Car Tensioners

About Stroller Toy Bars

One of the easiest ways to keep the baby happy and busy is getting a stroller toy bar or car tensioner. Whether you go for an evening walk or head to a grocery store, stroller toys can be a great companion for your little munchkin. Let’s explore which ones to buy.

As the name suggests, a stroller toy bar comes in the form of a horizontal or curved bar carrying toys. It is one of the must-have stroller accessories . This bar comes with clips so that you can attach it firmly to the strollers. Some bars have a spiral body. It quickly wraps around the front or sides of the stroller, cribs or car seats. Your baby would enjoy looking at them and interacting with them in some way or another. Some toys on the bar would turn and twist, whereas others make a lovely sound, encouraging interactive fun. A stroller toy bar keeps babies & toddlers entertained for hours. It also boosts their brain and sensory development. If you look for the best stroller toy bar for sale, go through the below pre-purchase guide.

Pre-purchase guide for stroller or pushchair toy bar

When the baby is newly born, sleeping and eating are the two areas they remain interested in. However, when they start growing, they need things to interact with. They want to know about the world around them. So, when it is a great time to bring fun toys for them, a toy stroller bar stands second to none. It gets easily attached to their bed, stroller or swing and contains multiple toys so that baby does not get bored looking at one thing. However, you cannot just go with random toys. The toys have to be selected diligently. Contrasting colours, soft textures, easy-to-clean facility, and safe for chewing are some properties to look at. Do you wish to go for the best stroller toy bar? Let’s know which ones perform well.

Skip hop silver lining cloud stroller bar activity toy

Skip hop silver lining cloud stroller bar activity toy is a car seat/ stroller toy bar with soft textures, sound, and unique shapes that your baby would love to explore. This toy comes packed with features that enhance the multi-sensory engagement in kids. There is a cloud teether, star rattle, rainbow with a soft sound, and even a sun mirror with which you can indulge in the peek-a-boo game. The best part is that it comes with adjustable straps so that you can attach it to any stroller, pram, pushchair, car seat or other spots that your baby occupies. It is apt for babies of any age, so you do not have to get confused while picking one. Want to buy a pram activity bar online in the UAE? Well, you are in the right store!

Bright starts stroller toy bar

From going on a walk to running errands, a bright star toy bar lets you enjoy every moment with your baby. You can attach this toy bar to your baby’s stroller, carrier, or bed for endless fun. You will usually find it in the form of a horizontal strap containing zebra, a spinning paddle mirror, and a bird roller bar. Along with that, you will get fun clacking sounds and rattle beads. When your baby presses an owl’s or tiger’s nose, they will see the light effects and listen to soft melodies. The good part is that it is suitable for children of any age. You will find it in safe baby materials and many colour choices.

Spiral toy for pram

Spiral toy bars come in the form of a spiral that wraps around most of the stroller, cribs and even car seat handles. You will find toys and fun elements hanging along the bar for the child’s tactile and auditory visual development. Popular brands release spiral toys in rich and contrasting colours to offer ongoing engagement to the kids. However, the market is filled with toys like that. You have to be very cautious about finding a material that is baby-safe. Go for the soft and non-toxic varieties so that your baby does not get harmed anyway.

Tips on how to buy Stroller Toy Bars

Stroller toy bars come in a wide variety depending upon construction material, type, colours and more factors. Once you head to the market, you will know how confusing shopping can be. However, if you keep certain aspects in mind, you will be able to bring a baby’s safe and appropriate product home as per your requirements. So, go through the below guiding tips to find the best ones in Dubai.

  • Check the material – This should be your first consideration while purchasing any toy bar. Since the toy bar has elements that your baby can touch and can even lick sometimes, the material should be safe and toxic-free. Also, you have to select a material that lives long even after endless hours of play in terms of durability.
  • Look for attractive colours – Toddlers love looking at things that have beautiful colours. So, when it comes to choosing a toy bar for them, please stay away from dull colours and go for the ones that immediately catch their eyes.
  • Look for music and light effects – Music and light effects are two additional features that some stroller toy bars come with. These toys are best at stimulating the imagination and reflex actions of kids. They help your baby stay calm and engaged for a long time.
  • Read labels – To be sure of various aspects, you must go through the label. Check for the labels like toxic-free, kid-friendly, age recommendations and safety standards that the toy bar meets. This will give you a fair idea of which one to select.

After knowing so much, are you ready to explore an extensive collection of stroller toy bars? Well, the destination is not far. You are in the correct place. Here on, we have more than 500 online stores that offer the best toy bars for your kid’s stroller, car seat, bed and even pushchair. No matter your child’s age or what colours attract them the most, we have almost every type in our collection. So, go ahead and embark on your shopping ride here on our product search engine .

Question & Answer

Where to buy pram activity toys online in the UAE?

If you search for the best pram activity toys, look no further as you are already in the right place. Here on, we boast a massive collection of stroller activity toy bars offered by well-known brands of the industry like Infantino, Baby Infant, Tiny Love, Lamaze, Playgro, Skip Hop, and Chicco. You can even compare prices to find the best thing falling under your budget effortlessly. If you want to search quickly, you can simply put filters as per your preferences.

How to choose a stroller activity bar?

When choosing a stroller activity bar, you have to keep certain factors in mind like material, colour, construction and type of toy bar. Choose a toxic-free and environmentally friendly material. When selecting colours, you must go for attractive colours that catch your kid’s attention immediately. You should prefer toys with light and sound effects so that your kid remains engaged for a long time in the fun activity. The toy bar you select should also fit nicely on the pram.

Are stroller activity toys safe?

It depends upon the quality of the toy bar you have purchased. High-quality toy bars are safe for the baby as they come in toxic-free materials and sturdy construction. Hence, when choosing any toy for your kid, you must look into whether it meets the safety standards or not. Although, if you go for good brands, chances are you will get the safest thing in your hands. Your baby would enjoy looking at them and interacting with them in some way or another.

How much is a pram activity toy bar?

A decent quality pram activity toy bar can cost you anywhere between $10 to several hundred dollars. The price hugely depends upon the brands you go for. Different brands and sellers set the prices differently. The best way to find the best under your budget is to log on to On our website, you can compare prices offered by various sellers to find the best that also fits your budget. Since we have many sellers here, you will get the toy bar at nominal prices.