A courier or messenger bag is a special design of a bag that looks like a sack. These bags come in a hard fabric that can handle heavy weight. Such bags are worn over the shoulder using a strap that goes around the chest. This position helps to rest the bag on the lower back or side of the body.
You might have been thinking of Alan from the movie “Hangover” who spent all the time wearing a messenger bag. Have you noticed how comfortable he was carrying all the necessary stuff in there, including that camera? That’s how it actually works. Keeping fashion aside the bag did come in handy during his venture. So it does for every person who uses a messenger bag for school or work. Although previously used by the couriers, these bags have become an urban fashion icon. With the increasing demands due to comfort and style, brands offer messenger bags for men and women in different cuts, sizes and materials.
We all know fashion repeats itself after a while. A messenger bag is one such admiring example of fashion hitting back the floors in pride. These bags are impressively making their way to the fashion world. However, this time the designers have placed a little more effort in polishing the look and feel. Meanwhile, these bags have become more practical and handier to how they were in the past. Hence, it is important to understand the different features of a messenger bag before you head to buy one. Below we shared some of the common types and features of these bags. We believe this discussion will help you get familiar with the style and uses of a messenger bag.
They work more like a backpack, offer optimum comfort and are able to carry bulky materials. Another important reason for fame is that they are impressively handy with their small pockets and belt style. Certain features of these bags also make them suitable for athletic activities. Some of these features include adjustable straps, quick-release buckles, and adjustable hinged buckles. Moreover, it also gives the comfort to attach accessories like U-locks, phone holsters or lights etc. Likewise, the one-strap top opening helps to swing them around the front so that you can access the contents without removing the bag. These features are the reason why they are preferably trendy as compared to backpacks.
These bags are ideal to carry heavy stuff for you. Hence, they mostly come in rigid material that can bear weight up to a certain limit. Today, you can find these bags made of highly durable and water-resistant material as compared to all other types of shoulder bags. Traditionally these bags come with a thicker gauge of tarp and canvas shielding. Other common materials you can find are vinyl waterproofing tarp and ballistic nylon. However, with the advancement in technologies, some companies are also eschewing standard PVC waterproof lining for compounds like thermoplastics. These bags are comparatively expensive, durable, less volatile and environment-friendly.
Men mostly use these bags for their convenience and style. However, they are often confused with briefcase bags. The two are different from each other in several ways. A briefcase generally comes with a small handle on the top; they are rigid and come with defined locks. These bags are generally used to secure important documents. Thus, they are best for higher corporate level use. A messenger bag, on the other hand, comes with adjustable straps to enjoy different lengths. These bags come in lesser rigid materials and with handy pockets. Although the buckles can help you secure your documents and stuff from falling out, it is not best for confidential papers. However, they are sufficiently suitable for office, college or day to day use for carrying stuff
Messenger bags for school are stylish. Most of the styles are unisex and are perfect for both girls and boys. The special design of these bags enables the user to carry heavy weight. With the right size and quality of a branded messenger bag, you can enjoy maximum comfort and pace on your college bag. Here you can consider a bag that offers inner lining and separate compartments to carry a laptop or tablet. Otherwise, you can use these compartments to keep your assignments and important papers wrinkle-free. Moreover, there are many styles of water-resistant messenger bags that can easily convert into a backpack. This feature is helpful for those who occasionally need to carry extra weight.
Do you know that a smaller version of the messenger bag is called a sling bag? They are similar in style and functionality, however, differ in size and thus occupancy. However, no matter what size or material of messenger bag you tend to buy online, comfort is guaranteed. Every version of these bags offers comfort while carrying heavy stuff around. However, during all these times, the ease of access to the contents is never compromised. With that many benefits on a single bag comes the challenge of buying perfect yet cheap messenger bags online in Dubai. Hence, comes today’s guide on how to buy messenger bags online. These tips will help you make sure you have had hands-on a perfect item from the stores online.
Other important features that you can look at include the main compartments. Here you can look for a bag that has spacious sections to keep your devices like a laptop or tablet secure and handy while the overall shape of the bag is also important to many. Today these messenger bags have more become a fashion accessory which is the reason why brands are coming up with unique styles and colour combinations for messenger bags to meet the taste of everyone. Thus, you can make choices according to your personal preferences.
These bags are best for postal or courier service. This is also the most ancient use of these bags ever recorded. However later, these bags got fame as school bags and are still best to keep your stuff organized for school or college. Today, these bags are also popular among university students and professionals for their aesthetics and spacious features. However, apart from being important to carry heavy stuff to the office (like a laptop), these bags are also best to keep your documents safe.
In general speaking messenger bags with adjustable straps, waterproof inner lining, rigid and durable outer shell (canvas or leather) and division of compartments are the best. Moreover, this bag must have a considerable size and number of outer pockets, zippers, flap closure and buckles. With these major features, a messenger bag is the best to buy. However, some of the topmost selling items of this year are; Mobile Edge ECO Laptop Messenger Bag, Sweetbriar Classic Messenger Bag, Wowbox Satchel Messenger Bag, Berchirly Vintage Military Men’s Canvas Messenger Bag and Timbuk2 Classic Messenger Bag.
These bags are made from durable materials. Moreover, today, these bags come with inner lining made of waterproof material. These two core features make them the best option for school or college. However, the cross-body style is not suitable for kids at an early age. But if you are a teenager or adult going to high school, these bags are ideal for comfort, convenience and style. This is the reason why more and more people of this time prefer using a messenger bag to keep things handy on their way to college or school.
Here at Shops.ae you can buy the best quality messenger bags online in the UAE. Here some of the top brands you can explore bag from are; Gucci, Louis Vuitton, coach, Adidas, Nike, and Herschel. While other names on the list are Michael Kors, Tommy Hilfiger, Prada, Lacoste, Calvin Klein, in the meantime, you can also search and compare products from stores that the world trust to buy from. Above all the features and comforts of a messenger bag, they are best for their vintage look. Moreover, one can easily style them for many occasions and outfits in contemporary settings.
This is the reason why a messenger bag is a hot selling item on our list. So, if you are a style lover and want to be different, it is the right time to decide. Pick your messenger bag from our retail search engine and make a worthy investment now.