Letter Boxes

About Letter Boxes

Though text messages and emails are the most prevalent forms of communication in the modern world, letters are still in fashion. For instance, formal letters serve to advertise products and services and communicate emotions. Therefore, a letter box serves a crucial role in fostering effective communication, documentation of important information, and the protection of your privacy.

The letter box is for receiving mails at business premises or a private residence. Conversely, a postbox receives outgoing letters from a specified location. Letter boxes are available in different designs based on their place of installation in a premise and the owner’s preferences. Some are in the shape of a slot in a door or wall through which you receive a letter. On the other hand, others are in the form of a box attached to a building. People usually prefer their mailboxes near or on the street. There are available centralised mail delivery stations that comprise individual mailboxes for a whole apartment or multiple addresses within the neighbourhood.

History of a letter box

The popularity of these boxes across the globe began in the 19th century. And the inspiration was Royal Mail, a British worldwide postal service and courier organization. Prior to the campaign by the postal service company, people had slots on doors for the collection of outgoing letters and parcels. The first such box was on the wall of Wakefield Post Office in 1809. Until the beginning of the 19th century, letter carriers used to knock on the door to deliver all types of mails. Most times, mail carriers got lost for more than one and a half hours waiting for homeowners to collect their letters at the door. To solve this challenge, postal service organizations comeup with letter boxes and slots for every household.

Ensures the safety of mails

With the absence of a wall mounted letter box, mail carriers leave every letter at the doorstep. This form of delivery fails to guarantee the safety of the letters to homeowners. Consequently, mail receivers should oblige securing a place for dropping the mails. Stainless steel letterbox ensures the protection of the mails from adverse weather conditions. As such, the letters avoid rain and wind damage. You should ensure the firm installation that may not fall in the occurrence of heavy rains causing waterlog situations.

Promotes privacy

A lockable letterbox ensures confidentiality of letters and parcels to your premises. A letter box helps an individual keep the home address unpublish for security reasons. This may not be applicable if you operate a business that requires clients to visit the premises. Cases of stolen packages at the doorsteps are common. A modern letterbox relieves you from disquieting about the safety of a parcel when travelling for several days. A pile of mails on the doorstep alerts criminals of your absence which may encourage them to break and cause serious damages. A letter box ensures the security of a premise and that of the delivered packages.

Ease of installation

The installation of a letter box does not require exceptional craftsmanship. Home or business owners may choose to mount a wooden box on the door or the wall of a building. Installing the door letterbox when the frame holds the door abridges the installation process. The fundamental task is deciding the most suitable place for mounting. The location should be easily noticeable by mail carriers. Despite serving a primary role in ensuring the safety of packages and property, these boxes are easy and cheap to install.

Tips on how to buy Letter Boxes

Prior to making a purchasing decision, you should gain insight into the importance of a letter box. The box often fosters effective communication by ensuring the safe delivery of parcels and mails. Subsequently, you should evaluate the following aspects to select the best product in the market.

  • Construction materials – The most suitable mailbox should be constructed using durable materials. A cheap stainless steel letterbox is essential as it fosters protection of the mails and parcels from advanced weather conditions and thieves.
  • Size – Letter boxes are available in different sizes. And your choice is based on the price of the product and the expected volume of mails to be delivered. Large letter boxes are suitable for individuals expecting large quantities of mails and for persons that are often travelling.
  • Design – The design of a letter box directly affects the exquisiteness of a home. This is because a letter box is usually placed at the entrance of a building which attracts the attention of guests and bystanders. The mailbox should incorporate other unique features such as a draft excluder for ease of opening.

A letter box from ensures that your mails and parcels are safely delivered to the required address. Moreover, the letter boxes protect the mails from exposure to harsh environmental conditions such as strong winds and heavy rainfalls. Therefore, you should visit to access letter boxes of different designs, colours, and made from durable materials that are offered by over 500 companies.

Question & Answer

Where to buy letter box online in the UAE?

You should explore our product search engine to buy letter box for sale online in UAE at amazing prices. Here, you can find a wide range of selections from over 500 online shops and thousands of brands. These include Brabantia, Yale, Colorbond, and Decayeux, to name a few. And since the options are extensive, you can get a chance to choose the one that perfectly suits your needs and budget. Of course, the best part is that they are offered exciting deals. So, explore today to find letter boxes and cabinets that will give you the best value for money!

Which is the best letter box?

Despite the availability of different types of mailboxes, the most appropriate equipment largely relies on your preferences. A cheap metal letter box is essential due to its affordability, which often falls within the expected budget. A cheap wooden letter box is vital owing to its ease of installation and attractiveness. The best type of letter box should be of the right size which is contingent on the frequency and number of deliveries daily. The most apposite letter box is constructed using durable materials such as stainless steel to ensure the safety of the mails. You should also select a mailbox that is easy to repair and replace in the future. A good letter box should encompass a unique design that improves the exquisiteness of a home.

How to choose a letter box?

There are diverse factors to consider when selecting the best letter box in the market. Manufacturers have made efforts to satisfy unlimited consumer needs through the production of letter boxes of varying configurations. For instance, the available letter boxes in the differ in their designs and capacities. To select the best letter box for door you should consider the mode of installation. The letter box may be mounted on or beside the door. Moreover, the design of the letter box should be considered before making purchases. The mailbox should incorporate other unique features such as a draft excluder for ease of opening. Therefore, you should consider important aspects such as the design, size, colour, and ease of installation when selecting a letter box.

Can you paint a letterbox?

The construction materials used to make a letter box is the primary defining factor of whether to paint the object or not. Painting a mailbox is an essential way of improving its appearance and making it more visible to the mail carriers. In this regard, you should first remove the letter box from the wall or cover the post with masking tape to avoid painting unrequired areas. All parts of the letter box should be disintegrated including the hooks and flag. All surfaces should be cleaned to eradicate debris and dust before applying a spray paint primer. Subsequently, the desired colour of spray paint should be used and then left to dry. Therefore, it is important to paint a letterbox for enhancing its outlook.

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