A side table is a place for you to keep all the miscellany of your entire day. Things like lamps, books, glasses, tablets, chargers, and everything else end up on this tiny table. So, it's important for a bedroom and a living room to have a stylish side table.
End tables, or side tables, not only help to spruce up the interior of your home, but they also hold your belongings. However, the first thing that pops into anyone’s mind when they think of an end table is a traditional wooden table with a bunch of drawers. But the nature of end tables has evolved significantly over the last decade. Today, we have different tables that are ideal for different kinds of bedrooms and living rooms. Read this article to find out more about these tables. This will surely help you pick a table that is great for your interior and also help you organise your things.
Shopping for home decor can be an overwhelming experience. Sometimes you might love an item when you see it on the shop floor, but i t might look different when you put it in your room. That is why you need more tricks up your sleeve than judging a table just by its looks. Here is a list of the four most popular styles of end tables. Check out the styles of bedside tables without further ado and see which one is ideal for the style and atmosphere of your room. You can also use the tips in this article to find out the right table for your room.
The accent is on the form and the unconventional, traditional look when it c omes to circular-shaped tables. They can be made of metal or wood and come in a variety of different colours. Because some of them even come in multi colours, they can add a splash of colour to your room. While the round shape is not too practical, these ki nds of tables go well with antique furniture. Moreover, they give good storage space, even if they take up a bit too much floor space. One thing that you can be sure about is that, if you have this item in your room, you are going to catch some fascinated e yeballs.
Depending on your choice and preference, you may choose a subtle fabric bedside table that looks exactly the same as your bed or contrasts with your bedroom's accent. These cute bedside tables are perfect for a touch of function and appealing aesthetic to your room. You can use them for keeping laptops, mobile phones, alarm clocks, magazines, fresh flowers, and more. Fabric side tables are suitable for both master suites and guest rooms. That being said, the trickiest part is fin ding a table with a suitable colour that blends in with the rest of your furniture.
Modern times call for modern furniture. The floating table seems to be a perfect piece of furniture to free up space, meet modern needs, all the while being more functional than traditional tables. Floating tables are designed for wall mounting and are not as voluminous as conventional tables. Some of them can even work similarly to cabinets. When it comes to design, they follow a minimalistic style. Also, you can use the space that it frees up for things like indoor plants or simply to maximise the floor space. The limitation is that the design does not allow these tables to carry a lot of weight.
This form of side tables is inspired by the industrial design that is currently very common. They look costly and artistic while using simple materials and without any intricate designs. They do not give much room for storage, though. Usually, these tables don't even contain drawers. The on ly place you can place your things is the top portion of the table. But the benefit of cage tables is that these will blend well into the bedroom design if your bedroom is leaning towards minimalism and industrialism. For edgier bedrooms and assertive owne rs, they're a great pick.