Shopping Nets

About Shopping Nets

How often have you gone shopping with your baby and wished there would be someone to hold your shopping bags? Shopping with a baby can indeed be a task. For those who agree and wish there could be a more comfortable option, well, there certainly is – a shopping net!

A shopping net will be your next best friend once you know its benefits. For all those who are not familiar yet, a shopping net is a large net that has hooks so you can hang it on the stroller. These stroller net covers can be used for a hands-free shopping experience. They are easy to fold and carry. They can even fit in your small purse. You can get them out the next time you wish to go shopping without company. They make shopping, going to malls, and visiting friends so convenient. It is one of those stroller accessories that all adults should invest in. Especially if you go with a baby or toddler alone on several occasions, it will make life easier for you.

Things to consider before you buy a stroller net bag

Unlike many stroller accessories, this isn’t something that will make your child comfortable. However, it will make the parents manoeuvre the stroller and baby conveniently and hence indirectly elevate the safety standards. With the stroller net, you can be carefree when it comes to going to the mall or the market. You won’t have to worry about handling a lot of shopping bags and articles. Quickly add them to the net as you shop and get going. It is something that will allow you to spend time with your baby and shop simultaneously. A lot of parents have trouble finding someone to look after their little ones while they run errands. With this one, you can do both together and be comfortable too.

Choose the right stroller net cover

Most baby stroller shopping nets are of uniform size that you can hang on regular strollers. So, unless you have a custom-made or dual stroller, size isn’t much of a concern. However, regarding the size of the net, these are available in brands that offer small, medium, or large ones, so you can make a choice accordingly. It would also vary depending on shopping plans. If groceries are on your to-do list, then a large one is best. However, if you need one to walk around the mall or market and pick up some stuff that catches your eye, choose the small or medium one.

Correct use of the net bag for strollers

Although you can use a shopping net frequently, one should ensure it does not cause any strain on the stroller. Also, avoid carrying substantial articles – apart from making it weak, this will also put pressure on the stroller. After a few uses, you will be able to figure out the right amount of weight that is suitable to carry in it. Before every use, ensure you secure the pram shopping net in place, and it is not affecting the stroller in any way. You can also wrap and keep it away when not in use. This will ensure it does not get entangled in things while moving the stroller.

Make the most of your stroller net bag

For times when you’re not planning to shop but merely stepping out with your baby, take the net bag for a stroller with you. Use it for carrying baby essentials like a few changes of diapers, soothing lotion, baby cap, clothes, etc. It is always more convenient to have the net along for carrying these essentials than having a bag pack. It allows your hands to be free and focus better on the baby. Secondly, if you feel the baby stroller shopping net is no more in use and you prefer travelling or shopping without it, have it hooked safely to one of the seats in your car. Use it to store baby books, toys, napkins, diapers, a spare pacifier, etc.

Durability and other stroller net bag factors

Although a pram shopping net may not be costly, it should not be one of the things you end up paying for after every couple of uses. Go for a bag that is durable and will not wear out quickly. You can judge this by its make and material. Also, opt for a stroller bag that makes it easy for you to travel. A lot of shopping net options today give users the convenience of using them while on the go and then conveniently putting them away when not in use. They also come with the possibility of being wrapped up and placed in the stroller or a bag post-use.

Tips on how to buy Shopping Nets

With such a comfortable and convenient shopping buddy, you would never want to let go of it. Over time, you’ll realize just how handy a shopping net is. You can also buy a couple and keep them in your car or in your purse for those quick shopping trips. They’re perfect for space-saving and help you save the environment too with fewer plastic bags. And if you take care of a few things while buying, you can make the product long-lasting.

  • Sturdy net material – Wear and tear in net material is common. You need to take care of that and if you see a minor tear, have it sewn and fixed immediately. Made of mesh fabric, it will be not long before a small tear sabotages it completely, so keep a close eye. So, make sure you buy quality and maintain it afterwards for a long-lasting product.
  • Read the cleaning instructions – What if you machine wash the bag and it turns out damaged? You need to read it prior to buying. Usually, you can subject it to regular washes as and when needed since it is one of the things that are in close contact with your baby. For fabric nets, a warm soak also helps in eliminating dust, stains, and odour, if any.
  • Check compatibility – You have the option to buy from the same brand of your stroller or check out other brands. Shopping from the same brand eliminates errors in fit, weight, and other aspects. However, a different brand can also be compatible with respect to fitting, for which you need to read the dimensions carefully.

With proper care and maintenance, you’ll have your shopping net with you for a long time. You can actually have a different shopping net for everything. Keep a sturdier one for groceries, baby stuff, and other purposes. Over time, the shopping net will become a constant need, and it is so much better to use it rather than carrying plastic and shopping bags. These are also sturdier than paper bags that don’t carry too much weight.

Question & Answer

What is the right way of hanging the net mesh bag on your baby’s stroller?

The shopping net for a stroller should be placed safely on the sturdiest part of the baby’s stroller handle. It should not be in the way when you try to push the stroller forward. Also, the stroller handle should be able to bear the weight with ease, not tilting to one side. A useful stroller net will also have supporting clasps/belts to ensure it fits snugly onto the stroller. After using a couple of ties, you’ll be able to distinguish its pros and cons and can alter it accordingly. Pick a good one here on our UAE search engine when you’re starting, and it will help in the long run.

How do you buy a reliable baby stroller hanging bag net online?

Shopping online is perhaps the best way to pick an ideal stroller shopping bag for yourself. We highly recommend comparing the best ones and then opting for the one you think will provide maximum benefit. Here on, we offer a wide selection of baby & toddler products chosen from over 500 online stores and brought together on a single platform. You can be sure that your purchase is the best from the hundreds of different online stores.

Which are the best brands to shop nets for strollers?

Bugaboo, Quinny, Maclaren, Generic, Mutsy, Uppababy, Baby Jogger, Chicco And Bitrax are some of the best brands in the UAE today. When it comes to online stores, you can consider Sprii and other brands and pick the best pram shopping bag. Likewise, you can also walk into the store of a reputed brand with your stroller and try on some nets. This may give you a better idea of how a net fit. You can then go and shop online for the best one. However, be sure also to try it on the very day that it arrives. This way, you can choose to return/exchange it if it doesn’t make you happy.