The easiest way to carry around babies & toddlers is to wear them. That way, you can have both hands free and do your household chores and even travel without any trouble. Baby carriers are also the best way to navigate through busy places while holding y our baby close to you.
Have you ever tried holding a baby in one hand and getting some work done? Your arm starts to hurt, and your back starts to ache in a matter of a few minutes. Not only that but carrying your baby that way is also bad for your health. Some babies refuse to sit in a stroller because they might get fussy when they don’t see their mum. Baby carriers are a simple and affordable solution to this problem. But before you start shopping for baby carriers, read this article to better understand them. Towards the end, we will also share some tips that will help you pick the best ones out of many.
Baby carriers can make life easier for new mothers, especially while moving about in the city or even their homes. But to avail of its advantage, you should also choose the right one. Obviously, the first thing to know before shopping for baby carriers is that different types exist. You will have a lot to choose from. The chances are that the one type that you commonly see might not be the best option for you. Here are the four most practical types of carriers. This article will give you some awesome tips you can follow while shopping for these carriers online.
These are just long pieces of cloth you can tie around your shoulders. Interestingly, wraps are not much different from the baby carriers people used in ancient times. Although it is the cheapest among all, beginners might find it a bit difficult to tie it. There are many ways to tie it, and you can choose one that is the most convenient for you. However, a wrap is not something you can quickly put on. But it has a few advantages over other types of baby carriers. The most notable advantage is that you customise the fit of it however you want. This will let you carry your baby in your front, back or even hips.
This one is similar to a baby wrap but is easier to wear and adjust. A baby sling has two rings at one end that you can use to tie it around you and adjust the fit. To carry the baby with it, you first have to wear the baby sling, put the baby inside it and then adjust it to give the baby a comfy snuggle. The benefits of baby sling over wraps are that you can put them on easily and get a comfortable fit without much practice. It is also easier to breastfeed the baby in a baby sling. But it might put too much strain on one shoulder more than the other. So, if you are already prone to shoulder pain, you don’t want to worsen it by wearing a baby sling.
These are the popular types of baby carriers. There is a slew of reasons for that. For one thing, they are really easy to put on. All you need to do is to fasten two buckles around your shoulders and one around your waist. It ensures an even distribution of weight around your body. The pouch that the baby sits on has a lot of padding, making it a pretty comfy place for your tot to sleep. So, do they have any downsides? Yes, a few, in fact. These carriers should not be too small or too big for the baby. That means you have to get the right one depending on your baby’s age. Moreover, your baby will grow out of it in a matter of months.
This carrier is different from other carriers because it is specifically designed to be worn on the back. And not surprisingly, it has so many resemblances to travel backpacks. Carrying your child on the back is better if the child is old enough to support the weight of its head. This is less tiring and therefore lets you carry the baby for quite a long without causing back pain. You can even go for a hiking trip with your baby using this carrier. But the trade-off of such carriers is that they are considerably heavier and bulkier than other types of carriers.
Shopping for a baby carrier does not seem like much, but it is harder than you might think. If you are new to it, it can be hard to choose between different models. Moreover, there are subtle differences between different carriers when it comes to fit, durability, and many other things. But it gets easier if you know what to look for in a carrier. Here is a list of tips that you can follow when you are shopping for them here on our product search engine .
There are other factors as well to look for in a baby carrier. Babies are messy, and all of us know it. So, it should be easy to clean the carrier inside out without much trouble. Ease of cleaning is yet another advantage of wraps and ring slings. Check out other baby carriers & accessories here on our platform to help you with your parenting journey.
Many new parents are concerned about whether or not baby carriers are safe for their newborns or not. The answer is yes; baby carriers are generally safe. But there are many safety tips you must keep in your mind while carrying babywearing. Firstly, the size of the carrier should be appropriate for the baby. The baby shall have his head above the carrier, and his or her face should not be pressed against your chest. The baby should sit snugly inside the carrier so that it will not wobble around when you move around. This is important to avoid injuries for both you and the baby.
When you are carrying a baby, you are carrying around seven or eight kilograms of weight in an awkward position. So, whether or not you are using a carrier, carrying the baby for long can wreck your back and hips. Baby carriers, on the other hand, can make this easier. But that doesn’t mean it takes away all the problems of carrying a baby. The solution is to rest your back by sitting for a while or giving the baby to your partner when you get tired instead of straining your back. But proper use of carriers can reduce back strain. This includes positioning the baby so that the weight is equal on both sides, making a snug fit by adjusting the buckles or sling, etc.
Yes, you can breastfeed your baby without having to take him outside the carrier. But there are a few things to look for in a breastfeeding baby carrier. Firstly, it should be washable. It is an added benefit if you can put it inside a washer. Babies will spill the milk from their mouths. If the fabric of the carrier is not staining resistant, it will be harder for you to clean it. For a baby that is of breastfeeding age, comfort is essential. The baby should be able to sleep and eat inside the carrier without any problem. If the baby is showing fussiness, the chances are that the carrier is not that comfortable.