Hedge Plants

About Hedge Plants

Hedge plants are just plants used to create hedges. A hedge looks similar to a wall, but instead of bricks, it is made of plants. You may want to put hedges in your garden for multiple reasons. It could be for a practical reason or decorative purposes. They are trimmed down to different shapes and sizes so that they look more beautiful and attractive. When these plants are there for security, privacy screens, or windbreaks, that is more practical. Selecting a plant to make a hedge can be tricky. It would help if you remembered, all plants are garden plants but not all garden plants are hedge plants. It means that there is a specific range of plants that you can use to make hedges.

If you plan to use hedges for security, then the plants should have thorns and prickly leaves! Such plants should also grow densely to serve the purpose of security/privacy screens. You can convert two types of shrubs into these plants. Those shrubs are evergreen shrubs and deciduous shrubs. To use plants for privacy screens and windbreaks, you need taller shrubs. Evergreen shrubs aid in making evergreen plants. These shrubs do not take long to turn into these plants and don’t shed all of their leaves. Also, the leaves of the evergreen plants don’t have a fixed colour. Some of them will be dense as soon as you plant them, while some may take time to develop. Deciduous shrubs shed all of their leaves in typical weather as they survive easily in extreme weather conditions.

Types of hedge plants

These plants help if you want to put boundaries around your garden or home. They provide privacy along with shade, security, and also beat the wind. For whichever reason, if you wish to plant hedges, then you need to know about hedge plants. You must select the most appropriate plants depending on their use. There is a variety available from which you can choose. To make the right choice, we will introduce you to different types. You can either buy these plants from a retailer or from someone who specialises in growing plants. However, a better option is to order online from the comfort of your home. Hop on our website,, a leading shopping search engine , and choose from over 500 brands and stores.

Laurel hedge plants

They are exceptionally famous and are a type of evergreen hedge. They are practical in nature and please the eye of the viewer. You can use laurel plants in a variety of ways based on your requirement. They are the best small plant along with the ability to grow in environments that are challenging. These plants create an artistic look in your gardens. Since they are small plants, they can also define paths or any other features of your garden. They come in unique colours and can even create a plant for the fence. Laurel plants are available in four varieties. Cherry laurel, Portuguese laurel, compact laurel, and spotted laurel. Portuguese Laurel is one of the famous plants for hedges which has dark green leaves along with red-pink stems.

Privet hedge plants

Privet plants have another name which is Ligustrum Ovalifolium. It is a shrub that is evergreen, as well as semi-evergreen. It means that private hedges are usually evergreen but sometimes, in extreme winters, they shed some of their leaves. These plants have rich green leaves and luscious white flowers. Along with their beauty, these flowers attract birds and butterflies. This plant grows exceptionally fast, hence making it a perfect plant for privacy. At the same time, you should trim it at least in summers to ensure rapid growth. This plant is one of the best tropical plants as it can grow anywhere.

Box hedge plants

These plants also have another name which is Buxus plants. These plants are famous for their small size and gleaming green leaves. These plants do not have a quick growth rate. They grow in compressed sizes, which makes it easy to maintain them. These plants are incredibly dense and can grow in difficult positions and places. You can also use them as privacy hedges due to their dense-growing nature. They are evergreen plants and they grow well in ordinary soil.

Red robin hedge plants

These plants are also known as photinia red robin hedge plant or photinia x Fraseri. You can use these plants for decorative purposes and not for security purposes. These plants have budding lustrous red leaves in summer and spring. However, in winters, these leaves change their colour to dark green. In mid and late spring, these plants grow chunks of white flowers followed by red fruit. It has an average growth rate with a preference for areas that are sunny or have partial shade. They can be grown well in any drained soil.

Wilson’s honeysuckle hedge plants

These plants are also known as lonicera Nitida plants. They are evergreen plants that grow fragile, aromatic, and velvety flowers in spring. However, in autumn, these plants grow berries that are blue and purple in colour. These plants have a dense growth and can survive in sunny as well as covered areas. It has a fast growth rate and can be best utilized as privacy screens or noise silencers. They can grow in almost all soil types except for exposed and wet sites. You can also combine these plants with other plants for hedges. Such combinations will lead to new artistic colour schemes for your gardens!

Tips on how to buy Hedge Plants online in UAE

If you plan to redecorate/make practical changes in your garden with these plants’ help, this is your guide! Till now, you are well aware that these plants are of various types. You can buy these plants online in UAE on You can buy the cheapest plants as well as the expensive ones on our website. To help you select the best plants for your hedges, here are some tips for you.

  • Attention to detail – It will be a lot easier for you to select the plants for hedges if you know your requirements beforehand. You must choose the type of hedge you want. It could be for security reasons, decoration, or privacy. You must measure the area in which you want to plant the hedges. It will help you decide the number of plants you want to buy for a particular site. If you are going to cover a large area, you could see the plant for sale online in UAE on our website.
  • Maintenance – Let us tell you that maintaining these plants may not be easy. It also depends on the type you choose. Before buying the plants for hedges, you must check the soil condition of your garden. If you want plants for all seasons, then you must go for evergreen plants. They require less maintenance as there is very rare shedding of leaves.
  • Available space – Before you decide on the type, you should check the space available in your garden. Different plants grow up to varying heights with different colours. If you have a small space, then you should not buy tall plants for hedges. Similarly, if you have a large area available for the hedges, you may go for tall-growing plants. Using tall-growing plants in a small space will make your garden look crowded, and we don’t want that!
  • Brands vs. local shops – You may have experienced this while shopping for other products. If you choose to purchase from a local store over a branded one, the result is not always satisfying. We suggest you pick plants for hedges from branded stores, as they ensure guaranteed results. If it does not turn out as expected, the brands aid you with the solution.

You can always purchase plants from our product search engine. It’s not easy to choose the appropriate brand or shop, as there are plenty of available options. Hence, you must choose the plants that come in your budget and fulfil your requirements of planting hedges. A well-maintained garden with beautiful hedges will complete the look of your home. Choosing plants for hedges is a big decision as one wrong choice can change your garden and home’s look! To fulfil your vision of that exquisite garden, keep in mind the mentioned tips. We hope we could help you in narrowing down your search and finding the right plants for hedges!

Question & Answer

Can hedge plants grow in shade?

This question comes across the mind of almost every garden lover. You may have an area in your home or garden where you would love to sit as there is always shade there. The next idea that pops in your head is that you can get hedges for privacy! Then comes the real issue of this plant i.e. growing in the shade. We all know, the basic requirements of plants are water and sunlight. Luckily, some plants grow in partial shade as well as full shade. Indeed it will not be easy to develop a hedge in a shady location, but it is not an impossible dream! You can buy plants that grow in shaded areas from

What are evergreen hedge plants?

Evergreen plants for hedges are those plants that stay the same throughout the year. They don’t shed their leaves along with a fast rate of growth. Hedges created with evergreen plants can be used for security, privacy, decoration, and blocking noise. These plants also serve as a shelter for birds throughout the year. There is no need to change the hedges or take extra care of them during different seasons. The advantage of evergreen plants for fences is that they require very little maintenance. Some evergreen plants can grow flowers and berries, which attracts beautiful birds and butterflies. Not only do they lure the birds, but they also act as a source of food and pollination.

Which hedge plants are best?

There are several options available for making hedges. They have multiple benefits. Some of them are privacy, security, shade, and wind-blocking. Evergreen plants are one of the best choices for creating a beautiful view. There is no need to replace them, and they require less maintenance. Another plant that is considered the best for hedging is boxwood. These are structured in the shape of a box and add a neat look to your garden. They also have a very fresh fragrance.

Similarly, some plants grow as shrubs and dwarf trees. Like evergreen plants, they also produce flowers and berries, serving as a food source for birds. You can choose from the mentioned plants and make the perfect options for your garden.

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