like tax etc. To avoid this, do a quick search to understand how the pricing of such products in your country works. Check out the best local brands, and then move to the imported ones if you are unhappy. Reading online reviews will also help you determine some common drawbacks and advantages of using a particular brand and style.

Question & Answer

Which are the best condoms?

The best condom is the one that suits you and your partner the best. It should do its primary job, along with ensuring it adds something to the act too. Thankfully, we have some spectacular options to choose from today. The best ones are – Trojan Thin Lubricated Condoms, Lifestyles Pleasure Collection, Okamoto Zero Four Latex Condoms,  Caution Wear Iron Grip Snugger Fit,  Kimono Microthin, Durex Avanti Bare Realfeel Non-Latex, Skyn Intense Feel Condoms, Hanx Vegan Condom, Pasante Unique Latex Free Condoms, Lelo Hex Condom, Sustain Natural Latex Condoms, Myonecondoms Custom Fit Condoms and Grande Large Premium Latex Condoms By Caution Wear.

Which are the best vegan condoms on sale today?

Vegan condoms don’t use any animal-based products. This very aspect is a big reason why so many people make the switch today. They are also supposed to be better on your skin, and there are fewer chances of you getting a reaction or allergy because of it. Check out Glyde Ethical, Fair Trade Vegan Condoms, SKYN Non-Latex Polyisoprene Condoms, Trojan Supra BareSkin Non-Latex Polyurethane Condoms, B Condoms, Royal Ultra-Thin, Organic, and Cruelty-Free Condoms, Durex Avanti  Polyisoprene Condoms, Pasante Unique Non-Latex Condoms, Kimono Casein-Free Latex Condoms, Lovability Condoms, Ultra-Thin Condoms by LOLA, Mixed Pleasures Condom Pack by ONE, Sir Richards Condom Company and L By Talia Frenkel.

What are female condoms?

The female condom works on the same notions as the male condom – to protect the sperm from releasing inside the female during a sexual act. However, the only difference is that this one fits inside the woman, instead of the man wearing it. They are generally of thin synthetic latex and are considered to be 95% effective. They are also pre-lubricated to make the act more pleasurable. For many partners, using the female condom has been a better experience than using the male one. It helps protect against unwanted pregnancies and STD’s. There are no side-effects of it; however, it’s best to check the quality and make before buying them. The only downside is sometimes they are not as widely available as the other type.

Where can you buy flavoured condoms online in Dubai?

There are a lot of pharmacies and supermarkets that you can easily procure condoms from. If you feel hesitant to buy one over the counter, then the good news is you can also buy it online! Yes, it’s hassle-free, lets you choose the best ones and is delivered quickly. If this sounds like a good deal, make sure to check out It is one of the best product search engines with more than 500+ products under it. Some of the best condom brands are Clinique, Carex, Moods, Sportex, and Grafco. You can check them out here on We have brought together more than 500 online stores here that offer the best products. You can also explore other products under health and beauty products right here. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and explore now!

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