Do you know that the first-ever evidence of the idea of speaking trumpet (now called megaphones) is dated back to the 5 th century BC? It was the time when Ancient Greece use to wear masks with cones protruding from the mouth. This structure helped to amplify the voices in theatres.
However, time changed, and so did the technology to speak to a massive crowd. Today these devices are known by many names to let’s say, megaphones, bullhorn, blow-horn, loudhailer or speaking trumpet. By construction, they are handheld portable, cone-shaped acoustic horns. Some of the advanced versions are modified by incorporating many mechanical devices to balance the volume etc. However, in each case, the gadget amplifies the person’s voice or any specific sound and directs it in a given direction. This gadget is common in many races of our human life on this date. And to suit the varying needs, there are different types of megaphones available in the market.
Megaphones are unseen saviours in different market sectors. Departments like police, fire fighting, entertainment, and sports are the most common users of these megaphones. No matter the size or additional features the gadget holds, it will always be helpful to tame massive crowds and make it easier to manage the masses. However, market experts have surely put their efforts into incorporating as many features as possible to help the users deal with any situation with just a click. As a result, there are different types of megaphones. There are chances that type A might not suit your needs as Type B. Therefore, we are here to educate you about the possibilities before you head to buy.
Most of the items under this category come with a minimum of 2 voice modes. The first one is where the bullhorn amplifies a sound or voice spoken in the microphone. The cheerleaders commonly use this mode during sports or festive activities and in other school activities that involve communication with a mass of people. The siren mode is also known as the alter more. This is where the bullhorn works as a siren and sounds an emergency alarm tone with just a push of a button. This option is mostly in the use of the police department.
A traditional portable megaphone comes with a basic set of features. A modern portable megaphone is highly portable and multipurpose. It means you can use them both indoors and outdoors, at workplaces, while mentoring, or in departments like firefighters, police, sports, cheerleading and other activities where one may need to address the mass of people. These portable megaphones are also equipped with voice amplifying mode and produce up to 30 Watts of sound that can easily cover about 800 yards of the area. Plus, almost all the modern options are huge and come with a high power battery.
With a basic idea of the full-fledged megaphone for professional and commercial use, these kids’ options come with slight modifications in their looks and capacities. These kids megaphones can amplify the voice cord-free and with much clarity. They are lightweight devices with an option of siren sound. These megaphones can project voice in less than 100 yards. Generally, they have a power backup of no more than 10 watts. In most of the designs, you can also find a carry strap with a fold-down handle. These devices also come with a siren button and a volume controller and work on 6 AA batteries.
When you head to buy megaphones for sale, keep in mind that there is an overwhelming amount of products available in the market. Plus, not every megaphone is the same; they come with many features that can add comfort while in use. Therefore besides looking for cheap megaphones for sale, it important is to pay attention to these properties or features of the product. The ideal way to find the best handheld megaphones to buy is to look for brands. A comprehensive retail search engine can help you in that matter. Plus, make sure you have a sufficient amount of knowledge about how to buy a megaphone for you online. Here are some major tips to help you in the process.
Above everything, it is important to do a detailed market search before you end up paying for anything. A wrong choice will cost you money and create a hassle of managing or storing the product, the return/exchange process will cost a lot of your precious time and money. But doing some serious homework, studying the products, comprehensive market search, and keen analysis of the products can help you save time and a lot of hassle.
A megaphone is a special device curated to help you deliver your voice to a larger group of people or areas without screaming. These devices help amplify a person’s voice or other sounds and direct it in a specific direction. In most common cases, we can see these devices in use by police and security departments around the globe. At times these megaphones are used for crowd management, mass communication or assisting a large group of people.
There are many different types of megaphones available under the gift and gadget section of Shops.ae. An ideal option depends on many factors, including the intended use of the product. However, there are some generic overall, budget-friendly options that can work well in most cases. These options are easily available in online stores or physical shops. TO start your search, you can consider options like Sugar Home Portable Megaphone, Kestrel Blue Ocean Megaphone, Pyle PM30 Megaphone, Pyle PMP53IN Megaphone, or 300 Yard Range Mini Megaphone.
Overall speaking, using a loud hailer speaker or megaphone in public places is not against the law on its own. However, it mainly depends on where you are and why you are using the megaphone. Also, some parts of the world do not allow public use of these devices. While at other places, it depends on how loud you are keeping the volume of the megaphone while addressing. But using them for music and personal fun and entertainment activities in personal automobiles, the use is strictly prohibited in most parts of the world.
The best idea is to look for products in a reliable retail search engine online. Websites like Shops.ae can offer your facilities. Here you can connect with top global brands like Pyle, Croove, Amscan, Kiefer, Jean’s Plastics, and Amplivox. With a one-click system, you can find dozens of products based on brand, category price and much. Therefore, it helps make your buying easier and fun to guarantee a quality product and timely delivery.
Here at Shops.ae you can also explore products from top trusted stores. Explore now to find everything for your home to personal needs and enjoy the convenience of modern shopping with complete peace of mind.