Tile Cutters

About Tile Cutters

Having the right set of tools can make the difference between an imperfect and sloppy work and getting a neat and well-done job. Tile cutters are really handy tools that make a tough job into something really easy.

You cannot lay tiles as they come when you are setting it over the floor. This is because the floor dimensions will be different from the dimensions of the tiles. So, in order to fill the edges, you will need to cut the tiles to match the shape of the room and also the area that you have near the edge. Furthermore, there might be an installation like a pipe or a pillar in the middle of the floor. This is why it is not possible to complete a tile setting job without using a tile cutter. This article will tell you everything you need to know about tile cutters before buying them. Having a better understanding of them will help you make the right choices when you are shopping for them.

Different types of tile cutters

They come in different shapes, and with different features. There are manual cutters that you can operate completely with your hands to fully electric tile cutters that can cut through half a dozen tiles within a couple of minutes. But all of them also differ in their price tags and also the level of expertise you need to operate one. Therefore, there are a lot of factors you need to consider before investing your money into these tools. But for that, you need to know what are the types of tile cutters that exist out there. So, here are some important things to ponder. Towards the end, you will also find some tips helping you make the right choice.

Manual tile cutters

As the name says, this type of tile cutters does not require electricity. It consists of a cutting wheel, a parallel rail for the blade, and a mechanism to hold the tile in place. In order to cut a tile with it, you need to fix the tile in such a way that the parallel rail of the cutter aliens in the direction as you want to cut it. Also, the cutting wheel should touch the position where you want to make the cut. After that, you can move the wheel back and forth. Most of the time, the tile will cut into two pieces in the second pass.

Wet saw tile cutters

A wet tile cutter is basically a type of electric cutter. In this case, the rotating blade sits on the base of the cutter. So instead of moving the wheel back and forth, you move the tile. The holding mechanism for the tile is a bit simpler and easier to use. These features make it easy to make prices cut regardless of how complex the cut is. The cutting wheel of this type of cutters provides a stream of water that helps you reduce the friction while cutting. The most important benefit of this type of cutters is that they are incredibly easy to use, even for a beginner.

Tile grinders

Power grinders offer several advantages over wet tile cutters. They are very portable, compact, and versatile. Also, these cutters are suitable for both hobbyists and professional tile setters. Unlike other cutters in this list, a tile grinder does not have an actual blade. Instead, it uses grinders to make the cut. Because of that, it is easy to make a smooth cut at complicated angles even on an extra thick tile. Moreover, you can do much more with it than just cutting the tiles. If you turn the grinder ninety degrees to the horizontal position, you can also use it to polish the tiles as well.

Radial Cutters

Look wise, radial cutters are pretty similar to tile grinders. The most important difference is the replacement of the grinder wheel with a cutting wheel. It is also right to compare it with a wet tile cutter because this one also uses circulating water to keep the cutting wheel cool. The cutter also has a guide at the base to help you cut in a straight line. You will find most professional tile setters using these cutters because of its versatility and the performance that they get for the money they pay. But if you are a hobbyist, you might have a hard time getting a clean cut with this.

Tips on how to buy Tile Cutter

Choosing a tile cutter can be a bit harder than you might think. Because there are a lot of different models of them out there with wildly different features, it is really easy to choose the wrong one. Working with the wrong type of tool can significantly affect the way you work and can reduce your productivity. That being said, it is easy to figure out what type of cutter suits you the best if you know what factors to consider while shopping for them. Here are a few tips for you to follow so that you can find the best one.

  • Electric cutter vs manual cutter – If you are doing a small tiling project and you are a hobbyist rather than a professional, a manual tile cutter is the better option because of the affordability and ease of use. For large scale projects in which you have to cover a much larger surface with tiles, then you cannot do without an electric cutter.
  • Size and thickness of the cutter – The size and power of the tile vary between models. Because tile cutters use motors to rotate the blade, it is usual for smaller tile cutters to be of less power than a bigger cutter with comparable features. You also need to consider the size of the tiles while choosing the cutter.
  • Push vs pull cutters – Usually, the design of the cutting wheel is such that the tile cutting machines only cut in one direction. Therefore, a machine can either be a pull cutter or a push cutter. Both of them have their own set of pros and cons. Push cutters allow a more natural movement of hands, while pull cutters allow better control.
  • Accessories – To get more precise and cleaner cut, using a few accessories to your tool kit can help you a lot. You can use alternating carbide cutting wheels, get a carrying case for your cutter, or tile scribers for making minor adjustments after cutting, and a few other accessories as well.

If you are a DIYer who likes to take home improvement projects into your own hands, then you will need a few other tools as well. Tools like steel brushes, torque wrenches, screwdrivers of different sizes, voltage testers and more. However, now it is easy to find all types of tools using our shopping search engine . Furthermore, you can also compare the features and prices of different tools to pick the best one among them. Finally, don’t forget to check out other useful products from the DIY category as well.

Question & Answer

Is a manual better than a wet saw?

It is not possible to say that one is better than the other in all cases and for all people. Rather, you will have to consider the extent and complexity of the project and also consider the level of experience that the person has in using the tile cutter. For a DIYer who is working on a small-scale project and if he already has a manual cutter, then there is really no need for him to go for an expensive wet saw. On the other hand, a wet saw is a necessary item to have in the tool kit for a professional tile setter who often works on large scale projects.

What is the use of a tile nipper?

A tile nipper is very different from a wet saw or a radial cutter. While a wet saw is suitable for making a straight cut on full tiles, a tile nipper is for making fine adjustments. A tile nipper almost looks like a plier. It has a straight grip that is also sharp. Sometimes you might have cut a tile a bit too wide. However, the extra width might be too narrow that you might not want to use a wet saw to adjust it. In that case, you can mark the place where you want to cut and then use a tile nipper to cut it bit by bit. But tile nippers won’t work if the tile is too thick.

Can you cut a tile with a hacksaw?

A hacksaw is actually a crude tool for cutting tiles. However, you will still be able to cut tiles using it, albeit with a lot of efforts. But to cut the tiles without breaking the blade, you will need a stronger blade with tungsten carbide teeth. And before you start cutting, make sure to wear protective goggles. Also, mark the line that you want to cut along using chalk or a pencil. You will also have to hold the tile vertically to make the cut. It is highly likely that you will not get a smooth cut. But you can use a sanding stone or sandpaper to smooth out the edges after making the cut.

If you are looking to buy tile cutters online in the UAE, look no further as you are in the right place. There are more than 500 shops and brands offering them here on Explore the products from the best shops. These shops offer brands like Dewalt, Bosch, Makita, Stanley, Somafix, Tolsen, and Rubi.

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