
About Wine Gums

Wine gums have been all-time ideal snacks for households and even to entertain guests. These are confectioneries that attract children, adults, and older age equally. It may be due to the fact that they have been marketed that way or have the name “wine” attached to them. So, all this makes winegums a must-have item in your household. Well, there are brands and flavours you can choose from, but most importantly, choose your shopping platform right.

The purpose of winegums was not to add another sweet product to the market. Instead, it is a product that had been launched as an option for alcohol abstinence. But no way it contains even the littlest of alcohol in them. So, it is completely fine to let children consume it or even buy it. We think the title of wine is just to add the little oomph to the product, which escalated well. Consumers initially got attracted to the name, but then it’s the flavour that makes the product’s journey so long. And Maynards, the first manufacturer of this product is still one of the best brands of wine gums.

Wine gums are different gummy candies

Although many brands exist with alcohol name on it and all taste unique, they are still very much different from those usual gummy candies. First thing first, wine gummies are slightly low on sweetness while gummies are all about sweet thingy. Next, wine gummies are tough on the outside consumed by light chewing that dissolves in the mouth. Even the cheapest winegums will have these qualities. On the other hand, gummy candies are soft on the outside, and lots of chewing processes involve secreting their juices fully to the mouth.

Maynards wine gums

Maynards is the first-ever brand that introduces winegums to the world. The story of the production is as interesting as the product itself. The owner’s son made this product after looking at the virtues of alcohol abstinence and thought the product could really help people who want to lure them away from alcohol. But the owner fired his son for the association of wine, and it took days for his son to convince him that there is no alcohol. Also, there are stories that initially there was alcohol in it. Anyways, the story led us to one of the best British wine gums, and if you want to buy them – then simply head to our platform that is

Haribo wine gums

Haribo is a German brand that produces one of the best quality wine gums and tastes different from English gummies – in case you are looking to acquire a new taste. When you the product, you can read the packaging saying – you will get an extra dose of nasch genuss. Before you think it contains wine, let us clarify nash genuss means enjoyment as you will enjoy yourself. All the reviews you will read about these winegums, you will see they are best when you feel like snacking. You will get many fruit flavours like hibiscus, lemon, carrot, orange, safflower, and more. You can find these or even more at our shopping platform,

Sour wine gums

They are fruit flavoured gums with a sour sugar coating. Please mind that there is sugar in it and no way associated with winegums for diabetes. Many brands specifically print in their package that the FDA does not evaluate their product. So, treating or preventing any health condition is not intended at all. That is why we always suggest our readers read the packaging thoroughly before buying. However, if you want diabetic-friendly products, you can look for sugar-free gums available in the market. You can check out winegums for sale online in UAE and grab as much as you can.

Tips on how to buy Wine gums online in UAE

Do you really need a buying guide for these sweet gummies? Probably not! However, if you look it at from an angle of buying packaged food, you should get yourself through many steps required to get your purchase right. Brands, budget, quality, and so many other things matters when it comes to customer satisfaction. Check out the tips mentioned below that can ease out buying wine gums online in UAE.

  • Check on all the flavours – These products have different flavours with wine names like gin, port, sherry, and many more. You might have a favourite or two but checking on all and giving them a chance is a must. No sweet item should pass by you without having a taste – that’s what we all foodies believe.
  • Read the fine print – This is for every packaged food you buy. You must check the ingredients and nutrients metre printed on the packet. Especially if you are health conscious and follow a diet plan, you need to balance your sweet intake. That does not mean, the sweet should be completed avoided. No food craving should pass by just like that.
  • The available brands – However, the products started from one shop with a brand name Maynards, but now there are many manufacturers. It’s all about the taste you like or maybe the availability in your local region. If latter is the thing with you, you can check out our platform, wherein brands are unlimited.
  • Balance the cart items – You already make a budget and keep enough room for sweets and snacks and some more indulgence on your cravings. However, not every time, you make up to the budget you have decided to be. In that case, you can directly shop on our product search engine for an affordable budget cart.

If you have a sweet tooth and likely to grow by the minute, you know you need winegums in your cart. You can have them as snacks or in-between meals or even offer to your guest – they will love it. Some of you may believe that these gummies do not suit children’s taste because they are low on sweetness. But it’s all about the taste and type of flavour you want. So, get on our shopping platform: and your cart full of confectioneries without worrying about the budget. We would like to mention some of the brands: Maynards, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Suntjens, Pascall, and Waterbridge.

Question & Answer

Why do we call them wine gums?

There are two reasons that prevail in the history of these gummies. The first reason is when the manufacturer got to know about the virtues of abstaining from alcohol and came up with wine gums. Then, these sweets became an aid to lure people away from alcohol. The second reason is that these sweets are so delicious, and manufacture used to appreciate them like a fine wine which is why the products get the label: wine names. However, there are stories of having wine or alcohol at some point – not now. The product you see today are free from any sort of alcohol.

Are wine gums alcoholic?

No these are not alcoholic at all. They were first introduced by Maynards company in 1909. The owner of this company was a teetotaller due to which he fired his own son upon introducing the product. It took a whole for his son to persuade his father that the sweet has no wine or any other alcohol. Once ha was able to do so, these confections were all over the country and flavours are all named as a port, gin, and sherry.

How are winegums made?

The common ingredients in the product are usually sugar, starch, gelatin, Flavourings, colour, and vegetable oil, among others. The most popular colours are black and red out of which red are traditionally raspberry, strawberry, and red-berry and black have a blackcurrant flavour. There are many other flavours and colours you can choose, depending on personal choice. Some of you even leave the box out for a few weeks after buying to let it get the right texture and taste. It seems every one of you has their style of having these little sweet confectioneries.

Where to buy wine gums online in UAE?

Buying the product isn’t a daunting task, but finding a trustworthy shopping platform can be. In that case, our retail search engine can be the one-stop shop you have been looking for. Here, you can have all kinds and flavours and even other confectioneries you have been craving for a long time. You can assure about the quality and quantity by looking at the multiple online shops listed here. You can shop around and see it yourself.

Many platforms have been advertising and selling food & beverages products but finding everything under one roof is quite difficult. However, our shopping platform has made it possible wherein multiple online shops to showcase affordable and reliable products. Be it wine gums that you are craving for or any other sweet- you can grab it at our online shopping platform –

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