
About Unicycle

In recent years, more and more people are taking up unicycling is a fancy hobby. Although a unicycle might look like an artefact from an era just after the invention of the wheel, there is more to it than meets the eye.

You might be led to believe that riding a unicycle is extremely dangerous. ‘How could it be that riding a single wheel be safe?’ you might ask. But even when you fall, it is easier to jump off a unicycle than from a bicycle. So, unless you are riding some really adventurous Giraffe uni or a three-wheeled uni, there is nothing inherently dangerous about it. But that is not to say that learning to ride a unicycle is easy. It will take many months of daily training to learn to ride it to a satisfactory level. But like everything, the first step to learning to ride a uni is to get your hands on one. This article will give you a sneak peek into the world of unicycles.

Different types of unicycles

Have you ever seen a juggler performing on a unicycle and thought, ‘there is no way people are going to use such a thing except as a cool party trick’? But it seems like they are not. There are large communities of people who dedicate their time and energy to conquer new heights on this seemingly senseless invention. But as you are already interested in them and might be thinking of even buying one, learning a bit more about unicycles will definitely help. There are so many different types of unicycles out there. And trying to pick one all of a sudden becomes overwhelming. But here is a list of the most important types of unicycles.

Freestyle unicycles

If you have ever been to a circus, then you have probably seen a freestyle unicycle. The main purpose of these cycles is to perform tricks, be it on the streets or circus. To save the floor from damage, they use non-marking tyres. They will take a lot of beating during the performance; therefore, the built quality has to be high. To minimise the speed, smaller tyres that are less than 20 inches in diameter are preferred for freestyle cycles. The larger the tyre is, the faster the cycle will go. The tyre has to be of medium width and smooth, as well.

Mountain unicycles

It might seem very unlikely that people would take unicycles to mountainous terrains. But for adventurous minds, riding bicycles on trails is just too boring. A mountain unicycle has fatter tires and a wheel that measures between 24 and 29 inches. The cranks have to be longer to provide more leverage on uneven trails. And if that is not enough for you, you can go for mountain unicycles that have geared hubs. The tyre has a deeper tread like a mountain bike. And for these cycles, a hydraulic brake is a must. These cycles are also called Munis for short.

Touring unicycles

With larger wheels, unicyclists can go long distances with less effort than touring unicycles. These were first introduced in 1998 and have become popular ever since then. The wheel of a typical touring cycle can measure around 36 inches. That is more than half the height of an average man. They also feature a small handle and a brake attached to the handle. But these handles will be small and sit close to the seat. Handlebars help you stand up simultaneously while riding the cycle and adjust your seating position.

Unicycles with handlebars

For long rides, you will need a unicycle that has handlebars. Handlebars are a great help when you are riding uphill or downhill. At those times, having something to hold onto will make the balancing easier. Also, sitting upright for a long time will tire you out; if you have a handlebar, you can lean on it for some time to relax your back muscles. For some people, a unicycle with handlebars will feel more stable than otherwise. But you have to be extra careful when you dismount from the unicycle if there is a handlebar.

Tips on how to buy Unicycles

Just like there are so many different variations of bicycles , unicycles also come in a variety of styles and sizes. But in this case, it is easy to select the wrong kind of unicycle. All of them will look the same for a first-time buyer. Following these tips will help you make the right purchase decision.

  • Choose the type – There are so many styles of unicycles out there. Choose a cycle depending on the riding difficulty, the terrain, and the purpose. While some unicycles are purely for pricks, there are others that you can use for sports or even travelling.
  • Size of the tyre – There are unicycles with 16-inch tyres to the bigger ones that have 30-inch tyres. You should choose an appropriate tyre depending on your height and level of training. Smaller tyres are better for kids and beginners. But to ride faster, you will need larger tyres.
  • Height of the seat post – Selecting the seat height is important as this is the main point of contact with you and the cycle. If you are a beginner, you should set the seat height low so that you can just extend your legs and reach the ground. If you are taller and an expert rider, you can increase the seat post height.
  • To have handles or not – Most unicycles do not have handles. Even the ones that have handles like the mountain unicycles and commuters have a small handle that sits below the saddles. But you can install an extended handle afterwards. Having a handle will make the riding much easier.

And after getting one, the next trickiest part is to learn how to ride it. You will find people recommending different learning techniques. One of those you will find is the use of training poles. But it is better to stay away from them. Instead, find stationary support like a railing to hold on to when you are learning to balance.

Question & Answer

What are unicycles used for?

Unlike what one might think, Unicycles are not only something performers use in circuses or for street unicycling. Riding a unicycle is a great exercise. Unicycling is an alternative to running. It requires the same effort as running and is a great cardiovascular exercise. Some People take it to the next level and go unicycling on terrains that normal people wouldn’t even dare to ride a bike on. You will also find professional cyclists and bikers training for balance on unicycles. Even Though riding a unicycle might cause fatigue for rookies, they will get used to it as muscles develop.

What size unicycle is best for beginners?

Shorter unicycles are the best beginner unicycles. There is no doubt that learning to ride a unicycle is a hundred times more difficult than a bicycle. So, you need something short so that you can reduce the fall distance. So, choose a wheel size that is less than 20 inches. From this height, you can safely jump off and land during UPDs (unplanned dismounts). Also, go for a cheaper unicycle. After learning to balance, you will need a wheel that measures around 25 inches or more. If you practice regularly, you will be able to make the switch in three months.

Is riding a unicycle good exercise?

Unicycling is one of the best and most affordable exercises anyone can get. From learning to balance on a single wheel, you will develop your leg muscles and core muscles. Unicycles, because of all the twisting and turning, will give work out to even the smallest muscle groups in the abdomen. It is also a good cardio workout. You will feel the same effort as jogging when you ride a unicycle. Even more, if you are going uphill. There are also other added benefits like improved attention and coordination of limbs. And not to mention all the attention that you will get.

Where to buy unicycles?

If you are looking for a place to buy unicycles, then look no further. You are on the best website to buy unicycle bikes online in the UAE. Because the world of unicycles is quite extensive, we have managed to put together a huge collection so that you can buy the best unicycle that suits your level and needs. Using our product search engine , you will be able to find a lot of affordable and cheap unicycles. And what’s great is that has more than 500 shops and brands offering bikes . These include brands like Nimbus, QU-ax, Diamondback, Koxx, and Axis.

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