Wallpapering has become increasingly common these days. But, if you’re a novice to the world of wallpapers, then you’re probably finding the best ways to manoeuvre through the seemingly endless options. And once you have those perfect rolls in hand, where should you go from there? Once, you’ve set your mind to treat your walls with the wallpapers; then there are a few style questions you need to answer. That said, you should definitely pick vinyl wallpapers! Why? Well, that’s what we’re going to discuss in this article, more precisely ‘this guide’. So read on, and unleash the different aspects of the vinyl wallpapers here!
Vinyl wallpapers are a true classic in the world of wallpapers. They’re like marmite! You’ll either like them or will completely hate them! Hating them is out of the question, as their practical day-to-day advantages are apparent. You can easily wash them. Besides, they’re light-resistant and durable. All this makes them an ideal candidate for the rooms that you frequently use. Vinyl wallpapers, regardless of what style they are, consist of paper or fibre, a backing layer, and a plastic upper coating (PVC/PU). Today, you can find a wide variety of these wallpapers out there on the market. Below, we’ve compiled a few versions of the stickers that you can consider buying.
Today you’ll find several kinds of vinyl wallpaper for wall choices out there. However, regardless of which version you choose, you’re sure to find two major parts in them. It has a base and a vinyl film that’s layered on top. This feature makes the wallpaper sturdy and long-lasting. Now, you can divide the vinyl stickers into four major categories based on the bases. This includes fabric-backed vinyl, paperback/solid sheet, vinyl-coated, and solid vinyl. Each one has a specific purpose and features too. And it’s highly essential to understand if you want to buy vinyl wallpaper online in UAE ‘effortlessly’. That’s said, let’s take a look at a few different types of vinyl wallpapers and their uses.
We all know that wall surfaces play a crucial role when it concerns the interior décor of a space. It shows your taste or style. That said, one of the best wallpaper to achieve that has to be the personalised or custom vinyl wallpapers. They come with a plethora of advantage. First and foremost is, of course, the resilience. Unlike normal wall paints, you do not need to retouch the surface of personalised vinyl stickers when you want to change them. You can simply peel and stick a new one. But, you certainly need to have the best adhesive for vinyl wallpaper for that. Some other benefits include low cost, creative, and less labour for installing.
Picking out the best wallpaper for a kitchen can be a tricky affair. Vinyl wallpaper is always the best choice. One of the main reasons for that is because it comes with durable and water-resistant materials that you can easily clean. Besides, you can also find varying patterns and designs that work with every single space imaginable. Moreover, you’ll find several affordable cheap kitchen vinyl wallpapers out there on several stores and online shops. Some of the kitchen wall stickers that you can consider investing in includes – Rust Faux Brick, Mosaic wallpaper, fleece wallpaper, craft marble, white sand pattern, and the list goes on.
Heavy-weight or embossed vinyl wall stickers are a great pick when you want to perk up a dated or boring room. Besides, it’s also a practical approach, thanks to its ease of installation and affordable rates. Apart from that, these heavy-weight versions offer numerous other excellent benefits over the regular wall paints. The most prominent benefit is the way it hides cracks, holes, or the rough spots on your walls. We all know that many a time, extensive wall repairs aren’t possible or are too pricey to achieve. The embossed wallpaper solves this problem and doesn’t let in moisture that has the potential to worsen the cracks. Above all, the sticker adds depth, space, and interest.
Plants, flowers, and trees give a soothing effect to your eyes. It creates a sense of well-being and draws you close to nature. Indeed, there are several living green wall options, but they might be a costly affair. Well, this vinyl sticker to create the green walls does the trick. It lets you have the effect of nature in your room. Today, you’ll find several types of green vinyl wall stickers that you can install in any of your rooms. You can install them in your kitchen, bedroom, living rooms, and even in your bathroom. However, you need to make sure that the wallpaper style reflects your room décor. It shouldn’t spoil the existing aesthetics of the space.
Picking the perfect vinyl wallpaper for your space poses a unique challenge. Unlike a coat of paint, vinyl wall stickers are a bold design statement that you use to uplift and enhance your interiors. Even though the ‘perfect’ wallpaper comes down to your personal preference, it’s best to consider a few things before you start off your shopping journey online. Here are a few quick tips to help you get through the process of buying the best vinyl wallpapers online in a hassle-free manner.
Yes, the choice of vinyl wallpapers can be overwhelming, considering the numerous options available these days. But, allow yourself to pursue as many options as you can find. Carefully, assess the various factors and weigh the pros and cons of each. We hope the tips above will guide you in the right direction and help you choose the best among the lot.
Vinyl wallpaper is one of the most prevalent wallpaper choices among many. People choose it because of its high durability, versatility, and excellent style options. Being a versatile element, you can use them anywhere anytime. You can use them in your bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, and the list goes on. Besides, their vinyl-coated structure ensures that you can put them up at any time or in any seasons.
Removing a vinyl wall sticker a little trickier than the standard wallpaper. This is mainly because the steam you use for standard wallpapers cannot penetrate the vinyl versions. But, fortunately, several vinyl stickers are ‘strippable’. This means all you need to do is to pull away to expose the paper layer and simply remove the paper. But remember, the paper will tear in the opposite direction and pull away in one direction. If you’re having trouble removing the vinyl from the top, try working from the bottom.
Long story short – yes! You can paint on them. However, you need to make sure that the wallpaper is still attached to the wall to paint on them. Also, you’ll need to use a primer if you’re painting on the vinyl. Once, you prime the wallpapers; then you can use any kind of paint on top of the wallpapers. You might have to put on multiple coats of emulsion if you have a heavily patterned or dark vinyl wall covering.
Yes, the vinyl-coated wallpapers are resistant to water and humidity. Now, this makes them the best vinyl wallpaper for bathrooms. However, it’s still a wise idea to consider ventilation and amount of spillage and splashing that little kiddies may create in your bathrooms. However, with today’s, advanced vinyl sticker options, you need not worry about that too. Besides, many homes today have well-ventilated bathrooms that help the wallpaper to last longer.
You can buy vinyl wall coverings from both stores and online shops. However, make sure you approach a credible seller or online platform before you start your search. If you’re in such a scenario now, then look no further and check out Shops.ae. You’ll surely love everything about our shopping search engine . It not only offers you the convenience of shopping from your favourite online shops sitting at home but also brings you the best products from the world-renowned brands.
When you’re ready to spice up the look of a worn-out, dull room, vinyl wall coverings are your best option. Shops.ae offers hundreds of high-quality textured designs and styles to choose from, all at affordable rates. Visit us today to find the perfect textured wallpaper for your DIY project.