A wig is a full head hair cap covering generally made of animal or human hair. However, today, you can also find them made of synthetic or manmade fibre. No matter what the style but hair wigs are among essential hair accessories for ladies on this date.
The word is derived from “periwig.” It was the time around 1675 AS since the word appeared in history. During this time, they were worn for many different reasons. Even today, some use them to hide their bald head or hair loss, while some intend to add volume to hair. Surprisingly they are cheaper than any hair transplant surgery. Likewise, they are a quirky way to add volume to your hair, without waiting for months and expensive hair treatments and oils. With many different functions and reasons for use, they are available in different types, textures and materials. Today we will share some ideas revolving around them to help you make better buying decisions for yourself.
Familiarity with different types and their construction can help you make well-informed decisions. At the time when the hair extension is at its boom, they have successfully maintained their position in the market. Just like their counterparts, they come in many different colours, styles and materials. However, there are available either in Synthetic fibre or natural human hair. Each of these fibres, along with lengths, styles and caps work differently. This is the reason why today we will discuss some common styles available in the market. However, while buying one, you must know that there might be slight differences in make and style from one brand to another, but the core will be the same.
If you love to style your hair with different colours and styles, a natural human hair wig is the best option. They are made of real hair extracted from the donors on their will. Many of these can be coloured or permed as per need. Although you can style such hairs just like your natural hair, it better is to consult professionals for help. Alongside the freedom, they are versatile and come in different textures, lengths, and colours. Surprisingly with proper care, they can last with you for years. However, despite these looking natural, there is extremely high maintenance. Thus, you need to offer them a proper wash with deep conditioning to keep them in good condition.
They are the entire opposite of natural hair. They are made from manmade fibres thus easy to manage. Some styles of synthetic wigs are called “style retentions.” These types do not need styling regularly. All you need to do is to wash and dry them periodically to keep them in their initial style. Additionally, when it comes to fashion, you can buy different colours and textures to enjoy variations without visiting styling experts. For colours in synthetic ones, the sky is the limit. Here you can choose anything ranging from natural tones to fantasy shades to match your outfit, style or personality. Despite such vast variations, they are comparatively cheaper than natural fibre ones.
They have natural hair that comes with a small sheer lace panel on the front line. When wearing, this panel sits right on the forehead. Such items are handmade with each strand sewn into the holes of the lace. Wearing such types is simple as they are stretchy and can cover the entire scalp with natural-looking hair. They are ideal and popular because they look extremely natural with a blended hairline. Luckily they are cheaper than full lace wigs. Plus, they look more natural and versatile. Another plus point is that they are easy to put on and off as they do not need any tape or adhesive for perfect application.
Full lace wigs
They are made from a lace cap that covers the entire hearing. They have 100% human hair knotted in by hand. A standard natural set comes with a strip of stretch lace over the top of the crown. It allows movement and growth of natural hair within. At the same time, they fit perfectly on different head sizes. Meanwhile, for styling options, they can be parted anywhere, or you can tie them up high on the head. The ease of styling makes them a versatile and preferable option over a lace front wig. However, when it comes to price, these types are quite a bit expensive. Still, many women prefer using them because of the style possibilities and ease to maintain them.
For sure they are more than just a style accessory in your wardrobe. The right style can boost your self-esteem. It can help you follow the dictates you believe in while making you comfortable inside out. Considering the varying female personalities around the globe, brands offer a wide range of styles, colours, lengths, cut, textures and materials online. However, when you head to buy realistic-looking items for cheaper rates, there are some common steps to flow. Below are some basic tips you may consider while looking for hair sets for sale online in Dubai.
Here at Shops.ae we have more than 500 brands selling top quality items, extensions and other hair and fashion accessories. With such a wide variety to explore and shop from buying in budget becomes a reality. Hence, here, you can buy products from top quality brands that suit your budget. Explore the fashion accessories section to find what the world holds for you. This is where you can find everything from long brown style with bangs to Irish dancing wigs for sale in Dubai.
Yes, luckily, unlike synthetic hair the human hair wigs can be washed. Rather, it is important to wash them every 2 to 4 weeks if you are using them daily. However, if you are using them occasionally, washing them once a month will be fine. Here you must consider some special care while washing them. At first, always wash them with cold or room temperature water. Always use quality shampoo and conditioner and pat dry before brushing them.
Here you might need to deal with certain exceptions. A product with natural hair is best to dye. However, a synthetic fibre made extension are difficult to dye. For natural hair extension, you can use a standard hair dye to change the current colour of the hair. Here the dying process is also simple. You can simply mix the dye and apply it to the hair using a brush. Wash it after the given timeline and Ta-Da. However, for synthetic items, you need a whole lot of accessories and special dyes. It is thus better to buy a new item in the shade you would like or consult expert professionals to change the colour of an existing item.
Here the good news is that certain insurance covers the cost of the extension for cancer patients. However, if you are unlucky to have that cover, you must know that the ones for cancer patients are different from standard items available in the market. This is the reason why the cost of this extension is also different from commonly available options. Commonly the price for cancer patients varies from 300 dollars to around 2000 dollars. However, it better is to explore our retail search engine to find top-quality items for cancer patients online. Here you can compare the price of different products before making any final decision.
The life of your human hair extension depends on certain factors. At first, it depends on the quality of the product. This is the reason why an expert recommends investing wisely and getting it from trusted brands. Here the price may be a bit high, but it will stay with you for long. Another factor is the style/texture. A trendy style will always be a bit expensive than standard lengths or cuts. Above all, the care of the extension defines its life. A human hair extension needs special attention, just like your natural hair. You need to keep them neat, wash them properly. In short, if you can take proper care of your extension, it will go at least with you for at least a year.
Here at Shops.ae you can find more than 500 brands selling a wide range including a bob, blonde, long and short and the entire range of wigs for black women. Some brands that you can find here include; Bobbi Boss, Rpgshow, Hairvivi, Lyrical Hair, Hershesons, Lordhair, Newchic , Sasha, Valet, and Sunwell. Hence for all your hair extension needs or to get affordable human hair lace front extensions, explore our website now.