

About Fountains

There can be many other ways to accentuate your garden’s beauty, but the choice of mounting fountains is mesmerising. Right now, maybe you are not able to visualise, but there are wholesome varieties available in the online marketplace, which you haven’t explored yet. So, no matter how quirky and weird things you like, you will get your kind of detailing and designing in one fountain, for sure. All you got to do is invest a little time in exploring the products online.

We know you have been thinking about the kind of fountains for the garden for a long time. Or maybe you are exploring the products already, but it is imperative to pre-plan everything, so you don’t have to re-do all the steps and compromise with your choice. The pre-planning includes picking the right placement in your garden, which directly or indirectly will influence the size and design of the product you are setting your eyes on. For fountains, the place must be safe, highly visible, and where only the fountain becomes a focal point. It should also be near to the power and water supply for your convenience.

Anatomy of the basic water fountain

Here, we are talking about the conventional tiered fountains. The structure of the fountain is that have tiers, two or three, depending on your choice. Then, there is a water reservoir or basin at the bottom to collect the water. Technically, on top of it, there is a water distribution system based on what style you choose. In the basin, there is a pump installed whose tube is going upwards till water distribution. This is typically how every fountain water fountain works, but based on the model and the brand, there may be slight differences. We suggest understanding the working of the product you have chosen prior to buying it, so the installation work after can ease out. Well, buying the best pond fountains will not be a daunting task anymore if you pre-plan.

Water features

When it is all about aesthetics, you got to choose something that triggers your relaxing points. So, the type of water fountain plays a major role in it. The first thing is the look of it, and the second is sound. However, make sure that you do not install the fountain too close to your home. Otherwise, the sound 24*7 may irritate you in the long run. Coming back to the water features, there may be different types based on the placement, design, and detailing on top of them. Selecting the specifications, you can choose from cheap water fountains to some luxurious ones.

Garden fountains

The varieties are endless when it comes to buying outdoor fountains online in UAE. You can choose from rock water, birdbath, or disappearing water features. Products in the shape of animals and people are also trending so much, plus you can be creative with the ideas by having accessories around. Garden fountains are a lot of work as compared to indoor wall fountains, but the appearance they give in the end is worth it. If you are looking for smaller ones, you can have tabletop water features. Some of them are made from bamboo and look amazing. Explore all these products at our shopping platform, and see if you find something interesting for your shopping cart.

Wall fountain

These type of products typically go for indoor fountains. If you throw parties or have get-togethers usually, you must have a space decorated nicely to woo your guests. And a wall fountain will definitely enhance the appearance. The sound of the water with slow music can set the mood of your party really well. Also, you can place a nice painting or plants to make the place more fitting, matching the decorum of your room. Consider the size, material, sound level, and ornaments as important parameters to decide amongst the various products.

Kelkay water features

Kelkay is the name known for some of the best garden products, including water fountains. Once you see their products, you can tell by the look that the products are well-made and will look authentic once install. Some of the customer’s favourites are Budha styles, classic urn, solitary pour, rainwater style, and many others. Other than Kelkay, there are other brands like Trevi having authentic products. You can watch them all on our product search engine . But before that, you can visit our dedicated section of tips to make your purchase an informed decision.

Tips on how to buy Fountains online

Just like every other purchase, with garden fountains as well, you need to focus equally on aesthetics and technical features. Now the deal is to get both the qualities without compromising the budget, which sounds like a daunting task. One way to make your shopping transparent is by listing your priorities, starting from basic ones and moving towards premium ones. So, while you make your list, we have made some fine points that may or may not add up to your list.

  • Styles – A fountain can be a conventional tier style or statue style. Pondless fountains are also in the trend where stones or pebbles make a stair-type fountain. Your choice can be minimalistic or exaggerated, and the style says a lot about your taste. So, explore more and more styles and get an idea of available products in the marketplace.
  • Materials – Cast stone, GFRC, polystone, stainless steel, copper, granite, and there are many other materials out of which fountain products are available. You may have an idea of some materials, and for others, it is important to visually see the products. So, explore the products online and read the specifications carefully to know all about the product and the material.
  • Placement – Your fountain will be the place for you to relax under the soothing voice of water. But despite that, it will be a product that enhances the beauty of your home. So, it has to be in a place of high visibility and where other objects do not overshadow it. Also, it should not be too close to your house windows or listening to the water sound every time may irritate you.
  • Accessories – If the fountain you have bought has intricate designs and detailing all over, you may not need accessories. Other than that, simple tiered products or plain surfaces can have accessories like foggers and lighting. These two products are best for night-time enjoyment. You can explore others, depending on your purpose.
  • Maintenance – Some of the issues you may experience with these products are vibrations, noise, air bubbles, smell, and white spots. To not experience them at all or to resolve the issues quickly, you need to know the solutions and have the right kind of equipment for it.
  • Seasonal changes – In cold areas, it becomes difficult for this product to survive. So, for cold seasons, buy a fountain cover or tarp, and keep them in storage. If your product is hard to move, just cover it up, and that will also do the job.

You may already have an idea that buying one product leads to many other small or big products. But having them all at once without forgetting even one is often impossible. Here, for your garden fountain, you need the power supply, decoration, pump, cleaning, and maintenance products. If you have more like a full-fledged pond, you might need more products. First things first, start exploring online, and to begin with, we have fountains for sale online in UAE.

Question & Answer

Where to buy garden fountains online in UAE?

Something that you all want in your shopping cart is a unique product, has the best quality and that gives you the best deal as compared to others. Thinking of all these factors, our shopping search engine stands positive in every scenario. We house multiple brands on our platform, which makes comparing different products easy and convenient. And as the different brands showcase their designed products under one roof, you can explore and get an idea of a unique assembly of your garden pond and the fountain on top of it. All in all, shopping at our platform is going to be one seamless experience for you.

How to install outdoor garden fountains?

If you are going to install the fountain all by yourself without any expert’s help, you need to know the functioning of the product first. A fountain comprises a power cord, flow control equipment, pump housing, water tubing, and there can be tiers as well, depending on the kind of fountain you own. Once you understand the working of each part, then all you have to do is assemble them the right way. It isn’t rocket science, but if you feel trouble, you should call an expert and get it done.

How do garden fountains work?

Any garden fountain works when a sheet of water slips down the surface of the object. Now, the fountain may or may not have a pond underneath, which is generally known as pondless water fountains. Deciding upon one is a personal choice, but the surface on which water drops makes the real difference. For example, if the surface is smooth, the sound of the water will be different, and if the surface is textured, the sound is going to be a trickling one. This is your call again – choose the sound that makes you feel relax.

How to choose a garden fountain?

There are not one or two factors, contemplating on which you can decide the garden fountain you should own. Aesthetics, budget, quality, sound, size, and lots of other parameters exist, which you should consider while you shop. Another factor that may influence your purchase is the brand and the manufacturer because we tend to trust certain names for building the product with quality raw materials. Hence, the product will last longer, and that will worth the price tag. For that, you can check our shopping platform,, which enlists multiple reputed brands under its umbrella.

Not just the garden fountains you will find on our platform, but there are these numerous pond supplies you must see. And a few of the pieces of equipment you will need along with your fountain purchase for the installation purpose. Well! You can get them all in our shopping platform, And to begin your shopping drive, you can check out these brands: Kasco, Aquascape, and Intex. You will see more upon your visit. So, hop on it right now and start scrolling through the products.

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