Brake Fluids

About Brake Fluid

Brake fluid helps to meet specific quality standards for the braking system to work correctly. Although replacing these fluids is done once a year, knowing the characteristics is a must for an automobile owner. Further readings will let you be familiar with the brake fluids, their purchase, and a few queries as well. So, read on.

What if you push the brake and your vehicle doesn’t stop? The brake’s functionality is directly proportional to the safety of commuters and other entities around. And fluid inside is an integral part of the braking system, consisting of master and slave cylinders. Whenever you apply the brake, the master cylinder pushes the piston causing the liquid to flow through the slave cylinders at each wheel. And therefore, the pistons at slave cylinders cause the vehicle to stop. Front vehicles play a significant role in the braking mechanism because the force throws the car’s weight forward. For that, different types of brakes experts mount on the front and rear ends. The component of fluid is the same that spreads evenly throughout the system. Here we are going to discuss some of the types.

Types of brake fluid

There are two chief types of brake fluids – one is glycol-based, and the other is silicone-based. The basic difference between these two is that glycol-based fluid is for vehicles with Anti-lock Brake System (ABS). And those without ABS are good with silicone-based fluid. In any case, switching the brake fluids is something that compromises the performance of the braking system. Therefore, experts do not recommend vehicles with the glycol-based fluid switch to silicone-based. These fluids are classified by the Department of Transport (DOT), out of which the major three types are DOT3, DOT4 brake fluid, and DOT5. Here, we have got you covered if you are looking to buy brake fluid in Dubai and are unsure of when to change and how much it will cost. Keep reading further, and you will know.

Before brake fluid change

The significant characteristics of brake fluids are viscosity, boiling point, corrosion, and compressibility. And, failure of even one causes the failure of the brake system overall. For example, if you test a newly replaced fluid after 12 months, you can see 2 per cent of water content, which slowly accelerates the process of corrosion. Excessive water content thereby decreases the boiling water, which further leads to brake system failure. Other than that, water corrodes other brake components as well. So, how often should you change or replace the brake fluids? Well, the answer to this question completely depends on your vehicle’s model, its upkeep, driving condition, and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Experts suggest it once a year. But low fluid level, burnt odour, and transparent fluid are some signals to check or consult an expert. You can check brake fluid change cost or continue reading about these fluids.

DOT5 & DOT4 brake fluid

Department of Transport (DOT) segregates chief components of these fluids with a few ratings. Pre-DOT and DOT2 have their chief components as castor oil or alcohol. Further, DOT3, DOT4, and DOT5.1 are glycol-based fluids. Last, DOT5 is the only silicone-based fluid. There are some things to consider if you choose to maintain your vehicle all by yourself. First is never mix the DOT ratings but sometimes adding higher rating results in a higher boiling point, which is good. The second is never to mix glycol and silicone fluids. However, you can mix different brands of the same rating and the same chief component. Still, choose only top-notch brands while buying brake fluid online. Some of the go-to brands are definitely Motul, Castrol, Shimano, Prestone, and Amsoil.

Brake fluid with chlorine

Here, we would like your attention to the dangers associated with the fluid. You should never try to mix different ratings of DOT; you must not try adding other elements as well. You might see many experiments online related to mixing the fluid with swimming chlorine. If you are up for this experiment, just make sure that you are inside a laboratory and with all your safety gear. This experiment results in 5-30 seconds of explosion and could be a fireball you can see. Other than that, you must maintain the utmost care while braking fluid change. Any discrepancy can lead to vehicle or handler damage. It would be better if you called an expert for any purpose. Speaking of buying the best brake fluid, we have some highlights for you to consider.

Tips on how to buy Brake fluid online

Brake fluids gradually lower their performance and efficiency over time, which signals the change. Once you find the quality standards not up to the mark, it is definitely time for the fluid replacement. There are signals, such as burning odour or low fluid level, that need priority care. And finally, when you think it’s time for brake fluid change, there are parameters to consider related to your vehicle’s compatibility. We are breaking down these parameters in different pointers here.

  • Chief component – Glycol and silicone are two chief components in different automobiles. Glycol is best with vehicles having Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) and silicone with those without it. Choosing the chief component depends on the type of your vehicle.
  • DOT ratings – Every DOT rating has a different boiling point, which makes it compatible with different automobiles. For example, DOT5 has a wet boiling point of 185 degrees Celsius. So you can not use it on vehicles without ABS because they don’t lubricate ABS pumps.
  • Compressibility – Whether you are applying the brake first time in a new car or after thousands of miles, the pedal should feel the same. Therefore, compressibility is one of the significant characteristics of brake fluids increment, which makes pedals hard to push.
  • Corrosion – The fluids you purchase must have the ability to last long without corroding the metals of the braking system. And for that, you can consider Citroën LHM mineral oil-based fluids for longevity. If you ignore the corrosion, it will not be just fluids you will have to replace but the whole braking system.
  • Viscosity – This characteristic efficiently lets fluid flow through the master and slave cylinder, thereby leading to smoother brake performance. Any weather condition – be it extremely hot or cold, must not change the characteristics of brake fluids, especially viscosity.

We hope these characteristics of these fluids inside the braking system help you in buying the right product. Despite looking for the top brands, shopping on the right platform should be something preferred too. For that, we recommend choosing our retail search engine with exclusive shops. is Dubai’s leading shopping platform for customers looking for credibility. Thus, the platform is worth looking at before hitting the buy button anywhere else.

Question & Answer

Can brake fluid freeze?

Technically, these fluids being oil-based fluids, cannot freeze. However, certain conditions like extreme cold can lead the fluid to become thick. It can further prevent the fluid from transferring from the master cylinder to the wheels. Overall, it has a working point temperature below, which makes the pedal stiff, thereby hampering the braking system but not a failure. If your brake fails, it cannot be because of the thickness of the fluid. There might be other causes like condensation in the brake booster or frozen vacuum supply hose.

When to check brake fluid?

Experts suggest changing these fluids every year. But if you feel something odd in your brake pedal, it’s time to check the braking system, including brake fluids. However, there are three factors to check the fluid. First is checking the level of fluids – the reservoir has maximum and minimum levels, which must be filled if levelled down. The second is checking the colour that needs to be brown. The third is checking the moisture content. Higher moisture content lowers the boiling water, which then demands brake fluid change.

What happens when brake fluid is low?

Every time you push the brake pedal, fluid from the master cylinder transfers to every wheel, thereby creating pressure to stop the vehicle. If the fluid level is low in the reservoir, every brake pedal will push air into the wheels rather than brake fluid. Therefore, you have to push the pedal to the ground to make it work. It will diminish the performance of the braking system, plus it is dangerous for your life. It is not only important to fill the fluid reservoir but keep some with yourself in your vehicle.

What brake fluid to use?

In terms of compatibility, the product must be compatible with your vehicle. For instance, if you have a vehicle with Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS), go for glycol-based fluid. If not, then the silicone-based fluid is best. If we talk about performance, check out the availability of quality parameters and if present, you can buy the product. These parameters are viscosity, compressibility, boiling point, and corrosion. If any of these fails to be compatible with your automobile, the whole braking system fails. Further speaking of purchase, has got amazing deals and discounts on car care products. So, refine the products, compare them with other similar products in the car supplies section, read the customer reviews, and finally hit the buy button.

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